Title: Program Design: Request for Proposals RFPs
3. Writing the RFP Program Design
- Program Design Request for Proposals (RFPs)
2Two Sides of RFP
The Two Sides of an RFP
3Design Parts
The Elements of Program Design in the RFP
- Overview, goals and outcomes
- Participant eligibility criteria and target
population - Mandatory program design features
- Service delivery requirements
- Proposal narrative instructions
- Evaluation criteria and rating system
Overview, Goals and Outcomes
- Background and purpose of WIA
- Vision for youth services
- Local challenges
- Long-term outcomes
- Local data
5Participant Eligibility
Participant Eligibility Criteria and Target
- Explain WIA eligibility
- Define in-school and out-of-school
- Provide potential target subpopulations
6Participant Eligibility
WIA Youth Eligibility
- 14-21 years old AND
- Qualify as low-income AND
- Have at least one barrier to employment
7Barriers to Employment
- Deficient in basic skills
- School drop-out
- Homeless
- Runaway
- Foster Child
- Parenting or pregnant
- Offender
- Requires additional assistance to complete
education or secure employment
8Low-Income Individual
Who is a Low-Income Individual?A youth who meets
any one of these criteria
- Receives food stamps
- Homeless
- Foster Child
- Individual with a disability who earns income
below poverty line or receives public assistance
- Receives cash payments through public assistance
- Income does not exceed poverty line or 70 of
lower living standard income level
In-School v. Out-of-School
- In-School Youth
- Youth enrolled and attending any school
- Out-of-School Youth
- Youth not attending any school who do not have a
diploma or GED youth with GED/diploma but are
basic skills deficient - 30 of WIA funds must expended on out-of-school
10Ten Elements
Ten Elements that Must Be Available
- Tutoring
- Alternative school
- Work experience
- Occupational skills training
- Summer employment linked to academic and
occupational skills
- Leadership
- Supportive services
- Adult mentoring
- Guidance and counseling
- Follow-up services for 12 months
11WIA Performance Impact
Impact of WIA Program Elementson Performance
Direct Impact
Indirect Impact
12Service Delivery
Three potential structures
- Single Organization Model -- One organization
provides all core services including the 10
elements - Central Broker Model -- Central organization
receives funding and designates specific
contractors to deliver specific services - Case Management Model -- One organization for
intake/case management. Other organizations for
the 10 elements.
131. One Organization
1. One Organization Delivers All Services
- Allows for single accountability
- Seamless service delivery
- BUT few are equipped to offer all services
142. Broker
2. Central Broker
- Requires central organization to conduct
secondary bidding - Requires central organization to hold
subcontractors accountable
153. Case Management Organization
3. A Case Management Organization
- Allows providers with specialized expertise to
provide specific elements - Requires multiple service provider contracts
- Case manager-youth relationship sometimes
difficult to maintain
16Service Delivery Focus
Basic Service Delivery
- Youth-driven
- Easy to navigate
- Physically accessible to youth
- Comprehensive
- Connective to the one-stop
17Proposal Narrative
- Instruct applicants on what they should include
in their response - Ensure that applications can be compared
- Provide information to the applicant about the
relative importance of each section
Sample Instructions
- One-page proposal summary highlighting outcomes,
goals, services and partnering agencies - One-page budget narrative
- Budget forms
- Program design worksheets
- Letters of commitment from all partnering
19Narrative Sections
20Local Goals
1. Local Goals and Challenges
Sample Questions
- Describe the relationship of the proposed
services and activities to local goals and
challenges - Describe how proposed services and activities
will contribute to the development of a
comprehensive youth service delivery system - Describe how proposed services and activities
will lead to the attainment of local long-term
workforce development goals
21Elements Delivery
2. Program Elements and Service Delivery
Sample Questions
- Elements included
- Commitments from other agencies
- Service coordination
- Evidence of program success
- Demographics of target population and recruitment
strategies - Number of youth to be served
- Where and how services will be delivered
22Outcomes and Outputs
3. Outcomes and Outputs
Sample Questions
- Describe the planned short-term outcomes for each
program element provided - Describe program outputs
4. Assessments
Sample Questions
- Describe the intake assessments to be used
- Describe and justify assessments and process used
to measure youth success
24WIA Measures
5. WIA Performance Measures Addressed
Sample Questions
- Describe WIA performance measures addressed by
these services - Describe the relationship of services to
successful attainment of the measures
6. 12 Month Follow-Up
Sample Questions
- Describe follow-up activities to be conducted OR
- Describe how relationship with youth will
transition to follow-up provider - Describe methods to ensure communication with
program participants after exit - List examples of follow-up activities so that
vendors understand that follow-up is more than a
phone call or letter
7. Program Management
Sample Questions
- Describe organizational capacity and staff
qualifications - Describe how reporting requirements will be met
- Describe how program success will be monitored
8. Budget Narrative and Timeline
Sample Questions
- Provide a budget for services provided including
follow-up - Provide a brief budget narrative
- Provide a timeline for service delivery and
program management - Include required budget forms
28Evaluation Criteria
Be sure to include
- Explanation of evaluation criteria
- Scoring guide or scoring sheet that will be used
to evaluate proposals - Overview of the evaluation process
29Design Dos
Proposal Design Dos
Ask for
- One-page summary
- Youth recruitment plan
- Follow-up services plan
30Design Dos
Proposal Design Dos
Ask for
- Evidence of effectiveness
- Dept. of Ed. validated tests for literacy and
numeracy - Other assessments to be used in objective
assessment - Letters of commitment from partnering
31Design Donts
Proposal Design Donts
Dont require vendors to
- Provide all ten elements
- Mention only outputs
- Describe activities without describing
effectiveness - Use WIA measures to demonstrate effectiveness
- Use assessments of grade-level equivalency.
Educational functioning levels should be used.
Quiz Which service delivery structure requires
the provider to make all 10 elements available to
Correct! The answer is A. Single organization
model. This service delivery structure requires
the vendor to make all 10 elements available to
youth in their program. This is very difficult,
as few organizations have the expertise, skills,
and resources to make all of these services
available or to provide all of them at a high
level of quality. Click anywhere to continue.
Try again
33Last Slide