Reshaping Floating Support in Lancashire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reshaping Floating Support in Lancashire


Watch out for further announcements in June 2006 inc. an advert (Very draft) Timetable is. Advert June 2006. Long list of accredited organisations August 2006 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reshaping Floating Support in Lancashire

(No Transcript)
Reshaping Floating Support in Lancashire
  • Context
  • Current Services
  • Commissioning issues
  • Developing a Commissioning Strategy
  • Process
  • Options
  • The Plan
  • Moving it forward
  • Capacity building for providers
  • Procurement Process
  • Questions for Organisations

Context Current Provision
  • 56 Floating Supporting services
  • About 3.4 million pre Option Appraisal, perhaps
    3.1 million after OA
  • About 30 Providers inc. largish RSLs, some
    council services, and many smallish, local
    voluntary organisations
  • Service capacity varies from 2 people to 70
    people (200 if we include OP)
  • Over 1041 units of service delivered

Context Commissioning Issues
  • Variable quality and performance among the
    existing floating support services
  • At its best, floating support is making a huge
    difference to the lives of vulnerable people
  • some really great work,
  • much thats really good,
  • But some services are of more doubtful value e.g.
  • SP funding may be being used for ineligible
  • The services are not being provided to full
  • Or their local profile is so low that key
    partners (and presumably service users) do not
    know they exist
  • Performance focuses on inputs / outputs whereas
    it should focus on outcomes for individuals
  • The geographical distribution is unfair
  • Very few or even no units / services / providers
    operating in some areas
  • Several providers operating in some districts,
    sometimes offering much the same service
  • Few providers active in the more rural areas, or
    in smaller market towns

Context Commissioning Issues
  • The splits by client group are unfair and
  • Few or no specialist services for some groups
    across the county
  • Sometimes several services across a district for
    a specific user group competing for business
  • Forces users or referral agencies to
    compartmentalise their needs
  • But some people fall through the gaps between
  • Disproportionately low take up of services by
    people from BME communities
  • Provision by tenure is unfair
  • Many services (esp. those provided by RSLs) only
    available and / or publicised to tenants of a
    particular landlord
  • Overwhelmingly recipients are tenants in the
    social housing sector
  • Few service users are in private rented sector or
    are owner occupiers

Context Commissioning Issues
  • The tasks undertaken are unfair and unhelpful
  • In most cases SP eligibility criteria is being
    followed by providers but is the balance of
    tasks reasonable?
  • Are the support plans always clear about outcomes
    as opposed to inputs?
  • Should some tasks be funded by other streams eg
    community care, housing managing charges etc
  • The prices charged to the SP Programme are unfair
  • Cost models for review revealed a wide range of
    unit prices, hourly rates for support,
    overheads, average hours rarely an explicit
    link to complexity of need or intensity of
    support required,
  • Reviews and subsequent price and capacity
    amendments to contracts have brought greater
    consistency but may risk providers being more
    selective about with whom and where they operate

Context Commissioning Issues
  • Marketing and / or publicity about floating
    support sketchy
  • Stakeholders and service users dont understand
    the services
  • Central access points needed, or fewer access
    points so service users and stakeholders can
    easily refer into services
  • Commissioning Body, local councillors and ODPM
    are unsure what they are getting for their money
  • National Context
  • SP funding has reduced and may continue to do so
    in future years
  • Cannot assume more money will come to fill the
  • ODPM struggling to justify levels of SP budget to
    the Treasury
  • All SP Partnerships need to develop a performance
    framework which enables providers to demonstrate
    the outcomes they achieve with vulnerable
    individuals and communiites
  • Gershon agenda through more effective procurement
    of services
  • Need to achieve value for money
  • Need to find efficiency savings

Developing and implementing a Commissioning
Strategy for floating support the theory
  • Understand needs
  • Map supply
  • Identify the gap in volume, type or location of
  • Then develop a commissioning plan to
  • Commission new services to fill gaps
  • Decommission some / all existing services which
    dont meet need
  • Reshape existing services to better reflect needs
  • Ensure available SP budget over a 3 5 year
    timescale matches the costs of the services
    commissioned and contracted for

