Title: New Core Data Set
1New Core Data Set
- Presented By
- Kellie Peters Regina Lally
- Drug Treatment Monitoring Unit
- Understand the new 47 field dataset
- Understanding Waiting Times and Retention.
- Understand the flow of data and relate to agency
processes - Understand what DTMU can offer
- Update on Information Systems
3The Role of the DTMU
- The role of the South East Drug Treatment
Monitoring Unit (DTMU) is to - communicate the ever-changing data collation
agenda to key stakeholders, - whilst supporting drug treatment agencies in the
collection and management of client data.
- Based in Oxford with SEPHO
- Team consists of
- Kellie Peters Manager
- Vacancy Systems Integration
- Regina Lally Liaison
- Sue Dales Database Support
- Vacancy Information Analyst
- Laura Kesseboom DIR Administrator
5NTA-DTMU Relationship
6NTA Targets
- To double the number of people in effective,
well-managed treatment between 1998 and 2008 and - To increase the proportion of people who
successfully complete or, if appropriate,
continue treatment. - In addition
- Reducing waiting times as an indicator for
improving efficiency, and - Building the drug treatment workforce as an
indicator for increasing capacity. - Client retention in treatment is being used as an
indicator of quality in structured drug treatment.
7Client Treatment Journey Diagram
Client makes contact with a service provider
(Tier 1, 2 or 3)
Screening and briefing initial risk assessment
Triage and brief initial risk assessment
Initial care plan focusing on engagement and
initial needs (if required)
Comprehensive assessment and risk assessment (may
involve other service providers)
Comprehensive care plan developed by key worker
and client. Goals identified in one or more of
the four key domains
Delivery phase of treatment journey (in
conjunction with key working)
Key working conducted in conjunction with care
planned phase of the treatment journey
Care plan review (if more than one agency/service
involved in care delivery then all involved in
care plan review)
Treatment completion or maintenance to include
further work to assist client integration into
the community
Please note Care Planning Toolkit is currently
in consultation
Discharge plan
Discharge plan implemented
8Core dataset 06-07Key fields
- Without these fields, a record cannot be
processed and will be rejected - Agency ID
- First Initial of Client
- Surname Initial of Client
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- DAT of Residence
- Main Problem Substance
- Referral Date
- Triage Date
9Referral Date Definitions
- Referral date
- (referral to agency date) date agency becomes
aware that the client is waiting. Date of
receipt of phone-call, letter, client walks
through door asking to be seen etc. - Referral to modality date
- 1st Intervention
- this is the date the client is referred into the
treatment system. - E.g. GP and client agree that client will be
referred. Date of appointment where possible, but
practically likely to be date on letter or date
of phonecall. This date then may be BEFORE the
referral to agency date. - Subsequent interventions
- this is always the date that it is agreed with
the client that they will progress to another
intervention. Where this is at a different
agency, the referral to modality date will be the
date agreed with the client. The referral (to
agency) date will be the date that the new agency
becomes aware of the client waiting. This date
could be before the referral to agency date.
Unless being treated at same agency, then only
new information is modality information.
10Triage Assessment
- Triage Assessment aims to identify the nature
and the extent of a clients drug and alcohol
use, then focuses specifically on identifying any
immediate needs that will impact on the clients
likely engagement with the service or treatment
process - (Care Planning Toolkit,
Nov 2005, NTA)
11Other Client Information
- Client Reference
- Ethnicity
- Postcode
- Postcode Incode
- Local Authority
- PCT of Residence
- Referral Source
- Previously Treated
- Consent for NDTMS
- Clients should give written consent to share
information about their care plan. This consent
should specifically state which agencies the
client consents to have information received
about them and which they do not. A form
recording the clients consent should be kept in
the notes. Consent should be reviewed at the
time of reviewing the care plan.
- Part of the assessment process should be
establishing with a client how information
relating to them may be shared and for what
purpose. This may be done as part of the care
planning process and should have started at the
time of assessment. - Agencies should have clear policies about how
assessment information and care plans are shared.
