Title: CSE 550 Computer Network Design
1CSE 550Computer Network Design
- Dr. Mohammed H. Sqalli
- Spring 2008 (Term 072)
- What is a Network?
- What is Network Design?
- Top-Down Network Design
- Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC)
- Network Analysis and Design Methodology
- Types of Network Design
- And Then What?
3What is a Network?
- Management view
- Technical view
4The Management View (1/3)
- A network is a utility
- Computers and their users are customers of the
network utility - The network must accommodate the needs of
customers - As computer usage increases so does the
requirements of the network utility - Resources will be used to manage the network
- The Network Utility is NOT free!
- Someone must pay the cost of installing and
maintaining the network - Manpower is required to support the network
5The Management View (2/3)
- Utilities dont bring money into the organization
- Expense item to the Corporation
- Cannot justify Network based on Productivity
Improvements - As a network designer, you need to explain to
management how the network design, even with the
high expense, can save money or improve the
companys business - If users cannot log on to your commerce site,
they will try your competitor, and you have lost
sales - If you cannot get the information your customers
are asking about due to a network that is down,
they may go to your competitor
6The Management View (3/3)
- You need to understand how the network assists
the company in making money and play on that
strength when you are developing the network
design proposal - Try to show a direct correlation between the
network design project and the companys business - Because you want a faster network is not good
enough, the question that management sends back
7The Technical View (1/2)
- A Network really can be thought of as three
parts and they all need to be considered when
working on a network design project - Connections
- Communications/Protocols
- Services
- Connections
- Provided by Hardware that ties things together
- Wire/Fiber/Wireless Transport Mechanisms
- Routers
- Switches/Hubs
- Computers
8The Technical View (2/2)
- Communications/Protocols
- Provided by Software
- A common language for 2 systems to communicate
with each other - TCP/IP (Internet/Windows NT)
- IPX / SPX (Novell Netware 4)
- AppleTalk
- Other Network OS
- Services
- The Heart of Networking
- Cooperation between 2 or more systems to perform
some function - Applications - telnet
9Traditional Network Design
- Based on a set of general rules
- 80/20
- Bridge when you can, route when you must
- Cant deal with scalability complexity
- Focused on capacity planning
- Throw more bandwidth at the problem
- No consideration to delay optimization
- No guarantee of service quality
- Less importance given to network RMA
(Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability)
compared to throughput
10Application Characteristics
Applications Message Length Message arrival rate Delay need Reliability need
Interactive terminals Short Low Moderate Very high
File transfer Very long Very low Very low Very high
Hi-resolution graphics Very long Low to moderate High Low
Packetized voice Very short Very high High Low
11Application Bandwidths
Transaction Processing
100 Bytes Few Kbps
Word Processing
100s Kbps Few Mbps
File Transfers
Few Mbps 10s Mbps
Real-Time Imaging
10s Mbps 100s Mbps
12A Look on Multimedia Networking
Video standard Bandwidth per user WAN services
Digital video interactive 1.2 Mbps DS1 lines ISDN H11, Frame Relay, ATM
Motion JPEG 10 to 240 Mbps ATM 155 or 622 Mbps
MPEG-1 1.5 Mbps DS1 lines ISDN H11, Frame Relay, ATM
MPEG-2 46 Mbps DS2, DS3, ATM at DS3 rate
13Some Networking Issues
- LAN, MAN and WAN
- Switching and routing
- Technologies Ethernet, FDDI, ATM
- Wireless/Mobile networking
- Internetworking
- Applications
- Service quality
- Security concerns
14Generations of Networking
15Network Design Achievable?
Response Time
Business Growth
16Where to begin?
