Title: East Lancashire
1When you are in trouble say nothing and look like
you know what you are doing!
2Province of East Lancashire
Mentoring Seminar Welcome!
4Why Do Some Good Men Leave?
5What can be done about these?
6The Solution is Mentoring
7The Mentor
- A Trusted Friend
- An Advisor
8It is my belief that the Mentor has a pivotal
role to play in introducing new members into
9To nurture and support members throughout their
Masonic careers
10The Mentor should act as a teacher and role
model for potential members and newly initiated
11He should encourage Masonic Education within our
Lodges Chapters
12He should encourage Masonic Entertainment within
our Lodges Chapters
13Its a Journey -
Enlist the help of their Proposer and Seconder
Get help from any member
Enthusiastic! Able Affable Available
15The District Mentor... ...is here to help.
16 Any Questions
17Although they restricted themselves to one drink
in the afternoon, the Mentor and DC still found
that they werent at their most productive when
they got to Lodge!
18Thank You