Chapter 6 Waves and Sound (Section 2) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6 Waves and Sound (Section 2)


Chapter 6 Waves and Sound (Section 2) Vern J. Ostdiek Donald J. Bord 6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation Doppler Effect A similar shift in frequency of sound occurs if ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 6 Waves and Sound (Section 2)

Chapter 6Waves and Sound(Section 2)
6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • In this section, we consider what waves do as
    they travel.
  • For waves traveling along a surface or throughout
    space in three dimensions, it is convenient to
    use two different ways to represent the wave.
  • We will call these the wave-front model and the
    ray model.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • The figure shows how each is used to illustrate a
    wave pulse on water as it travels from the point
    where it was produced.
  • The wave front is a circle that shows the
    location of the peak of the wave pulse.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • A ray is a straight arrow that shows the
    direction a given segment of the wave is

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • A laser beam and sunlight passing through a small
    hole in a window shade both approximate
    individual rays of light that we can see if there
    is dust in the air.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • On the other hand, the rays of water ripples are
    not visible, but we do see the wave fronts.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • For a continuous water wave, the wave fronts are
    concentric circles around the point of origin
    (the source of the wave) that represent
    individual peaks of the wave.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • The largest circle shows the position of the
    first peak that was produced.
  • Each successive wave front is smaller because it
    came later and has not traveled as far.
  • The distance between adjacent wave fronts is
    equal to the wavelength of the wave.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • Again, a continuous wave is like a series of wave
    pulses produced one after another.
  • The rays used to represent a continuous wave are
    lines radiating from the source of the wave (the
    blue arrows in the figure).

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • The wave fronts arriving at a point far from the
    source are nearly straight lines (far right in
    the figure).
  • The corresponding rays are nearly parallel.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • For a wave moving in three-dimensional space,
    like the sound traveling outward from you in all
    directions as you shout or whistle, the wave
    fronts are spherical shells surrounding the
    source of the wave.
  • The wave front of a wave pulse, such as the sound
    from a hand clap, expands like a balloon that is
    being inflated very rapidly.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • For continuous three-dimensional waves such as a
    steady whistle, the wave fronts form a series of
    concentric spherical shells that expand like the
    circular wave fronts of a wave on a surface.
  • A 440-hertz tuning fork produces 440 of these
    wave fronts each second.
  • The surface of each wave front expands outward
    with a speed of 344 m/s (at room temperature).
  • As with waves on a surface, the rays used to
    represent a continuous wave in three dimensions
    are lines radiating outward from the wave source.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • One inherent aspect of the propagation of waves
    on a surface or in three dimensions is that the
    amplitude of the wave necessarily decreases as
    the wave gets farther from the source.
  • A certain amount of energy is expended to create
    a wave pulse or each cycle of a continuous wave.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • This energy is distributed over the wave front
    and determines the amplitude of the wave
  • The greater the amount of energy given to a wave
    front, the larger the amplitude.
  • As the wave front moves out, it gets larger, so
    this energy is spread out more and becomes less
  • This attenuation accounts for the decrease in
    loudness of sound as a noisy car moves away from
    you and for the decrease in brightness of a
    lightbulb as you move away from it.

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • One can infer when the amplitude of a wave is
    changing by noting changes in the wave front or
    the rays. If the wave fronts are growing larger,
    then the amplitude is getting smaller.
  • The same thing is indicated when the rays are
    diverging (slanting away from each other).

6.2 Aspects of Wave Propagation
  • At great distances from the source of a
    three-dimensional wave, the wave fronts become
    nearly flat and are called plane waves.
  • The corresponding rays are parallel, and the
    waves amplitude stays constant.
  • The light and other radiation we receive from the
    Sun come as plane waves because of the great
    distance between Earth and the Sun.
  • With this background, we will look at several
    phenomena associated with wave propagation.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • A wave is reflected whenever it reaches a
    boundary of its medium or encounters an abrupt
    change in the properties (density, temperature,
    and so on) of its medium.
  • A wave pulse traveling on a rope is reflected
    when it reaches a fixed end.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • It bounces off the end and travels back along
    the rope.
  • Notice that the reflected pulse is inverted.
  • When the end of the rope is attached to a very
    light (but strong) string instead, the reflected
    pulse is not inverted.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • The incoming pulse causes two pulses to leave the
    junction, a reflected pulse and a pulse that
    continues into the light string.
  • This reflection occurs because of an abrupt
    change in the density of the medium from high
    density (for the heavy rope) to low density (for
    the light string).

