Title: Dia 1
1The netherlands
2The flag
Map Netherlands
We have a Standard language Dutch. We have also
dialect provincial LimburgsandFries Also
here in Boxmeer have we one dialect Boxmérs.
4Netherlands bikeland Netherland is together with
China a bikeland There are more bikes then
people. Netherland is a flat land
We have a president Jan-Peter Balkenende And a
queen Beatrix And we have also a prince and
princess Maxima (de princess) she comes from
Argentina. And Willem-Alexander (de prince) He is
the son of our queen.
In the Netherlands at this moment we have about
16,5 milion inhabitants We are very small country
compared by the other countries. Our density is
about 500 people every km2
7Special things from the Netherlands
8"Delfts blauw" (Delfts blue pottery)
Molens (Mills)
9Klompen (wooden shoes)
Kaas (cheese)
10"hagelslag" (Chocolate strands)
Tulp (tulip)
11"drop" (liquorice)
"peperkoek" (ginger cake)
12The end!!!!!!!!
This powerpoint is made by Hella,Caitlin and Evi,
all pupils in form 8.