14Client Treatment Journey Diagram
Client makes contact with a service provider
(Tier 1, 2 or 3)
Screening and briefing initial risk assessment
Triage and brief initial risk assessment
Initial care plan focusing on engagement and
initial needs (if required)
Comprehensive assessment and risk assessment (may
involve other service providers)
Comprehensive care plan developed by key worker
and client. Goals identified in one or more of
the four key domains
Delivery phase of treatment journey (in
conjunction with key working)
Key working conducted in conjunction with care
planned phase of the treatment journey
Care plan review (if more than one agency/service
involved in care delivery then all involved in
care plan review)
Treatment completion or maintenance to include
further work to assist client integration into
the community
Please note Care Planning Toolkit is currently
in consultation
Discharge plan
Discharge plan implemented
15Care Planning
- As soon as possible, the allocated keyworker
will ensure that the client undergoes a
comprehensive assessment of needs. Following
this a comprehensive care plan is drawn up. - all clients need a comprehensive care plan if
they are to receive standard treatment
interventions. -
- (Care Planning Tool
Kit, November 2005, NTA)
16Care Planning Domains
- Care Plan Start Date
- Drug and Alcohol Use
- Route of Administration of Primary Substance
- Age of first use of Primary Substance
- Problem Substance Two
- Problem Substance Three
- Injecting Status
- Injected in last four weeks
- Ever Shared
17Care Planning Domains
- Physical and Psychological Health
- HepC Latest Test Date
- Date of the most recent test for Hepatitis C.
- HepB Vaccination Count
- 1,2,3,4 or c(course completed)
- HepB Intervention Status
- Whether vaccination was offered, accepted or
refused, or immunised - Previously Hep B Infected
- Hep C Positive
- Drug Treatment Healthcare Assessment Date
18Care Planning Domains
- Social Functioning
- Accommodation Status
- Parental Status
- Employment Status
- Sex Worker Category
19Client Treatment Journey Diagram
Client makes contact with a service provider
(Tier 1, 2 or 3)
Screening and briefing initial risk assessment
Triage and brief initial risk assessment
Initial care plan focusing on engagement and
initial needs (if required)
Comprehensive assessment and risk assessment (may
involve other service providers)
Comprehensive care plan developed by key worker
and client. Goals identified in one or more of
the four key domains
Delivery phase of treatment journey (in
conjunction with key working)
Key working conducted in conjunction with care
planned phase of the treatment journey
Care plan review (if more than one agency/service
involved in care delivery then all involved in
care plan review)
Treatment completion or maintenance to include
further work to assist client integration into
the community
Please note Care Planning Toolkit is currently
in consultation
Discharge plan
Discharge plan implemented
20Core dataset 06-07Modality Data
- Date Referred to Modality
- This date for the first modality / intervention
should be thought of as the date a client is
first referred for Tiers 3 or 4 treatment. - This field will also be used to record the start
of the wait for any subsequent modalities /
interventions within the episode. It should again
be used as defined within the waiting times
guidance notes, as the date that the referral for
this subsequent modality / intervention was
agreed with the client. - Waiting times for Tiers 3 and 4 will be measured
from the date entered in this field. - If Modality is entered, Date Referred to Modality
must be present and vice versa.
21Core dataset 06-07Modality Data
- Date of First Appointment Offered
- This is the first suitable appointment date for
the modality/intervention, as agreed with the
client. -
- The date of first appointment offered may be the
same as the actual modality / intervention start
date, but this may not always be the case (eg. if
the client fails to attend the first
appointment). - Enter date of first appointment offered when it
is actually offered to the client. - Do not enter Modality start date until the client
actually attends an appointment.
22Core dataset 06-07Modality Data
- Date Referred to Modality
- Date of First Appointment Offered
- Treatment Modality
- The above fields are conditionally mandatory.
- Modality Start Date
- Modality End Date
- If End Date is entered, the other four fields
must be populated. - Multiple modalities can be captured. In order to
do this, all other fields must be identical.
23Continuity of care planning
- If a client is transferred, either to another
agency or from secondary to primary care, the
care plan can be forwarded to the new service or
practitioner to facilitate communication. This
can be done using the written care plan record.
