National Horticulture Mission - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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National Horticulture Mission


Rajasthan is endowed with diverse soil and weather conditions. The state has well identified 10 Agro-climatic zones ... The diversity in climatic conditions of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: National Horticulture Mission

National Horticulture Mission
  • Annual Action Plan 2009-10

Rajasthan Horticulture Development Society
Directorate of Horticulture, Pant Krishi Bhawan,
Rajasthan Agro-ecological situation
  • Rajasthan is endowed with diverse soil and
    weather conditions
  • The state has well identified 10 Agro-climatic

The diversity in climatic conditions of the State
creates potentiality to develop certain belts of
horticultural crops in the State.
Present status of Horticulture in Rajasthan
Bench mark data or Base year 04-05 Area 7.413 Lac ha
Bench mark data or Base year 04-05 Production 14.45 Lac MT
As on 2007-08 Area 9.092 Lac ha
As on 2007-08 Production 19.126 Lac MT
Growth observed (Production) 2001-02 to 2003-04 5.8
Growth observed (Production) 2005-06 to 2007-08 9.8
Growth observed (Production) Required for doubling the production by 2011-12 10.87
Area in Lac ha Production in Lac MT
Crop group 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08
Crop group Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
Fruits 0.238 2.56 0.254 4.18 0.276 4.02 0.289 4.85
Vegetables 1.23 6.23 1.23 7.55 1.24 7.78 1.35 8.18
Spices 4.16 4.24 3.46 2.99 3.80 3.55 5.44 5.11
Flowers .033 .03 0.03 0.023 0.03 0.033 0.033 0.046
MA Plants 1.49 0.79 1.51 0.70 2.16 0.83 1.98 0.94
Total 7.413 14.45 6.78 15.00 7.81 16.83 9.092 19.126
Impact of National Horticulture Mission
  • Significant increase in area and production

(Year wise outlay and expenditure)
Physical and financial progress achieved during
previous years
Rs. Lac
Year Approved Action Plan Funds released Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Unspent balance as on 1st April
Year Approved Action Plan Funds released CSS State share Total Unspent balance as on 1st April
2005-06 4102.00 2259.570 1421.31 - 1421.310 838.260
2006-07 7626.67 3837.927 3278.86 - 3278.860 1397.327
2007-08 8939.77 5673.190 4602.29 657.380 5259.670 2468.227
2008-09 14630.15 4097.700 4428.857 781.563 5210.420 2137.070
Projects pending- 1125.00 lac Projects pending- 1125.00 lac Projects pending- 1125.00 lac
SWOT analysis of horticulture in Rajasthan
Strengths Diverse climatic conditions suitable for various crops Favorable climate for production of Mandarin, Kinnow, Papaya, Pomegranate, Mango, Lime, Ber, Aonla and Seed spices Available surplus in Spices, Onion, Pea, Tomato Weakness Lesser - availability of quality seeds of vegetable and spices and quality planting material of fruits. Lack of water resources Weak post harvest management facilities Inadequate processing units
Opportunities Scope in area expansion of fruits and dry land horticulture Potential to increase production and export of seed spices. Vast domestic market which is yet untapped 48.66 lac ha of cultivable waste land Threats High cost of production and lack of remunerative prices to farmers Price fluctuations and market gluts Poor participation by private sector to invest in PH infrastructure Over exploiting ground water frequent droughts
Strategy for implementation of NHM
  • The strategy is
  • To cultivate horticultural crops under a cluster
    approach, wherein all focus and operation will be
    emphasized on a cluster of horticulture crops and
    all common resources are pooled and put in to
    cultivation excellence.
  • End-to-end approach covering all production, post
    harvest and market related aspects for holistic
    development of horticulture to assure appropriate
    returns to the growers / producers and
    nutritional security of common people.
  • Integration of fruit orchard plantation with farm
    ponds and water saving technologies of drip
    system of irrigation
  • Enhancement of scope of employment with the
    intervention of pre and post harvest
    infrastructure and hi-tech green house
  • Skill development and capacity building of all
  • Forward linkage with processing industries by
    providing financial assistance to the
    horticulture based processing units from state
    plan schemes.

