Title: Welcome To RFP
1Welcome To RFP!
2Your Guide, Mentor, Coach
- Karl M. Kapp
3What Does He Know?
- 2 years ID firm
- 5 years Training Department of ERP Software Co
- Written over one million dollars in
Grants/Contracts/Proposals - Consults for Manufacturing, ID and Other Firms
- Written over ½ dozen articles
- Publishing a Book in March
4Not Your Traditional CLASS
- You get problems
5What is this _at_ ABOUT?
6Three Circles of RFP
Your Career
7YOU must Learn
- Think business
- Play nice with others
- Analyze a problem
- Problem-Solve
- Creativity
- Difference instructional strategies vs ID Process
- No right answeronly winning proposals
- Its not that hard!
8Three Circles of RFP
Winning Proposal
Instructional Design
9On this Journey,You will Meet
- E-Learning Managers
- Entrepreneurs
- Venture Capitalists
- Business Professionals
- Resume Specialists
- Alumni
- Employers
10If investments in factories were the most
important investments in the industrial age, the
most important investment in an information age
are surely investments in the human brain.
- Lawrence SummersSecretary of the US Treasury
12How This Thing Works
- Formed into Teams
- Write a business Plan (form,storm, norm,perform)
- Teamwork to improve document, team, writing
- Receive RFP
- Develop prototype, 40pg Response, Presentation
- Interview and find jobs!!!!!!!!!
13CAC is
- Unpredictable
- Demanding
- Quirky
- Fun
- Challenging
- True-to-life
- Academic Exercise
- Not that bad
14EduCommerce the use of free online education to
create closer client relationships, build
stronger brands, and increase revenues - a kind
of e-learning meets e-CRM proposition. Paul
Stacy, on Click2Learn.com
15the 772 billion education industry is the second
largest sector of the US economy only lagging
behind healthcare
- Merrill Lynch report, The Book of Knowledge
Investing in the Growing Education and Training
16technology delivered training is being adopted so
quickly that by 2002, it will account for 55
percent of corporate training up from 20 percent
in 1999.
- Merrill Lynch report, The Book of Knowledge
Investing in the Growing Education and Training
17Dreams are your road map to reality Paul
Stanley, Kiss
18Education over the Internet is going to be so big
it is going to make e-mail usage look like a
rounding error. -John Chambers, CEO Cisco
Systems as quoted in The New York Times
19The online training market is expected to nearly
double in size every year through 2003, reaching
approximately 11.5 billion by that time. -WR
20Its Only a Three Credit Class