25Client Treatment Journey Diagram
Client makes contact with a service provider
(Tier 1, 2 or 3)
Client wait starts as referred to Tx system
Screening and briefing initial risk assessment
Wait for 1st Modality
Triage and brief initial risk assessment
Initial care plan focusing on engagement and
initial needs (if required)
Client offered appointment to start modality and
Comprehensive assessment and risk assessment (may
involve other service providers)
Comprehensive care plan developed by key worker
and client. Goals identified in one or more of
the four key domains
Client attends appointment starts first
modality. End of wait
Delivery phase of treatment journey (in
conjunction with key working)
Key working conducted in conjunction with care
planned phase of the treatment journey
Care plan review (if more than one agency/service
involved in care delivery then all involved in
care plan review)
Treatment completion or maintenance to include
further work to assist client integration into
the community
Please note Care Planning Toolkit is currently
in consultation
Discharge plan
Discharge plan implemented
26Client Treatment Journey Diagram
Client makes contact with a service provider
(Tier 1, 2 or 3)
Please note Care Planning Toolkit is currently
in consultation
Screening and briefing initial risk assessment
Triage and brief initial risk assessment
Initial care plan focusing on engagement and
initial needs (if required)
Comprehensive assessment and risk assessment (may
involve other service providers)
Client key worker agree subsequent modality.
Wait starts. Date referred to modality
Comprehensive care plan developed by key worker
and client. Goals identified in one or more of
the four key domains
Delivery phase of treatment journey (in
conjunction with key working)
Client offered appointment accepts
Wait for subsequent modality
Key working conducted in conjunction with care
planned phase of the treatment journey
Care plan review (if more than one agency/service
involved in care delivery then all involved in
care plan review)
Client misses appointment. End of Wait
Treatment completion or maintenance to include
further work to assist client integration into
the community
Discharge plan
Client starts modality at next / future agreed
Discharge plan implemented
27Waiting Times
- This is defined as the wait for Tier 3 or 4
structured drug treatment for individuals (based
on partnership area of residence). It is
measured from an individuals date of referral
for a structured intervention to the date an
individual commences or is admitted for that
care-planned structured treatment, following
triage/ assessment. - (Waiting Times, 3rd October
2005, NTA)
28Waiting Times
- From April 2006, the expectation will be that
service users voluntarily seeking treatment will
be able to access treatment within three weeks,
with faster access for priority groups.
Partnerships will be expected to initiate local
investigations if service users wait longer than
six weeks. - (Models of Care Update 2005, Consultation Report)
29Reporting of Waiting Times
- Starting from 1 April 2006 the only waiting times
that the NTA will require are those generated
from NDTMS. This will relieve partnerships of the
need to report waiting times data from parallel
self-reported systems. - From 1 April 2006 onwards partnerships will be
performance managed on the percentage of clients
accessing treatment within three weeks. - Average waiting times for each treatment
intervention will continue to be reported by
NDTMS and will be used for background information
to assess the functionality of the local
treatment system.
30Waiting Times FAQs
- How are changes to software being implemented and
who will fund any costs arising from this? - Our providers software cannot record referrals
between different modalities/interventions at the
moment and therefore we are only reporting
waiting times for entry into first modality. - What will be the process of populating the
quarterly review document with NDTMS waiting
times data?
31Client Treatment Journey Diagram
Client makes contact with a service provider
(Tier 1, 2 or 3)
Screening and briefing initial risk assessment
Triage and brief initial risk assessment
Initial care plan focusing on engagement and
initial needs (if required)
Comprehensive assessment and risk assessment (may
involve other service providers)
Comprehensive care plan developed by key worker
and client. Goals identified in one or more of
the four key domains
Delivery phase of treatment journey (in
conjunction with key working)
Key working conducted in conjunction with care
planned phase of the treatment journey
Care plan review (if more than one agency/service
involved in care delivery then all involved in
care plan review)
Treatment completion or maintenance to include
further work to assist client integration into
the community
Please note Care Planning Toolkit is currently
in consultation
Discharge plan
Discharge plan implemented
32Core dataset 06-07Discharge Data
- Discharge Date
- Discharge Reason
- If a Discharge Date is entered, then a Discharge
Reason must be given and vice versa. - A Discharge Reason of Other should only be
entered if no other reason is appropriate. - Discharge information must be reported accurately
and in a timely fashion as it is used to
calculate Retention Rates. - Modality End Date(s) must be populated for
discharged clients.