Focus crops for the State
  • Focus crops Based on
  • Market linkages (existing and potential)
  • Return to farmers
  • Production advantage- potential in the domestic
  • Export potential
  • Fruits Mandarin, Kinnow, Pomegranate, Mango,
    Papaya, Bael, Ber,
  • Aonla, Guava, Lime, Sweet orange
  • Spices Coriander, Cumin, Fenugreek, Fennel,
  • Flowers Rose (Dutch rose Desi rose), Gerbera

Focus crops are being promoted with cluster
approach near the existing infrastructure for pre
post harvest, market, processing and AEZ's
having a minimum area of 50 ha in each district
Market Linkages
Crop Market linkages Market linkages Market linkages Market linkages Market linkages Production advantage Export potential Domestic demand
Crop Food park AEZ Mandis Proces units Cold storage age of India prod. Export potential Domestic demand
Mandarin Y N Y Y N 5-6 Low High
Kinnow Y N Y Y N 30-35 Medium High
S. orange Y N y N N lt 1 Low Medium
Pomegranate Y N y N N lt 1 Low High
Mango N N y N N lt 1 Low High
Papaya N N y N N lt 1 Low High
Bael N N N N N lt 1 Low High
Ber N N N N N 15-20 Low Medium
Aonla Y N Y Y N High Low Medium
Guava N N Y N N lt 1 Low Medium
Lime Y N N Y N lt 1 Low High
Coriander Y Y Y Y Y 50 High Medium
Cumin Y Y Y Y N 40 High Medium
Fenugreek Y N N Y N 80 High Medium
Fennel Y N N Y N 12 High Medium
Mehandi N N Y Y N 80 High Medium
Rose N N Y Y N Medium Medium High
  • Four Food parks
  • Two AEZs
  • 81 Cold Storages
  • 57 Processing units (fruits)
  • 125 Mandis
  • (19 Commodity Specific Markets)

  • Proposed Action Plan for 2009-10

Rs. in Lac
Revised Annual Action Plan Revised Annual Action Plan
Central Share 5978.80
State Share 1055.08
Total 7033.88
Provision of Rs. 1117.00 Lac as state matching
Major Thrust
  • Planned to brought 34500 ha area under fruit
    crops during next 3 years for doubling the
    production by 2011-12
  • 2009-10 10000 ha
  • 2010-11 11500 ha
  • 2011-12 13000 ha

State has established an excellent model by
integrating fruit orchard plantation with farm
ponds and water saving technologies of micro
irrigation- Drip System
Reason Rapidly depleting ground Water
  • Over exploiting ground water in almost all blocks
    of the state
  • Semi critical- 14
  • Critical- 50
  • Over exploited 140 dark zones
  • Safe- 32 only

Major Thrust
  • Promotion of green house cultivation through
    provision of additional subsidy. Now subsidy
    available for green house in the State is
  • 75 for SF/MF farmers instead of 50 under NHM
  • 50 for other farmers instead of 33 under NHM
  • Capitalize on the naturally growing organic
  • Organic Farming linked with Internal Control
    System Certification
  • Private sector participation in pre and post
    harvest infrastructure
  • Allowing direct purchase from farmers
  • Allowing setting up of private mandies
  • Contract farming in horticultural crops
  • Subsidy on Aonla, Mandarin Isabgol produce
    based processing units- _at_ 50 of the cost of
    plant machinery or Rs. 100 lacs whichever is
  • Subsidy on planting material for green house/
    shade net house cultivation
  • 20 additional subsidy on drip irrigation system
    installation under MIS

