Title: What this course is about...
1What this course is about...
2Our domain
- We are interested primarily with CPU-related
functions - A single chip, often with several CPUs on it
- Also, were interested in memory systems
- The important parts we care about are...
- Cache (on-chip, or close to the CPU)
- Virtual memory (includes the disk drive)
Intel Core 2 Extreme Mobile X7900
3A Motherboard
MSI P6N SLI-FI ATX Intel Motherboard
4A bit of history
Size Power Perf. Memory Price PerformanceYe
ar Name (ft3) (watts) (adds/sec) (1996
) /Price
1951 Univac 1 1000 124,500 1,900 48
KB 4,996,749 1
1964 IBM 60 10,000 500,000 64 KB
4,140,257 318 S360/50
1965 PDP-8 8 500 330,000 4 KB 66,071 13,135
1976 Cray-1 58 60,000 166,000,000 32
MB 8,459,712 50,604
1981 IBM PC 1 150 240,000 256 KB 4,081 154,673
1996 Pentium 0.5 500 400,000,000 16
MB 4,400 239,000,000 Pro 200
2003 Pentium 0.5 250 6,000,000,000 512
MB 1,000 15 x 109 4/3000
2009 Core 2 0.5 400 18,000,000,000 8 GB
500 100 x 109 Duo E6850
2011 i7-870 0.5 400 90,000,000,000 16 GB
500 473 x 109
- J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly (U. Penn)
- ENIAC during WWII. Computed artillery tables,
programmed by re-cabling.
- John von Neumann
- Joined ENIAC project in 1944
- Credited with developing the concept of a
stored-program computer
- Maurice Wilkes (Cambridge)
- Developed EDSAC in 1946, first stored-program
Generation Dates Primary Technology Memory
1 50s Vacuum tubes Mercury Tubes, CRTs
2 60-68 Transistors Core memory,Drums
3 69-77 I.C. DRAM, Tapes
4 78- LSI, VLSI DRAM, Disks, CDs, Flash
5 ? ? ?
7Things change...
- Will everything you learn in this course be
obsolete next year?
- NO! (at least not everything)
- Basic concepts stay the same
- CPU/Memory interface
- Instruction execution
- Instruction sets
- Memory hierarchy
- Even the details dont change too fast
- Caches, Virtual memory, Pipelines all look
similar to the way theyve always looked - The technology changes, the concepts remain
8What You Will Learn in this Course
- All about the innards of of a computer
- Processor Architecture
- Instruction Set (Assembly language)
- Datapaths
- Arithmetic
- Control
- Pipelining
- Memory systems
- Cache memories
- Virtual memory