Title: 3rd ARENA Conference
1ALADDIN Nulling Instrument
Marc Barillot, Vincent Coudé du Foresto, Jean
Surdej, Olivier Absil, Claude Jamar, Emmanuel Di
2ALADDIN system
- L-band observations from Dome C
- Dedicated to exozodi characterisations
- 2-telescope rotating interferometer
- Nulling instrument
3Nulling interferometry
- Strong rejection of starlight 10-4
- Instrumental symmetry and control
- OPD accuracy nm
- dispersion matching nm
- amplitude matching
- polarisation
- Atmosphere is part of the instrument
- RT controls driven by atmosphere
- Heritage VLTI/GENIE study for ESA/ESO
Dispersion Sensor
Spectros detectors cryostats
OPD loop
Intensity loop
Disp. loop
Science Beam combiner
Intensity Sensor
Fast DLs
K-band Fringe Sensor
Beams inputs
H-bandFringe Sensor
Intensity actuators
V to H folding
5Conceptual ALADDIN instrument
Moderate volume Moderate power consumption Moderat
e data rate
Intensity actuators
Tip-Tilt Sensors
OPD Sensor
Science Detector
OPD Detector
Science Beam Combiner
6ALADDIN Environment
- Fully automatic / Remote controlled instrument
- Complete validation in temperate site
- Human intervention within Concordia station
- Regular roomspace _at_ Concordia (no clean rooms !)
- Extensive expertise of space industry in those
matters - Environmental impact conventional
- Fully conventional technology
- In operation, always inside cryostat
7Development maturity
- MAI² heritage
- Nulling level and stability demo.
- Unpolarised polychromatic source
- PERSEE heritage
- Stability demo with perturbations
- Relevant / available for ALADDIN
1.7 10-5 nulling 6 10-7 rms stability (1h)
- VLTI/GENIE Heritage
- Existing preliminary design data package
- GENIEsim software
- Most of GENIE Team available
8Development schedule
2009 Proposal for Feasibility-Def Study
2010-11 Feasibility-Prel. Def Study Cost
2012-13 Detailed Design Study
2014-15 Assembly and integration
2016 Validation on temperate site
2017 Integration _at_ Dome C
2018-19 2 exozodi surveys
2020 End of programme
- Realistic reasonable nulling instrument
thanks to Dome-C atmosphere and design - Antarctica Compatibility like any other
instrument - Strong heritage experienced team
- Ready for a Preliminary Design Study