Planting Material Arrangement
Fruits Req. of plants Planting Material Arrangement (Lac Nos) Planting Material Arrangement (Lac Nos) Planting Material Arrangement (Lac Nos) Varieties
Fruits Req. of plants RAJHANS nurseries SAU's registered nurseries Total Varieties
Mandarin 4.155 1.50 2.66 4.16 Nagpuri
Kinnow 5.540 3.60 1.94 5.54 Kinnow
Mausambi 1.385 0.50 0.89 1.39 Mausambi, Malta Blood Red
Mango 0.615 0.38 0.24 0.62 Dashehri, Langra, Kesar
Aonla 1.385 6.00 2.34 8.34 NA-7, Chaikaiya, Kanchan
Pomegranate 1.600 0.40 1.20 1.60 Arkta, Mridula, Sinduri,
Bael 1.385 0.10 1.29 1.39 Narendra Bael- 2, 5
Lime 2.770 5.10 0.60 5.70 Kagzi lime
Papaya 17.50 5.00 12.50 17.50 P. delicious, CO-2, Taiwan
Ber 3.324 7.42 1.29 8.71 Umran, Gola, Seb
Guava 3.047 1.10 1.95 3.05 L-49, Allahabad Safeda
Jojoba 1.250 1.25 0.00 1.25
Total 43.956 32.35 26.90 59.25  
Measures to ensure the quality of planting
  • Formation of RAJHANS, an autonomous society for
    raising of quality planting material of fruits
  • Mother plants assessment by scientists at RAJHANS
  • District level committee to monitor, supervise
    register private nurseries
  • Procurement of quality material from SAUS
    registered nurseries
  • Establishment of new mother plant blocks from
    ICAR Institutes/ SAUs
  • Focusing on production of plant material for the
    varieties which are in short supply

Proposal for AAP 2009-10
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac)
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target State Share GOI Share Total
a Development of Nurseries          
i Public Sector          
  i) Model Nursery (4ha.) Nos. 2 5.40 30.60 36.00
  ii) Small Nursery (1 ha.) Nos. 2 0.90 5.10 6.00
ii Private Sector          
  i) Model Nursery (4ha.) Nos. 4 5.40 30.60 36.00
  ii)Small Nursery (1 ha.) Nos. 9 2.03 11.48 13.50
  Total   17 13.73 77.78 91.50
b Vegetable Seed Production          
  Public Sector Ha. 10 0.75 4.25 5.00
  Private Sector Ha. 100 3.75 21.25 25.00
  Total   110 4.50 25.50 30.00
c Seed Infrastructrure          
  Public Sector     9.00 51.00 60.00
  Private Sector     6.00 34.00 40.00
  Total     15.00 85.00 100.00
AAP Continued..
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac)
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target State Share GOI Share Total
2 Establishment of New gardens          
a Fruits Ha. 10000 168.75 956.25 1125.00
  Old 2008-09 Ha. 7300 49.28 279.23 328.50
  Old 2007-08 Ha. 5262 53.28 301.91 355.19
  Fruits sub Total     271.30 1537.38 1808.69
b Flowers (Loose Flowers) SF/MF Ha. 500 9.00 51.00 60.00 
  Flowers sub Total         60.00
c Spices Ha. 3950 32.588 184.663 217.250
d Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Ha. 50 0.844 4.781 5.625
  Total     304.734 1726.826 2091.560
3 Rejuvenation of senile plantation Ha. 500 11.25 63.75 75.00
4 Creation of Water resources Nos. 150 225.00 1275.00 1500.00
AAP Continued..
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac)
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target State Share GOI Share Total
5 Protected cultivation          
a Green House          
i Small Marginal Farmers Sq. Mtr 100000 48.7500 276.2500 325.00
ii Other Farmers Sq. Mtr 50000 16.0875 91.1625 107.25
b Mulching Ha. 50 0.5250 2.9750 3.5000
c Shade Net Sq. Mtr. 10000 0.1050 0.5950 0.7000
d Plastic tunnel Sq. Mtr. 10000 0.0750 0.4250 0.5000
  Total   170050 65.543 371.408 436.95
6 Promotion of INM/IPM          
a Disease Forecasting units Nos. 5 3.00 17.00 20.00
b Promotion of IPM Ha. 5000 7.50 42.50 50.00
c Bio Control Labs (Private) Nos. 1 6.00 34.00 40.00
d Plant health clinic (Public) Nos. 1 3.00 17.00 20.00
  Total     19.50 110.50 130.00
AAP Continued..
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac)
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target State Share GOI Share Total
7 Organic Farming          
a Adoption of organic farming Ha. 2000 30.00 170.00 200.00
b Vermi compost units Nos. 205 9.23 52.28 61.50
c Certification Ha.   30.00 170.00 200.00
  Total     69.23 392.28 461.50
8 HRD     23.31 132.09 155.40
9 Pollination support -bee-keeping Nos. 5000 6.00 34.00 40.00
10 Technology dissemination     7.50 42.50 50.00
11. New Interventions          
a Horticulture Implements/ equip.         25.00
d. Spices drying sheets         25.00
  Total     59.17 335.30 50.00
AAP Continued..
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac) Financial Targets (Rs. Lac)
S. No. Name of Component/ Sub-component Unit Phy. Target State Share GOI Share Total
B Post Harvest Management          
a Pack House Nos. 20 1.88 10.63 12.50
b Cold Storage units Nos. 20 150.00 850.00 1000.00
c C.A. Storage   1 22.50 127.50 150.00
d Ref. Vans/ Containers Nos. 10 9.00 51.00 60.00
e Mobile/primary processing units Nos. 5 4.50 25.50 30.00
f  Whole sale market   1 22.50 127.50 150.00
g Extension, quality awareness PB   3.75 21.25 25.00
  Total     214.13 1213.38 1427.50
  Sub Total     988.41 5601.00 6589.41
D Mission Management          
a Mission Structure     49.42 280.05 329.47
b Technical Support Group PB   9.75 55.25 65.00
  Sub Total         394.47
  Grand Total     1055.0821 5978.80 7033.8805
  • Thank You