- Retention in structured drug treatment has been
built into mainstream health performance
management systems. Retention targets are now
built into primary care trust and strategic
health authority local delivery plans, and the
Healthcare Commission star ratings of mental
health trusts now include retention in treatment
for 12 weeks. -
- (Models of Care Update 2005, Consultation Report)
- Information taken from a small study involving
Community Drugs Teams in the North West. NTA are
doing further research into the validity of their
findings - Factors found not to affect retention were
- ethnicity,
- type of drug misused,
- whether the client injected or not and
- whether the client had been using methadone at
the time of presentation for treatment. - Factors found to be associated with early dropout
from treatment were - age (younger clients drop out earlier),
- gender (males are 1.5 times more likely to drop
out) - treatment experience (those with no experience
are 1.7 times more likely to drop out), and - referral route (those referred from the criminal
justice system are 2.7 times more likely to drop
out). - The latest data from the NDTMS can be used to
show current trends in client retention across
the country. Retaining clients in drug
treatment, 2005
35Retention Measure
- Only clients who have presented in reporting
period included (i.e. 2006/7) - From these new presentations, a client will have
been - Discharged before 12 weeks
- Discharged at or after 12 weeks
- Retained in treatment for 12 weeks or over but
not discharged - Retention measure will be proportion of all new
presentations in the reporting period in measures
(b) and (c)
36Continuous EpisodesScenario 1
- Episodes that overlap
- Episode 2 modality start date before Episode 1
discharge date - Episode 2 modality start date during Episode 1
which is still open
37Retention Diagram Scenario 1
These two episodes for an individual are
overlapping and denoted as being continuous. The
client has been in contact with the treatment
system for more than 12 weeks.
Episode 1, Agency 1
Triage 1 Jul 2006
Modality Start (Strcd Daycare) 15 Jul 2006
Episode 2, Agency 2
38Continuous EpisodesScenario 2
- Episodes that do not overlap
- Discharge date given for Episode 1 prior to
Episode 2 starting. To be considered continuous - Modality start date of Episode 2 must be within
21 days of discharge date of Episode 1. - Where First Appointment Offered for Modality in
Episode 2 is within 21 days, but the actual
Modality Start date is over 21 days, the episodes
will still be considered continuous.
39Retention Diagram Scenario 2
Referral to agency 27 Sept 2006
As the gap between the two episodes meet the
agreed criteria for continuous treatment, they
are both used in the retention calculation. Gap
between episodes Discharge date to
Modality Start (Episode 1)
(Episode 2) 12 days 25/9/06 to
Triage 27 Sept 2006
Episode 1, Agency 1
Episode 2, Agency 2
Care Plan 2 Oct 2006
Retention Triage date to
Discharge Date (Episode 1)
(Episode 2) 230 days 10/6/06 to
Modality Start (Strcd Daycare) 6 Oct 2006
Discharge 25 Sept 2006
Time period met to denote episodes are continuous
41NDTMS Dataflow
43Improving Service Provision
- Drug treatment services are managed using close
to real-time data provided from the NDTMS and
client satisfaction and client outcome data - (Models of Care Update 2005, Consultation)
44DTMU Validation
- When agency files are first received, they will
be validated to identify any recodes required and
any errors in agency files. - The validation process produces error and
validation logs. - These logs are passed back to the agencies, to
permit the agencies to correct errors and to
resubmit data. - Files containing fatal errors should be
considered a higher priority for passing back to
the agency. - Many non-fatal errors, included in agency files,
can be repaired by the application through
45DTMU Error ReportsFile submission
- Verification Report
- This report is based on the monthly submission
and will indicate Error, Warning and Information
Messages that require attention, and where
appropriate amendments to the database. - File submission Reports
- File quality I Core dataset B or C submissions.