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • Similarly, a wave on a surface or a wave in three
    dimensions is reflected when it encounters a
  • The wave that bounces back is called the
    reflected wave.
  • Rays are more commonly used to illustrate
    reflection because they nicely show how the
    direction of each part of the wave is changed.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • When a wave is reflected from a straight boundary
    (for surface waves) or a flat boundary (in three
    dimensions), the reflected wave appears to be
    expanding out from a point behind the boundary.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • This point is called the image of the original
    wave source.
  • An echo is a good example sound that encounters
    a large flat surface, such as the face of a
    cliff, is reflected and sounds like it is coming
    from a point behind the cliff.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • Our most common experience with reflection is
    that of light from a mirror.
  • The image that you see in a mirror is a
    collection of reflected light rays originating
    from the different points on the object you see.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • Reflection from surfaces that are not flat (or
    straight) can cause interesting things to happen
    to waves.
  • The figure shows a wave being reflected by a
    curved surface.
  • Note that the rays representing the reflected
    part of the wave are converging toward each

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • This means that the amplitude of the wave is
    increasingthe wave is being focused.
  • Parabolic microphones seen on the sidelines of
    televised football games use this principle to
    reinforce the sounds made on the playing field.
  • Satellite receiving dishes do the same with radio

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • A reflector in the shape of an ellipse has a
    useful property.
  • Recall that the orbits of satellites, comets, and
    planets can be ellipses.
  • An ellipse has two points in its interior called
    foci (the plural of focus).
  • If a wave is produced at one focus, it will
    converge on the other focus after reflecting off
    the elliptical surface.
  • All rays originating from one focus reflect off
    the ellipse and pass through the other focus.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationReflection
  • A room shaped like an ellipse is called a
    whispering chamber because a person standing at
    one focus can hear faint soundseven
    whisperingproduced at the other focus.
  • This property of the ellipse is also used in the
    medical treatment of kidney stones.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • Can you recall the last time a fast-moving
    emergency vehicle with its siren blaring passed
    near you?
  • If so, you may remember that the pitch or tone of
    its sound dropped suddenly as it went by
  • Although, you may be so used to this phenomenon
    that you didnt notice it.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • This is a manifestation of the Doppler effect
  • The apparent change in the frequency of wave
    fronts emitted by a moving source, perhaps a
    tugboat floating down a river or a train
    traveling along a track, each blowing its horn.
  • Each wave front expands outward from the point
    where the source was when it emitted that wave

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • In contrast to what is shown in the figure, where
    the source is stationary, ahead of the moving
    source, the wave fronts are bunched together.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • This means that the wavelength is shorter than
    when the source is at rest, and therefore the
    frequency of the wave is higher.
  • Behind the moving source, the wave fronts are
    spread apart
  • The wavelength is longer, and the frequency is
    lower than when the source is motionless.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • In both places, the higher the speed of the wave
    source, the greater the change in frequency.
  • Note The speed of a wave in a medium is constant
    and is not affected by any motion associated with
    the wave source.
  • Thus, if the wavelength goes up, the frequency
    must go down, and vice versa, to yield a constant
    wave speed v lf

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • The frequency of sound that reaches a person in
    front of a moving train is higher than that
    perceived when the train is not moving.
  • A person behind the moving train hears a lower
  • As a train or a fast car moves by, you hear the
    sound shift from a higher frequency (pitch) to a
    lower frequency.
  • The change in the loudness of the sound, which
    you also hear, is not part of the Doppler effect
  • it involves a separate process