Major achievements so far
S. No. Component Units
1 Area expansion under fruit crops 21222 ha
2 New area under floriculture 2596 ha
3 New area under Spices and MA Plants 41069 ha
4 Vegetable seed/ seedling production 104 ha
5 Area under Green houses 117905 sqm
6 Development of Model Nurseries 39 Nos
7 Development of Small Nurseries 60 ha
8 Assured water sources MI 641 Nos
9 Area brought under Organic farming 3379 ha
10 Number of farmers trained 15763 Nos
11 Number of officers trained 163 Nos
12 Number of cold storages established 6 Nos
13 Seed Infrastructure created 8 Projects
Human Resource Development
Farmers, gardeners, supervisors, entrepreneurs and officers trained during last four years Farmers, gardeners, supervisors, entrepreneurs and officers trained during last four years Farmers, gardeners, supervisors, entrepreneurs and officers trained during last four years Farmers, gardeners, supervisors, entrepreneurs and officers trained during last four years Farmers, gardeners, supervisors, entrepreneurs and officers trained during last four years Farmers, gardeners, supervisors, entrepreneurs and officers trained during last four years Farmers, gardeners, supervisors, entrepreneurs and officers trained during last four years
S. No. Component/ Programme Year wise progress (Nos) Year wise progress (Nos) Year wise progress (Nos) Year wise progress (Nos) Year wise progress (Nos)
S. No. Component/ Programme 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Total
1 Framers Training          
  A. Within State 3350 9715 7751 5336 26152
  B. Out side State 650 1265 3247 2617 7779
2 Gardeners Training 50 25 75   150
3 Supervisors Training 50 75 50 75 250
4 Entrepreneurs Training 80   20   100
5 Officers Training 50 184 203 50 487
HRD- Training calendar
Activity No of training programmes No of training programmes No of training programmes No of training programmes No of training programmes No of training programmes
May June Sept. October December January
Farmers training 10 15 15 15 15 12
Exposure tours 5 10 10 5 10 10
Official Training
Within state 10 officials
Outside state 20 officials
Abroad As per approval
Supervisors KVK Takarda SIAM Durgapura RAU Bikaner
Gardeners SIAM Durgapura
HRD- Training Organising Institutes
S. No. Training aspect Institutes
1. Packaging, Marketing, processing, storage, and export of horticultural produce Krishi Vighyan Kendra
2. Green House Management and cultivation International Horticulture Innovation and Training Centre (IHITC)
3. Modern Hi tech Production Technology aspects of horticultural crops Horticulture Development Societies/ KVKs
4. Integrated pest Management IHITC
5. Bee Keeping KVKs/HDS
6. Training of Supervisors KVK Takarda, Jaipur RAU, Bikaner
7. Gardener's Training State Institute of Agriculture Management
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