Expect C - Files submitted 20060401-20060430-Treat-in-C.csv
- File quality II Missing column headings
- Missing Data Where no information has been
provided in a column - File Load Reports
- Data quality I Load percentage records
rejected/records accepted (ERRORS) - Data quality II Data quality percentage quality
of submitted records (Warnings) - File Quality Triage/Discharge dates are
inconsistent between same client with multiple
46(No Transcript)
47DTMU Data Quality ReportFor DATS
- Error messages record why a record could not be
counted, each record may have one or more of
these missing / invalid items. These items are - Date of Birth Records with an invalid / missing
date of birth - Attributors Records with an invalid / missing
first initial, second initial or both - Triage Date / Referral Date Records with an
invalid / missing either referral or triage dates - Drug1 Records with an invalid / missing primary
presenting substance - DAT Records with an invalid / missing DAT
48DTMU Error ReportsData quality
- Data Quality Reports
- Duplicate Clients (Similar Attributers same
Client Ref) - Indicate whether error or correct
- Duplicate Open Episodes
- Provide discharge date reason for earlier
49DTMU Error ReportsHistoric Records
- Long Open Episodes Report
- ALL episodes started before April 2004.
- Where clients are no longer in treatment,
discharge information needs to be entered in the
50DTMU Error ReportsOngoing data checks
- Episodes with No Modalities
- Monitored closely to ensure that modality
information is being completed timely
accurately - This could affect waiting times calculations if
not populated accurately!
51DTMU Error ReportsMiscellaneous
- DTMU generate numerous other reports that are
used to monitor various aspects of data quality. - Where particular problems are found agencies will
be contacted.
52What should you expect from DTMU?
- Agency Training and Support Dedicated Liaison
Officer, Systems Integration Officer and Database
Administrator providing telephone and in-house
training on Core 47 Field dataset. - Improved Guidance Documentation Updated A Rough
Guide to the NDTMS Data Collection Guide
2006 due April 2006. - Monthly Validation and Data Quality Reports
Reporting erroneous client records, requiring
correction. New reports April. - Quarterly Newsletter 3rd Issue due April 2006.
- SE Region Drug Misuse Report In collaboration
with the South East Public Health Observatory
(SEPHO) the report combines NDTMS data with
Hospital Episodes data, British Crime Survey,
Mortality data and much more. Due to be
published in spring 2006. - Access to DTMU documents online Using the SEPHO
website to provide essential DTMU documents
available for download via web. - Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs) Release of FAQs
to assist agencies and DAT. Due April 2006.
53DTMU Data Quality Standards
- All monthly agency submissions must contain at
least 99 valid records. - All 47 fields of Core Dataset populated, if
appropriate. - Files must be in a CSV format.
- Initially monthly submission must be sent to
ndtms.datareturns_at_phru.nhs.uk - From June onwards, all agencies should submit via
the File Upload Portal.
54January Data Quality
- Data Quality for South East Region was
- 99
- Thank you for all your hard work!!! ?
55Software Update
- Bomic
- NTA Data Entry Tool (DET)
- NTA File Upload Portal
- Excel Spreadsheet
56NTA Data Entry Tool
- Aimed at agencies currently using spreadsheets
- NOT a clinical system
- Interim solution until IT investment is realistic
for agency/DAAT - Rolled out to South East agencies in June,
following testing and piloting by the NTA in
London. - 47 field spreadsheet to be used until the DET is
received - DTMU will work with you to support data migration
and process of implementing the tool.
57NTA File Upload Portal
- Designed to provide secure way of transferring
files to regional teams. - Will replace current e-mail submissions.
- Opportunity for agencies to take control of
amendments prior to submitting files to DTMU - DTMU can still decide whether or not to accept
file if it is lower than the 99 load quality
threshold. Amendments will still be requested to
improve quality. - Verification and Load reports will be posted back
on the portal for agency staff to access - Rolled out in May/June and DTMU will provide
further training and support to all agencies.
Kellie.Peters_at_phru.nhs.uk Regina.Lally_at_phru.nhs.uk