WWW Access
Dial in Users
17Traditional Network Design Methodology
- Many network design tools and methodologies in
use today resemble the connect-the-dots game - These tools let you place internetworking devices
on a palette and connect them with LAN or WAN
media - Problem with this methodology
- It skips the steps of analyzing a customer's
requirements, and selecting devices and media
based on those requirements
18Top-Down Network Design Methodology (1/2)
- Good network design
- Recognizes that a customers requirements embody
many business and technical goals - May specify a required level of network
performance, i.e., service level - Includes difficult network design choices and
tradeoffs that must be made when designing the
logical network before any physical devices or
media are selected - When a customer expects a quick response to a
network design request - A bottom-up (connect-the-dots) network design
methodology can be used, if the customers
applications and goals are well known
19Top-Down Network Design Methodology (2/2)
- Network designers often think they understand a
customers applications and requirements. - However, after the network installation, they may
discover that - They did not capture the customer's most
important needs - Unexpected scalability and performance problems
appear as the number of network users increases
20Top-Down Network Design Process (1/2)
- Begins at the upper layers of the OSI reference
model before moving to the lower layers - Focuses on applications, sessions, and data
transport before the selection of routers,
switches, and media that operate at the lower
layers - Explores divisional structures to find the
people - For whom the network will provide services, and
- From whom to get valuable information to make the
design succeed
21Top-Down Network Design Process (2/2)
- It is an iterative process
- It is important to first get an overall view of a
customer's requirements - More detail can be gathered later on protocol
behavior, scalability requirements, technology
preferences, etc. - Recognizes that the logical model and the
physical design may change as more information is
gathered - A top-down approach lets a network designer get
the big picture first and then spiral downward
into detailed technical requirements and
22Structured Network Design Process- A Systems
Approach (1/2) -
- The system is designed in a top-down sequence
- Several techniques and models can be used to
characterize the existing system, new user
requirements, and a structure for the future
system - A focus is placed on understanding
- Data flow, data types, and processes that access
or change the data - The location and needs of user communities that
access or change data and processes
23Structured Network Design Process- A Systems
Approach (2/2) -
- A logical model is developed before the physical
model - The logical model represents the basic building
blocks, divided by function, and the structure of
the system - The physical model represents devices and
specific technologies and implementations - For large network design projects, modularity is
essential - The design should be split functionally to make
the project more manageable
24Network Development Life Cycle
Simulation/ Prototyping
25Network Design and Implementation Cycle
26Network Design and Implementation Cycle (1/3)
- Analyze requirements
- Interviews with users and technical personnel
- Understand business and technical goals for a new
or enhanced system - Characterize the existing network logical and
physical topology, and network performance - Analyze current and future network traffic,
including traffic flow and load, protocol
behavior, and QoS requirements
27Network Design and Implementation Cycle (2/3)
- Develop the logical design
- Deals with a logical topology for the new or
enhanced network - Network layer addressing and naming
- Switching and routing protocols
- Security planning
- Network management design
- Initial investigation into which service
providers can meet WAN and remote access
28Network Design and Implementation Cycle (3/3)
- Develop the physical design
- Specific technologies and products to realize the
logical design are selected - The investigation into service providers must be
completed during this phase - Test, optimize, and document the design
- Write and implement a test plan
- Build a prototype or pilot
- Optimize the network design
- Document your work with a network design proposal
29Another Perspective
- Data collection
- Traffic
- Costs
- Constraints
- Design process
- Performance analysis
- Fine tuning
- A painstaking iterative process
30PDIOO Network Life Cycle (1/3)(Cisco)
- Plan
- Network requirements are identified in this phase
- Analysis of areas where the network will be
installed - Identification of users who will require network
services - Design
- Accomplish the logical and physical design,
according to requirements gathered during the
Plan phase - Implement
- Network is built according to the Design
specifications - Implementation also serves to verify the design
31PDIOO Network Life Cycle (2/3)(Cisco)
- Operate
- Operation is the final test of the effectiveness
of the design - The network is monitored during this phase for
performance problems and any faults, to provide
input into the Optimize phase - Optimize
- Based on proactive network management which
identifies and resolves problems before network
disruptions arise - The optimize phase may lead to a network redesign
- if too many problems arise due to design errors,
or - as network performance degrades over time as
actual use and capabilities diverge - Redesign may also be required when requirements
change significantly
32PDIOO Network Life Cycle (3/3)(Cisco)
- Retire
- When the network, or a part of the network, is
out-of-date, it may be taken out of production - Although Retire is not incorporated into the name
of the life cycle (PDIOO), it is nonetheless an
important phase
33One More Look
Network Design
Develop OperationsPolicies andCapabilities
Define Objectivesand Requirements
CreateImplementation Plan
Create InitialSolution
Develop DetailedDesign
Procure Resourcesand Facilities
Define DeploymentStrategy
Create BuildDocumentation
Stage and Install
Review and VerifyDesign
Certify and Hand-offto Operations
Review andApprove
34Information Flows between Network Analysis,
Architecture, and Design
35Network Analysis and Design Methodology- Overall