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • A similar shift in frequency of sound occurs if
    you are moving toward a stationary sound source.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • This Doppler shift happens because the speed of
    the wave relative to you is higher than that when
    you are not moving.
  • The wave fronts approach you with a speed equal
    to the wave speed plus your speed.
  • Because the wavelength is not affected, the
    equation v fl tells us that the frequency of
    the wave is increased in proportion to the speed
    of the wave relative to you.
  • By the same reasoning, when one is moving away
    from the sound source, the frequency is reduced.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • The Doppler effect occurs for both sound and
    light and is routinely taken into account by
  • The frequencies of light emitted by stars that
    are moving toward or away from Earth are shifted.
  • If the speed of the star is known, the original
    frequencies of the light can be computed.
  • If the frequencies are known instead, the speed
    of the star can be computed from the amount of
    the Doppler shift.
  • Such information is essential for determining the
    motions of stars in our galaxy or of entire
    galaxies throughout the universe.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • Echolocation is the process of using the waves
    reflected from an object to determine its
    location. Radar and sonar are two examples.
  • Basic echolocation uses reflection only
  • A wave is emitted from a point, reflected by an
    object of some kind, and detected on its return
    to the original point.
  • The time between the emission of the wave and the
    detection of the reflected wave (the round-trip
    time) depends on the speed of the wave and the
    distance to the reflecting object.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • For example, if you shout at a cliff and hear the
    echo 1 second later, you know that the cliff is
    approximately 172 meters away.
  • This is because the sound travels a total of 344
    meters (172 meters each way) in 1 second (at room
  • If it takes 2 seconds, the cliff is approximately
    344 meters away, and so on.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • With sonar, a sound pulse is emitted from an
    underwater speaker, and any reflected sound is
    detected by an underwater microphone.
  • The time between the transmission of the pulse
    and the reception of the reflected pulse is used
    to determine the distance to the reflecting
  • Basic radar uses a similar process with
    microwaves that reflect off aircraft, raindrops,
    and other things.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • Incorporating the Doppler effect in echolocation
    makes it possible to immediately determine the
    speed of an approaching or departing object.
  • A moving object causes the reflected wave to be
    Doppler shifted.
  • If the frequency of the reflected wave is higher
    than that of the original wave, the object is
    moving toward the source.
  • If the frequency is lower, then the object is
    moving away.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • Doppler radar uses this combination of
    echolocation and the Doppler effect.
  • The time between transmission and reception gives
    the distance to the object, whereas the amount of
    frequency shift is used to determine the speed.
  • Law-enforcement officers use Doppler radar to
    check the speeds of vehicles, and Doppler radar
    is also used in base-ball, tennis, and other
    sports to clock the speed of a ball.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDoppler Effect
  • Dust, raindrops, and other particles in air
    reflect microwaves, making it possible to detect
    the rapidly swirling air in a tornado with
    Doppler radar.
  • Another potentially life-saving application is
    the detection of wind sheardrastic changes in
    wind speed near storms that have caused
    low-flying aircraft to crash.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationBow Waves and
Shock Waves
  • In the previous discussion, we have implicitly
    assumed that the speed of the wave source is much
    less than the wave speed itself.
  • However, if youve ever heard a sonic boom or
    been jostled by the wake of a passing watercraft
    while floating in the water, youve had
    experience with circumstances where the reverse
    is true.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationBow Waves and
Shock Waves
  • The figure shows another series of wave fronts
    produced by a moving wave source.
  • This time the speed of the wave source is greater
    than the wave speed.
  • The wave fronts pile up in the forward
    direction and form a large-amplitude wave pulse
    called a shock wave.
  • This is what causes the V-shaped bow waves
    produced by swimming duck and moving boats.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationBow Waves and
Shock Waves
  • Aircraft flying faster than the speed of sound
    produce a similar shock wave.
  • In this case, the three-dimensional wave fronts
    form a conical shock wave, with the aircraft at
    the cones apex.
  • This conical wave front moves with the aircraft
    and is heard as a sonic boom (a sound pulse) by
    persons on the ground.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationDiffraction
  • Think about walking down a street and passing by
    an open door or window with sound coming from
  • You can hear the sound even before you get to the
    opening, as well as after youve passed it.
  • The sound doesnt just go straight out of the
    opening like a beam, it spreads out to the sides.
  • This is diffraction.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationBow Waves and
Shock Waves
  • The figure shows wave fronts as they reach a gap
    in a barrier.
  • These might be sound waves passing through a door
    or ocean waves encountering a breakwater.
  • The part of the wave that passes through the gap
    actually sends out wave fronts to the sides as
    well as ahead.
  • The rays that represent this process show that
    the wave bends around the edges of the

