Title: Finding Conversion Electrons Using Tracker
1Finding Conversion Electrons Using Tracker
- Wing To, Victor Pavlunin, David Stuart
- UC, Santa Barbara
- Introduction Why photon conversions?
- Method How to find them?
- Single Photon Sample
- MinBias Sample
- QCD Jets Sample
- Electron ID variables
- Conclusion
- This is a follow up on Victor Pavlunins EGamma
Meeting Dec. 2007. - In start-up data we need to validate Electron ID
variables. - EE/TrkP and HadE/EE.
- ?f(track, EBC) and ??(track, EBC).
- Need a sample of electrons from first data.
- Z?ee, pure but small production rate due to µb
cross section. - Photon are in every events from p-zero decays.
- Find Photon Conversions with only Tracker
variables. - These conversion electrons can make an unbias
calibration and validation of Electron ID
EBC Ecal Basic Clusters
3Method Finding Conversion with Tracks
- To find conversions in the pixel part of the
tracker we use CTF Tracks seeded by first 2
layers of TIB. - Electrons from conversion have
- small ?f, ?cot(?), and ?z0
- displaced vertex so d0 will be non-zero.
- sum of the 3 Momenta of two tracks points away IP.
- At ?f 0. The tracks are right on top of each
other. - Displaced Vertex of 20 cm in Y. Conversion
occurred in TIB1.
Fig. 4ab Conversion Candidate Tracks
4Method cuts used to find conversions
- Find appropriate cuts variables using 10000,
30GeV Single Photons and compare the cut
variables to 1M MinBias Events.
? MinBias Events
Photons Events?
MinBias Events ?
Photons Events ?
Normalized d0charge distribution of Tracks (cm)
Normalized ?cot(?) Distribution of Tracks
- Fig 4a Single Photon Events (Blue) have small
?cot(?) compare to MinBias Evts (Red)
- Fig 4b Conversion occurs off IP. The d0 will be
non-zero for conversion electrons. By convention
d0charge is always positive for conversion
5Method cuts used to find conversions
Photons Events?
MinBias Events ?
- Table 5b Cuts on two tracks used to find
conversions. - Track parameter z0 is not well measured due to
pixel less tracking
Normalized Track Cross (TX) distribution of
Tracks (cm)
- Fig 5a Distance between two tracks at their
minimal approach (TX). - ?f is arbitrary for two tracks since track_f
changes. - Use a derived variable Track Cross distance (TX).
6Simulated Single Photons
- 105 Single Photons Events with Pt 2-30 GeV
- Every Track in event is an electron
- ECal Filter 2 EBC of 5 GeV
- Conversions found.
- 606 tight conversions, 561 (92) matched to
SimTracks. - 902 loose conversions, 798 (88) matched to
SimTracks. - Unrealistic but it can be used to check our other
- Match conversion tracks to SimTracks with the
same Pt, ? and f within their respective errors
at vertex. - Scroll between Slide 6 and 7 to see match-up in
7Simulated Single Photons
- 105 Single Photons Events with Pt 2-30 GeV
- Every Track in event is an electron
- ECal Filter 2 EBC of 5 GeV
- Conversions found.
- 606 tight conversions, 561 (92) matched to
SimTracks. - 902 loose conversions, 798 (88) matched to
SimTracks. - Unrealistic but it can be used to check our other
- Match conversion tracks to SimTracks with the
same Pt, ? and f within their respective errors
at vertex. - Scroll between Slide 6 and 7 to see match-up in
8Simulated MinBias
- Lets try to find Conversions in MinBias Sample
- Similar to first data at the LHC.
- Fewer tracks per event.
- Tracks are generally soft, most tracks dont
reach ECal. - Low pt tracks scatters larger of their
momentum. - Needs to run large number of Events, so we use an
EBC filter 2 x 2GeV - Tight cuts for higher purity
- Found only 12 conversions out of 106 MinBias
Evts. - 7 (58) Match both SimTrks.
- Loose cuts for higher statistics
- Found only 24 conversions out of 106 MinBias
Evts. - 12 (50) Match both SimTrks.
- Need to Simulate 100M MinBias to get good
statistics at this rate. - Need sample with more photons.
9Simulated QCD Jets
- QCD Jet Events 105 with Pt 50 GeV
- More photons per event.
- More p K can fake electron tracks.