Characteristics -
- Requirements (business, application, and data)
definition is required prior to network design
activities - Expected compliance with requirements in a
Request For Proposal (RFP) by both in-house
personnel and outside consultants - Activities from various stages often take place
simultaneously and backtrack to previous
activities is sometimes needed - This methodology is an overall guideline to the
network development process rather than
cookbook instructions
36Network Analysis and Design Methodology-
Critical Success Factors of the NDLC (1/3) -
- Identification of all potential customers and
constituencies - All groups must be consulted
- Political awareness
- Corporate culture hierarchical, distributed, or
open - Backroom politics can play a role in systems
design - Find ways to ensure objectivity of the analysis
and design process (e.g., measurable goals) - Buy-in
- Reach consensus on the acceptability of results
of each stage - Approved results of one stage become the
foundation or starting point for the next stage - Makes the final presentation smoother
37Network Analysis and Design Methodology-
Critical Success Factors of the NDLC (2/3) -
- Communication
- With all groups
- Write memos, communicate with key people in
person, etc. - Detailed project documentation
- Prepare agendas
- Take meeting minutes
- Action items
- Use a project binder for all the above
38Network Analysis and Design Methodology-
Critical Success Factors of the NDLC (3/3) -
- Process/Product awareness
- Stay focused what is the process/product at each
stage? - Keep meeting on track no off-subject discussions
- Be honest with yourself
- Be your own harshest critic (no one else knows
the potential weaknesses or areas for improvement
in your proposal better than you) - Use peer reviews
- Not all weaknesses can be corrected (e.g.,
financial or time constraints)
39Network Analysis and Design Methodology -
Overall Guidelines -
- Start with a clearly defined problem
- Identify affected parties and representatives
- Held brainstorming sessions to define problems
and requirements of a solution - Understand strategic business objectives defined
by senior management - Collect baseline data from customer groups about
the current status of the system and network - This is used to measure eventual impact of the
installed network - Perform a feasibility study problem definition
and associated alternative recommendations for
further study
40Customers Requirements- Understanding the
Customer -
- A good network design must recognize the
customers requirements - need to make sure your
design meets THEIR needs and not just YOURS! - The Customer may be your own firm, the who
you are designing the network for - Need an overview of a customers requirements
- The best designed network will fail miserably
without the support of people
41Customers Requirements- Users Needs -
- What do the users want?
- Services
- What do the users need?
- What dont they know but they need?
- Organize and Prioritize Requirement
42Customers Requirements- How they are used -
- User Requirements ? Performance Requirements
- Timeliness
- Interactivity
- Reliability
- Quality
- Security
- Affordability
- User Numbers
- User Locations
- User Growth
43Analysis and Design Processes
- Set and achieve goals
- Maximizing performance
- Minimizing cost
- Optimization with trade-offs
- Recognizing trade-offs
- No single best answer
- Hierarchies
- Provide structure in the network
- Redundancy
- Provides availability reliability
44Approaches Used for Design
- Heuristic by using various algorithms
- Exact by working out mathematical solutions
based on linear programming, etc., minimizing
certain cost functions - Simulation often used when no exact analytical
form exists. Experiments are conducted on
simplified models to see the performance of a
45Design and Study of a System
46Art or Science?
- The Art of Network Design
- Technology choices
- Relations to business goals
- The Science of Network Design
- Understanding of network technologies
- Analysis of capacity, redundancy, delay
47Types of Network Design
- New network design
- Re-engineering a network design
- Network expansion design
48New Network Design
- Actually starting from scratch
- No legacy networks to accommodate
- Major driver is the budget, no compatibility
issues to worry about - Getting harder to find these situations
49Re-engineering a Network Design
- Modifications to an existing network to
compensate for original design problems - Sometimes required when network users change
existing applications or functionality - More of the type of problems seen today
50Network Expansion Design
- Network designs that expand network capacity
- Technology upgrades
- Adding more users or networked equipment
51This Whole Thing is Messy
52This Whole Thing is Messy
- Ambiguous Requirements
- The network will only transport IP
- The application requires Novell IPX
53This Whole Thing is Messy
- Conflicting Requirements
- Keep costs down
- High performance cost money
54This Whole Thing is Messy
- Lack of Design Tools
- Lack of Management Tools
- Lack of Vendor Interoperability
55This Whole Thing is Messy
- Lack of Documentation
- Existing network
- How things should be done (e.g., wiring)
- Vendor information
56This Whole Thing is Messy
- Network Management
- More management uses more bandwidth
- Every vendor has their own management tools
- Vendor tools may conflict with each other
57This Whole Thing is Messy
- Security
- What is enough security?
- What is too much security?
- security and management can not be dealt with as
afterthoughts. It is not an add-on feature, it
has to be integrated within.
10Mb/s Ethernet
10Mb/s Ethernet
T1 1.5Mb/s
58This Whole Thing is Messy
- Evolving Network Technologies
- Everything is a moving target
- Products are put onto the market before standards
are approved - Everyone is a computer expert
59OAMPOperations, Administration, Maintenance,
60Functional Flow Chart
- Dr. Khalid Salah (ICS, KFUPM), CSE 550 Lecture
Slides, Term 032 - Dr. Marwan Abu-Amara (COE, KFUPM), CSE 550
Lecture Slides, Term 052 - P. Oppenheimer, Top-Down Network Design, Cisco
Press, 2nd edition, 2004 - J. McCabe, Network Analysis, Architecture, and
Design Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 2nd
edition, 2003 - J. E. Goldman, Applied Data Communications - A
Business-Oriented Approach, 1998