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationBow Waves and
Shock Waves
  • The extent to which the diffracted wave spreads
    out depends on the ratio of the size of the
    opening to the wavelength of the wave.
  • When the opening is much larger than the
    wavelength, there is little diffraction
  • The wave fronts remain straight and do not spread
    out to the sides appreciably.
  • This is what happens when light comes in through
    a window.
  • The wavelength of light is less than a millionth
    of a meter, and consequently, there is little

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationBow Waves and
Shock Waves
  • When the wavelength is roughly the same size as
    the opening, the diffracted wave spreads out much

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationBow Waves and
Shock Waves
  • The sizes of windows and doors are well within
    the range of the wavelengths of sound waves, so
    sound diffracts a great deal after passing
    through them.
  • Higher frequencies (shorter wavelengths) are not
    diffracted as much as the lower frequencies.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • Interference arises when two continuous waves,
    usually with the same amplitude and frequency,
    arrive at the same place.
  • The sound from a stereo with the same steady tone
    coming from each speaker is an example of this
  • Another way to cause interference is to direct a
    continuous wave at a barrier with two openings in
  • The two waves that emerge from the two openings
    will diffract (spread out), overlap each other,
    and undergo interference.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • Consider the case of identical, continuous water
    waves produced by two small objects made to
    oscillate up and down in unison on the surface of
    the water.
  • As these two waves travel outward, each point in
    the surrounding water moves up and down under the
    influence of both waves.
  • If we move around in an arc about the wave
    sources, we find that at some places the water is
    moving up and down with a large amplitude.
  • At other places, the water is actually stillit
    is not oscillating at all.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • To see why this characteristic pattern of
    large-amplitude and zero-amplitude motion arises,
    consider the figure below, a sketch showing two
    waves at one moment in time.
  • The thicker lines represent peaks of the waves,
    and the thinner lines represent the valleys.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • In the figure shown, the straight lines labeled C
    indicate the places where the two waves are in
    phasethe peak of one wave matches the peak of
    the other, and valley matches valley.
  • The two waves reinforce each other, and the
    amplitude is large.
  • This is called constructive interference.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • On the straight lines labeled D, the waves are
    out of phasethe peak of one wave matches the
    valley of the other.
  • The two waves cancel each other.
  • Whenever one wave has upward displacement, the
    other has downward displacement, and vice versa.
    Therefore, the net displacement is always zero.
  • This is called destructive interference.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • This figure shows the same waves a short time
    later after the waves have traveled one-half of a
  • The pattern of constructive and destructive
    interference is not altered as the waves travel

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • If the photograph shown had been taken earlier or
    later, it would look the same.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • Whether the two waves are in phase or out of
    phase depends on the relative distances they
  • To reach any point on line C1 in the figure, the
    two waves travel the same distance and
    consequently arrive with peak matching peak and
    valley matching valley.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • Along the line C2, the wave from the source on
    the left must travel a distance equal to one
    wavelength farther than the wave from the source
    on the right.
  • The reverse is true along the line on the left
    labeled C.
  • In general, there is constructive interference at
    all points where one wave travels one, or two, or
    three . . . wavelengths farther than the other

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • On the other hand, along the line of destructive
    interference labeled D1, the wave from the source
    on the left has to travel one-half wavelength
    farther than the wave from the source on the
  • They arrive with peak matching valley and cancel
    each other.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • Along the far-right line labeled D, the wave from
    the source on the left has to travel wavelengths
    farther, so the two waves again arrive out of
  • The reverse is true for the lines showing
    destructive interference on the left.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • In general, there is destructive interference at
    all points where one wave travels ½ , or 1 ½ , or
    2 ½ , . . . wavelengths farther than the other
  • At places in between constructive and destructive
    interference, the waves are not completely in
    phase or out of phase, so they partially
    reinforce or cancel each other.

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • Sound and other longitudinal waves can undergo
    interference in the same way.
  • We can imagine the figure representing sound
    waves with the peaks corresponding to
    compressions and the valleys corresponding to

6.2 Aspects of Wave PropagationInterference
  • Along the lines of constructive interference, one
    would hear a loud, steady sound.
  • Along the lines of destructive interference, one
    would hear no sound at all.
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