Developing a Commissioning Strategy Process
  • Lancashire SP Stakeholder Day November 2005,
    workshop on Reshaping floating support covered
    much of the material of this presentation and
    started to engage interest of providers and
  • Reviews of floating support all completed and a
    12 month contract offered to providers whilst
    options for future shape of floating support
    services developed
  • Service Design Team (SDT) for Homelessness and
    Young People charged with recommending a
    commissioning plan for floating support in
  • SDT consists of representatives from statutory
    partners, SP Team and service users, chaired by
    Clive Thomasson, Commissioning Body rep for
    Pendle Borough Council
  • Several meetings held over several months, have
    resulted in a paper to Commissioning Body which
    was endorsed at its meeting on 12 May 2006

Developing a Commissioning Plan the Options
  • Do nothing or do something?
  • Accepted that reshaping of floating support had
    to occur
  • Spend less, spend more or spend the same?
  • No conclusive answer, but CB is committed to the
    floating support model and would like to invest
  • Generic or specialist floating support services?
  • Contracts will be generic covering all short
    term groups but will require providers to
    demonstrate in-house capacity and competency in
    working with whole range of service users or to
    sub contract to other specialist or local

Developing a Commissioning Plan the Options
  • Geographical scope of contracts options
    considered inc. 12 covering 12 districts, 3 to go
    with 3 new PCT and current sub-regional groups, 1
    countywide or variable arrangements depending on
    views of statutory partners or providers?
  • 3 PCT areas agreed
  • East Lancashire (Burnley, Rossendale, Hyndburn,
    Pendle, Ribble Valley)
  • North Lancashire (Lancaster, Fylde, Wyre)
  • South Lancashire (Preston, Chorley, South Ribble
    and West Lancs)

Developing a Commissioning Plan the Options
  • Procurement options open tender or negotiate
    with existing providers?
  • Open tender process to comply with LCC
    procurement rules, competing for 3 largish
    contracts (each worth approx 1 million)
  • Encourage bids from any SP accredited
    organisations inc. single providers (who may or
    may not sub contract to others) or from consortia
  • Likely to be fixed price contracts with
    considerations of best value used to award
  • Likely to insist on awarding contracts to 3
    different providers

Developing a Commissioning Plan the Options
  • Needs and funding what should be the allocation
    of funding per contract to reflect variations in
    level of needs across Lancashire?
  • Broadly by population, possibly with year by year
    adjustments between contract prices / volumes
    based on difference in patterns of demand
  • Deprivation, needs indices, existing supply of
    services all relevant but introduce too much
    short term political and technical complexity
    into the decision

Moving it Forward
  • Capacity Building for providers
  • SITRA magazine articles available at provider
  • SITRA membership
  • SP Team has commissioned SITRA workshop sessions
    dates to be announced at provider forums, but
    aimed particularly at small providers
  • National Housing Federation event?
  • Use your existing networks and contacts

Moving it Forward
  • Procurement Process
  • Check out the SP K-Web for what other
    authorities have done Cornwall is a good guide
    to what is likely to happen here
  • Send in your accreditation evidence and get
    accredited without it you will not be allowed
    at the starting line
  • Watch out for further announcements in June 2006
    inc. an advert
  • (Very draft) Timetable is
  • Advert June 2006
  • Long list of accredited organisations August
  • Clarification Process August / September 2006
  • Tender against final specification end October
  • Decision making process November December 2006
  • Decisions communicated late Dec / early January
  • Commencements of new contracts from June 2007

Moving it Forward
  • Actions / Decisions for organisations
  • Is floating support is core business for your
  • How flexible is your organisation in terms of
    user groups, geographic coverage, willingness to
    work with other organisations?
  • Consult your management board and trustees
  • Book places for manager and for your Chairperson
    on SITRA events
  • Consider what further training and preparation
    your organisation might want to undertake in
    advance of the formal start of the process
  • Talk to other organisations work out which ones
    you might want to work with as partners and which
    ones are your potential competitors
  • Ensure your keep to any formal timetables for
    submissions etc LCC procurement rules grant
    little if any flexibility concerning these

SITRA Events
  • Dates
  • 4 July 2006 New Fylde Housing, Lytham
  • 5 July 2006 Shield Room, Civic Centre, Leyland
  • 6 July 2006 Colne Town Hall
  • 11 July 2006 Committee Room A County Hall,
  • Likely to be 10am start and 4pm finish
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