Title: Propagation of waves
1Propagation of waves
2Propagation of waves in 3D
- Imagine a disturbane that results in waves
propagating equally in all directions - E.g. sound wave source in air or water, light
source in a dielectric medium etc.. - The generalization of the wave equation to
3-dimensions is straight forward if the medium is
homogeneous - Let ? amplitude of disturbance (could be
amplitude of E-field also)
3Propagation of waves in 3D
? depends on x, y and z such that it satisfies
the wave equation
where in cartesian co-ordinates,
41. Special Case Plane Waves along x
- Suppose ?(x, y, z, t)?(x, t) (depends only on x)
- Then ? f(kx-?t) g(kx?t)
- Then for a given position xo, ? has the same
value for all y, z at any time to. - i.e. the disturbance has the same value in the
y-z plane that intersects the x-axis at xo. - This is a surface of constant phase
5Plane waves along x
Planes perpendicular to the x-axis are wave
fronts by definition
62. Plane waves along an arbitrary direction (n)
of propagation
- Now ? will be constant in plane perpendicular to
n if wave is plane - For all points P in plane
72. Plane waves along an arbitrary direction (n)
of propagation
For all points P in plane
or, for the disturbance at P
82. Plane waves along an arbitrary direction (n)
of propagation
If wave is plane, ? must be the same everywhere
in plane ? to n
This plane is defined by
is equation of a plane ? to n, a distance d from
the origin
92. Plane waves along an arbitrary direction (n)
of propagation
is the equation of a plane wave propagating in
103. Spherical Waves
- Assume has spherical symmetry
about origin (where source is located) - In spherical polar co-ordinates
113. Spherical Waves
- Given spherical symmetry, ? depends only on r,
not f or ? - Consequently, the wave equation can be written,
123. Spherical Waves
Now note that,
133. Spherical Waves
is just the wave equation, whose solution is,
i.e. amplitude decreases as 1/ r !! Wave fronts
are spheres
144. Cylindrical Waves (e.g. line source)
The corresponding expression is,
for a cylindrical wave traveling along positive ?
15Electromagnetic waves
- Consider propagation in a homogeneous medium (no
absorption) characterized by a dielectric
?o permittivity of free space
16Electromagnetic waves
Maxwells equations are, in a region of no free
Gauss law electric field from a charge
No magnetic monopoles
Electromagnetic induction (time varying magnetic
field producing an electric field)
Magnetic fields being induced By currents and a
time-varying electric fields
µo permeability of free space (medium is
17Electromagnetic waves
For the electric field E,
i.e. wave equation with v2 1/µo?
18Electromagnetic waves
Similarly for the magnetic field
i.e. wave equation with v2 1/µo?
In free space, ? ? ?o ?o
(? 1)
c 3.0 X 108 m/s
19Electromagnetic waves
In a dielectric medium, ? n2 and
? ? ?o n2 ?o
20Electromagnetic waves Phase relations
The solutions to the wave equations,
can be plane waves,