Title: Diapozitiv 1
10. April 2008, Ljubljana
Margarita Jancic Ministrstvo za okolje in
prostor Direktorat za evropske zadeve In
Financial support better economic and social
cohesion overcoming regional disparities restruc
turing regional economies
4Objective 3 - Territorial Co-operation
Support transnational co-operation networks
establishment enhancement of activities
comprehensive development
1 Innovation and the knowledge economy 2
Environment and risk prevention 3 Access to
transport and services 4 Urban and regional
6Programme areas
Framework guidelines EU defined Transnational
Territorial Co-operation Areas partner states
prepared tailored Operational Programmes
(strategies, priorities, objectives)
7Comprehensive development approach
- Social
- Economic
- Environmental
- Cultural
8Endogenous resources/potentials
- Social Economic Environmental Cultural
- relevant networking exellence, visibility
- area approach concrete territories
- social,economic and territorial dimension
- Sustainable development decisions
9Basic principles
- Demand drive
- actions shall be oriented towards the actual
- results and outputs shall be made available for
users - Timing
- outputs shall be available with the right timing
in relation to the demand
11Communicationshall be ensured with relevant
stakeholders,administrations, target groups
- Capitalisation of results
- Activities, projects,networks
- Sinergy with other programmes, projects,
networks,shall be ensured
problem? challenge? territorial
capital? think relevance think
concrete meet Programme aims and priorities
14Priority 1 Strengthening innovation capacities
- Objectives of the Priority axis are followed by
enhancing endogenous resources and by ensuring
the implementation of the sustainable development
principle. - Dissemination of innovative technologies and
know-how - Strengthening strategic cooperation between
economic development actors and public
authorities !!! -
15Priority 2 Protection of the environmental
protection and promotion of a sustainable
territorial development
- Objectives of the Priority axis are to promote a
sustainable regional development, in order to
ensure responsible management, preservation and
valorisation of natural resources and heritage
(notably sustainable tourism). - Protection and enhancement of natural resources
and heritage - Promotion of renewable energies and improvement
of energy efficiency - Maritime risks prevention and strengthening of
maritime safety !!! - Prevention and fight against natural risks
16Priority 3 Improvement of mobility and of
territorial accessibility
- Objectives of the Priority axis are to intervene
on the organisation of transport means improving
their functioning and reduce their environmental
impact. Accessibility to the networks and
services of electronic communication also
constitutes a major attractiveness and opening-up
for the most isolated areas (rural and islands),
but also of optimization of economic,
administrative and financial flows in the Med
space. - Improvement of maritime accessibility and of
transit capacities through multimodality and
intermodality - Support to the use of information technologies
for a better accessibility and territorial
17 18Priority 4 Promotion of a polycentric and
integrated development of the Med space
- Objectives of the Priority axis are better manage
of the effects of urban development, enhancing
potential and territorial competitiveness while
avoiding a widening of territorial disparities,
strengthening cooperation networks, supporting
synergies between development areas and improving
territorial multilevel governance systems on main
cooperation issues. - The key issue is to promote innovative
initiatives which enhance Mediterranean identity
and cultural specificities facing economic
globalisation and international competition. - Coordination of development policies and
improvement of territorial governance - Strengthening of identity and enhancement of
cultural resources for a better integration of
the Med space
19 20Project partnership
Transnational co-operation - added
value? Relevant partnership ? Clear added
value? Direct visible impact?
21Inform in time the right people Think IP
activities from the very beginning
22Thank You!