Title: English Project On Endangered Species
1English Project On Endangered Species
Group membersTsang Tze Fung36
Kwong Pak Ling15Ma Yiu Fung28
Liu Hon Tsuen23Tam Hin Pong34
Lee Wai20
2What is Green Turtle?
Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) is one of the 3
species of sea turtles found in Hong Kong waters
and so far has been the only species known to
breed locally. The feet are modified into
flippers. Length of Carapace70-150cmWeighs200kg
Shape of carapaceBroad and oval-shapedColor of
caeapaceOlive to dark brown
3Live of Green Turtle
- Like other sea turtles, Green Turtles return to
nest at the beach where they were hatched. - During their breeding season, the turtles migrate
from their feeding ground to mate in shallow
waters off their nesting beaches. - The females come ashore two or more times a
season on an average of every 3 years to lay eggs
in a nest cavity on the beaches..
4Why Green Turtles Disappear?
- Green Turtles invariably return to their natal
beach to nest. - Any development and human activities that will
change the natural environment of the nesting
site and/or cause obstructions to their migratory
route would wipe out the local population. - Illumination and noise produced behind the
nesting beach as a result of development,
recreational activities or roads will deter the
females from coming ashore to nest. - Intensive illumination will disorient the
hatchlings from going into the sea, causing
deaths to the hatchlings.
5Why Green Turtles cant reproduction?
- Debris washed ashore hinders movement of nesting
females and hatchlings. - Boating and fishing activities in the sea area
during the breeding season cause disturbance to
their mating activity. - Accidentally caught in nets and hit by
propellers. - Green Turtles normally have a very low survival
rate due to predation and natural mortality and
mature turtles only lay eggs every two to three
years on the average. - Poaching of eggs will cause severe population
6Life cycle of Green Turtle
7The responsibility of government
- Green Turtle is a highly endangered species
listed under the Appendix I of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES). - It is protected under the Wild Animals
Protection Ordinance Cap.170. Under the
Ordinance, no person shall hunt or wilfully
disturb any protected wild animal, or have in his
possession of any hunting appliance or protected
wild animal taken in Hong Kong. - No person shall take, remove, injure, destroy or
wilfully disturb a nest or egg of any protected
wild animal. -
Resourses come from Agriculture, Fisheries and
Conservation Department