Title: Reconstruction Charm and Bottom with the ALICE EMCAL
1Reconstruction Charm and Bottom with the ALICE
- Mark Heinz for the ALICE collaboration
- Yale University
- Winter Workshop of Nuclear Dynamics
- Big Sky, Montana, Feb 2007
- Physics Motivation
- Method for reconstructing Bottom via displaced
vertices - ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- EMCAL simulation status
- Conclusion
3Physics Motivation
- Current theoretical estimates for bottom and
charm production still have large uncertainties.
NLO pQCD, pp, ?s 14 TeV
CERN/LHCC 2005-014, hep-ph/0601164
MNR code Mangano, Nason, Ridolfi, NPB373 (1992)
4Physics Motivation
STAR, submitted to PRL (nucl-ex/0607012)
- Heavy ion collisions
- Interactions of heavy quarks with the medium
- RHIC has recently shown the that the suppression
of non-photonic electrons is not consistent with
current energy loss predictions - Using the current best estimates for medium
density (q-hat) the suppression pattern is
consistent with charm quarks only up to 8 GeV/c
in pT - Similar uncertainties are present for LHC energies
5Charm and Bottom via semi-leptonic decays
- Semileptonic Channels
- c ? e anything (B.R. 9.6)
- D0 ? e anything (B.R. 6.87)
- D? ? e? anything (B.R. 17.2)
- b ? e anything (B.R. 10.9)
- B? ? e? anything (B.R. 10.2)
- ? single non-photonic electron continuum
- Photonic Single Electron Background
- g conversions (p0 ? gg)
- p0, h, h Dalitz decays
- r, f, decays (negligible)
- Ke3 decays (neglible)
6 Displaced Vertex Method
- Search for semi-leptonic B-decay
- B ? e D0 ? e K- ?/e
- Idea of Displaced vertex finding using muons was
first tested at CDF - Create pairs of leptons and charged tracks which
match the criteria for a secondary vertex - pTgt 2 GeV/c, R???2??2
Reminder B ct 500 mm D ct 100 mm
7Displaced Vertex Simulations (signal)
- 1st Step pure signal ? efficiency
- PYTHIA 14 TeV, pp, 40k events, pt(hard)gt2.75
- Yields 6000 electrons within detector acceptance
from beauty - Reconstruction efficiency per selected electron
trigger 70
Lxy (cm)
8Displaced Vertex (charm backgrounds)
- Dominant backgrounds are semi-leptonic charm
decays - Simulation PYTHIA, 14 TeV pp, c-cbar,
pt(hard)gt2.1 GeV - Effective way of eliminating is by cut on
invariant mass
9Displaced vertex (backgrounds)
- 80k Minbias PYTHIA events (MSEL1)
- Combinatoric, pi0 and photon backgrounds can be
investigated - Background is consistent with zero, but more
simulation statistics are needed to obtain an
exact estimate of significance
Minbias PYTHIA, 14 TeV
Minbias PYTHIA, 14 TeV
10Track impact parameter resolution
- Primary vertex finding proceeds in 2 passes
- Select primary tracks on the basis of their d0
- Cut d0 lt n?sd0(pt)
- sd0(pt) svtx ? strack(pt)
11Secondary vertex resolution (simulation)
- Determine position resolution for semi-leptonic
heavy flavor vertices from PYTHIA - Position resolution in x,y,z is 180mm, no strong
dependency on coordinate
reconstruced- MC (cm)
reconstruced- MC (cm)
reconstruced- MC (cm)
12Secondary vertex resolution (simulation)
- Study of vertex resolution as a function of hits
in the inner tracker ITS-hits, maximum of 6 hits.
13ALICE Set-up
Size 16 x 26 meters Weight 10,000 tons
14ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Lead-scintillator sampling calorimeter Shashlik
fiber geometry Avalanche photodiode readout
Coverage hlt0.7, Df110o
- 12 supermodules
- 24 strips in ?
- 12 (or 6) modules in f
- 12672 elementary sensors (towers)
- 77 alternating layers of
- 1.44 mm Pb (1 Sb)
- 1.76 mm polystirene scintillator
- Dh x Df 0.014x0.014
Module (2x2 towers)
16EMCAL energy resolution
- Energy resolution has been measured and is within
specifications 12/?E 2
Production Module Spec
Prototype Module Spec
17EMCAL Project milestones
- 18 institutions worldwide of which 13 are from
ALICE-USA collaboration - Assembly of supermodules will be shared between
Yale (US) and Grenoble (F) - US-portion of project dependant on funding from
DOE CD-2 (critical decision) this summer. - Assembly and testing of supermodules (SM) at Yale
to start in 2008 - Installation of first SM in 2009 (low luminosity
18EMCAL software development
- Cluster shape analysis for PID
- Electron/Hadron discrimination
- Track-Cluster Matching
- Electron trigger simulations
- High-Pt simulations (jet-finder)
- Institutes involved in HF simulations
- Yale, LBL, LLNL, WSU, Nantes (Subatech),
Strassbourg, Catania
- e/p? discrimination
- p/E distribution
- g/p0 discrimination
- Cluster shape analysis
- Effective mass
20Hadron/p0 discrimination
- Granularity study of EMCAL
Granularity 2x2
Granularity 3x3
For a 30 GeV photon the ?0 suppression factor
improve from 10 to 100 when increasing the
granularity from 2x2 to 3x3
Study by A.Pavlinov (WSU)
21TPC track to EMCAL cluster matching
- Code is now in Alice CVS
- Good matching effiency for low multiplicity
- Still some parameter tuning needed for Hijing
Cluster Matching Prob for electrons
Mult 10
Study by A.Pulvirenti (Catania)
- Displaced vertex method will be promising in
measuring direct B-meson contribution to
non-photonic electrons - The method combines the EMCAL PID and triggering
capabilities - The ALICE EMCAL project is a collaboration
between ALICE USA and European institutions - The simulations for the EMCAL are on track,
however more detailed physics simulations are
required for the DOE CD-2 decision this summer