Title: RFP
1The State of Georgia
- RFP - ltgt
- ltRFP Titlegt
- Negotiation Plan (SPD-EP005)
ltMonthgt ltYeargt
Issue Date 09/01/06
2Negotiation of price and service level is
embedded in the future procurement process
Award contract
Negotiation round(s)
Identify vendor for negotiation
Evaluate RFP
DOAS/Evaluation Committee
3NegotiationPlan and Script
Category Manager Approves Negotiations
Select Negotiation Team Roles
Develop Negotiation Timeline
Invite Identified Offerors to Participate in
Negotiation Script comprised of Offerors
responses is not subject to Public Records until
after NOIA
Negotiation Plan ends at this point and is open
to Public Records
Develop Negotiation Script
Establish MDO for each Identified Offeror(s)
Conduct GAP Analysis on Price /or Technical
Script TeamMembersParticipation
Negotiation Execution
4Negotiation options for (e) RFPS
5Negotiation Approval
The Negotiation Script (SPD-EP006) for eRFP ltgt
includes a GAP analysis of the offerors responses
and supports the need for negotiations, plus
identifies those offerors who will be asked to
participate in negotiations.
Offerors have been identified by the Evaluation
Committee as being within the ltNegotiation
Options identified in eRFPgt for negotiations in
eRFP ltgt.
ltName of Category Managergt Approved Negotiations
for Cost Only Technical and
Cost Authorized Signature______________________
Approval Date__________
6Selecting Negotiating Team
7Members from the Negotiation Team and Evaluation
Committee should make themselves available over
the next ltnumbergt weeks. Award/s could be made
by M/D/Y (assuming only ltnumbergt round of
Evaluation Team members that participate in
negotiations must be available to work full-time
over the next ltnumbergt weeks to ensure success
8Offerors Negotiations Notice - SAMPLE
- Negotiation Information
- eRFP Title ltTitlegt Agency Department of
Administrative Services - eRFP Number ltNumbergt State of GA
Participants ltNamesgt - Negotiation Date M/D/Y _at_ ltTimegt Negotiations
Location ltLocationgt - Additional Information
- Offerors, be prepared to arrive 10 minutes prior
to your scheduled meeting time to set up
audio/visual equipment (if required) for the
presentations. A video projector, internet
connection, and telephone will be provided by the
State in the conference room. - Offerors need to follow the Discussion Points
below and end within the allotted time for each
topic. Offerors must submit a written
supplemental proposal to the State via e-mail,
ltXXXgt_at_doas.ga.gov after the meeting is completed,
as verbal communication is not binding. Any
revisions to the technical proposal must adhere
to the 2,000 character limit (not including
graphics). Supplemental proposals, as discussed
during the negotiation, will include revisions to
the ltTechnical and Costgt or ltCostgt response and
must be submitted within 48 hours (2 business
days) from the end of the meeting unless
otherwise communicated by DOAS. - Discussion Points