Title: Oxford Reference Online: Core Collection
1Oxford Reference Online Core Collection
Cross-searchable database of over 100 Oxford
ready-reference titles Resources include
English language and bilingual dictionaries,
quotations, and subject references in art,
history, literature, philosophy, mythology,
politics, medicine, science, business, and much
more! Extensive web of cross-references and
links Wide range of easy-to-use search and
browse options Static URLs and MARC records
2How to make the most of your subscription
Click on Advanced Search, any Subject Header or
List of subjects and books to get started
browsing and refining searches. Or you can just
type your search term in the Quick Search box...
3How to make the most of your subscription
Click on a Subject Category to search only the
titles within that subject.
4How to make the most of your subscription
Or, Browse this subject by clicking the link on
the subject page.
5How to make the most of your subscription
You may also choose to search or browse only
within a specific title. Click on the title from
the subject page or from the list of Subjects and
Titles on the Home Page.
6How to make the most of your subscription
A search for Huckleberry Finn in The Concise
Oxford Companion to American Literature pulls
this entry. Or Widen Your Search for full text
results. Search Tips and Context-Sensitive Help
pages are available!
7How to make the most of your subscription
Each entry contains hyperlinked cross references
where applicable, a How to cite this entry
guide, a list of adjacent entries, an E-mail
this entry feature, and a Cross-Reference button
- highlight any word in an entry and create a new
search by clicking the button. The Links tab at
the top of the page will pull up a list of web
8How to make the most of your subscription
Editorially-selected links are provided for each
subject and title
9How to make the most of your subscription
Advanced Search allows you to search across
selected subjects with options to refine the
search by People, Dates or Entry Headings. You
can also do a Full Text search with options for
Boolean or Pattern search functions.
10How to make the most of your subscription
The Core Collection offers ready reference titles
in subjects ranging from Art to Bilingual
Dictionaries to Biological Sciences and much
11How to make the most of your subscription
When you add ORO to your web browser, you have
access to a powerful reference database from any
site you visit