- Photons made from p0 will be inside Jets.
- QCD Jet Conversions
- 1504 tight conversions,1265 (84) matched to
SimTracks. - 2515 loose conversions, 1752 (70) matched to
SimTracks. - 2515 is enough to start looking at Electron ID
10Results in QCD Jets Sample
- First Lets look at something simple. R in the
XY-plane where the conversion occur. - Structures seen 5cm, 8cm, 11cm are each layer
of Pixel Tracker. - The first Layer of TIB is found at 22cm
Fig 10a Distribution of R in XY plane (Rxy) for
conversion candidates.
Conversion Rxy in Jet Events (cm)
11Results in QCD Jets Sample
- We need to connect the sample of electrons to
Electron ID variables. - First propagate the track to the radius of the
ECal. Then search for the nearest EBC.
Fig 11a ?f(track, EBC) for conversion in Jets
Fig 11b EM Energy / Trk Outer P for conversion
in Jets
- The nearest EBC is sharply peaked around zero
with small tail. - E/P is peaked at 1 as expected for electrons.
However left side has a large shoulder. - These are not pure electrons. We need a method
to remove the background from plots.
12Background Prediction
- Predict the background by extrapolating from
background dominate region into signal region. - Use ?Cot(?) for example.
- Fig. 10a shows ?Cot(?) of all tracks. The blue is
the signal region where the red is the background
- Zooming into the background region, we can see
that the background is linear. Then we can simply
extrapolate a straight line into the signal
Fig. 10a ?Cot(?) between 2 tracks
Fig. 10b ?Cot(?) between 2 tracks zoomed
13QCD Jet Sample with Bkg Subtraction
- Fig 12 a b
- Background subtraction removed most of the
conversion that occur at R lt 5 cm and between 15
to 22 cm.
- Fig 12 c d
- The left shoulder was also removed by the
background prediction
14QCD Jet Sample with Bkg Subtraction
Fig 13 a b HadE/EE tail was reduced but still
Fig 13 c d Most of the side band were remove
by background subtraction in both ?f and ??
Fig 13 e f ?? has a const cut at 0.05 which is
seen here on the left.
15Compare to Single Photon Events
?ConversionR Photons
Fig. 15a ConvR Jets bkg_sub photon events.
Fig. 15b E/P Jets with bkg_sub photon events.
- Photon events have lower number of entries and
histograms are rescaled accordingly. - H/E still has a tail after Bkg subtraction.
- Conversion occurs inside Jets. Hadrons are
sometimes right on top of electrons. - Granularity of HCal 4x of ECal. Overlap to
nearby hadrons is more likely.
Fig. 15c H/E Jet with bkg sub photon events.
16Compare to Single Photon Events
Fig. 16a ?f(track, EBC) Jets with background
subtraction photon events.
Fig. 16b ??(track, EBC) Jets with background
subtraction photon events.
- Tracker Only Conversion Finder finds conversions
in Single Photons, MinBias and Jet Events. - The purity depends on how tight we cut.
- Background prediction gives good fake subtraction
in large data sample. - Startup Data 100 Hz ( 8M evts / day )
- At Ideal MinBias 100 conv / day.
- Real Data will have EGamma HLT Triggers
- 1x, 2x Ecal hits within 5x5 crystals with energy
gt 5 GeV. Simulated by ECal Filtering.
- Pre-Search ECal Filtering
- First used, 2 Basic Clus of 2GeV in 0.03 ?.
- Second, two EBC of 5 GeV to simulate HLT.
- If we use the background part of the Jet Sample
and reconstruct the invariant mass of two tracks
using m 0.140 GeV (pion mass since most tracks
are pions.) - We find a mass peak at 0.500 GeV (K_short).
19Extra Extra
- Calibration between the tracker and ECal can be
done by plotting ?f(track, EBC) as a function of
? or vice versa. - Tracker Material can be mapped using conversion.
Conversions occurs in high density area such as
support structures and cables.
20Extra Extra Extra
- Separate the Jet Sample into one with Low H/E
(lt0.5) and High H/E (gt1.0). - Low H/E obviously are electron from E/P plot.
- High H/E have some electron but contain a lot of
non-EM particles.
- H/E as a function of E/P in Jet Events.
- Most events are Low in H/E.
- High H/E event then to have E/P less than 1.