Information Session for Departments and Agencies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Information Session for Departments and Agencies


Approval Process for Amendments to Strategic Outcomes and Program Activity ... Diagrams can be provided using any format (e.g. Word, Excel, Visio, etc.) 21 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Information Session for Departments and Agencies


Management Resources and Results Structure (MRRS)
Policy Approval Process for Amendments to
Strategic Outcomes and Program Activity
Architectures for 2009-10
  • Information Session for Departments and Agencies
  • February 2008
  • Prepared by Results Management Strategies,
    Expenditure Management Sector

Objectives of this information session
  • To engage departments and agencies coming forward
    with proposed amendments to Strategic Outcomes
    (SO) and Program Activity Architectures (PAA)
  • Ensure that they have a clear understanding of
    the approval process and related requirements for
    proposing amendments to SOs and PAAs for 2009-10

Presentation Overview
  • Background
  • Details of the approval process
  • What is different with this years approval
  • Types of proposed amendments to existing SOs and
  • Key steps for the approval of proposed changes
    based on
  • Major and minor changes at the SO and PA level
  • Changes below the Program Activity (PA) level
  • Required templates and appendices required
  • Timelines and key deliverables
  • Major and minor changes at the SO and PA level
  • Changes below the PA level
  • Resource Information
  • Communication with TBS
  • Appendices and Annexes

  • Call Letter sent to Senior Financial Officers
    (SFO) in departments and agencies
  • fourth annual government-wide amendment process
    for SOs and PAA in preparation for the 2009-10
    Annual Reference Level Update (ARLU) and Main
  • Brief history of changes
  • 2006-07 Estimates Cycle
  • 62 departments and agencies came forward with
    proposed amendments to their existing SOs and/or
  • 38 organizations had major changes to their SOs
    and/or PA level of their PAAs
  • 24 organizations made had minor changes to their
    SOs and/or PA level of their PAAs

Background (contd)
  • 2007-08 Estimates Cycle
  • 29 departments and agencies came forward with
    proposed amendments to their existing SOs and/or
  • 21 organizations had major changes to their SOs
    and/or PA level of their PAAs
  • 8 organizations made minor changes to their SOs
    and/or PA level of their PAAs
  • 2008-09 Estimates Cycle Combine with Step 1 of
    MRRS Road Map
  • 96 departments and agencies came forward with
    proposed amendments to their existing SOs and/or
  • 30 organizations had major changes to their SOs
    and/or PA level of their PAAs
  • 35 organizations made minor changes to their SOs
    and/or PA level of their PAAs
  • 31 organizations made changes to only the lower
    levels of their PAAs and/or Internal Services

Approval process overview
  • Approval process requirements
  • Treasury Board (TB) submissions for major changes
    to their SOs and/or Program Activities (PA)
  • PA descriptions to be included in TB submission
    and approval process
  • Grouping of minor changes to SOs and PAA into an
    Umbrella submission (an aide-mémiore),
    coordinated and submitted by TBS and
  • Confirm/demonstrate alignment of amended SOs or
    PAs to the Government of Canada Outcomes used in
    whole of Government reports (i.e. the Canadas
    Performance report and any future Government of
    Canada Report on Plans and Priorities).

What is different with this years approval
process ?
  • Linkage of Performance Management Frameworks
    (PMFs) to proposed SO and/or PAA changes
  • Departments must determine whether the proposed
    changes to their SOs and/or PAA will result in
    commensurate changes to their PMF. If changes
    are required, the proposed modifications to the
    PMF will need to be provided with the SO and PAA
    changes using the existing PMF template for Step
    2. Otherwise, departments are to confirm to TBS,
    through an e-mail notification, that no changes
    to the PMF will be required
  • Provision of staggered deadlines
  • More than one deadline has been established to
    distribute workload pressures and to accommodate
    the nature of the changes being requested (e.g.
    SO and Program Activity changes requiring TB
    approval vs. PAA lower level changes requiring
    Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS)

What is different with this years approval
process ? (contd)
  • Treatment of Internal Services
  • An interdepartmental working group has been
    working over this past year to clarify and refine
    the internal services categories. Final approval
    of these categories is expected shortly.
  • Once approved, Senior Financial Officers (SFOs)
    will be asked to confirm by letter to TBS the
    internal services categories applicable to their
    organizations. These categories will form the
    sub-activity and sub-sub activity levels under
    the PA, Internal Services, which remains
  • Editing and Translation
  • Departments/Agencies are required to ensure that
    proposed amendments to SOs and/or PA have been
    reviewed by their internal organizational
    translation and editing services.
  • In addition, because the SO and PA levels of
    PAAs are displayed in the Main Estimates,
    organizations are required to submit an
    electronic copy of their proposed amendments to
    TBSs editing services ( before
    submitting their final draft of the proposed
    amendments to TBS, to assure consistency
    throughout the Main Estimates document.
  • To ensure that translation reviews are treated
    efficiently, departments/agencies require to
    include the words Changes to 200910 PAA in the
    subject line their e-mail.

Types of amendments to existing SOs and PAAs
  • Proposed amendments to existing SOs and PAAs
    could include
  • Major changes A change at the SO or PA level of
    the PAA that affects the existing number and/or
    scope of the SO and /or PA elements (e.g. the
    inclusion of a new SO or PA element or the
    deletion, splitting or merging of an existing SO
    or PA element). Major changes must be submitted
    to TB for approval via departmental TB submission
    (note automatically includes lower level PAA
    changes) or
  • Minor changes A change at the SO or PA level of
    the PAA that does not affect the number and/or
    scope of the SO and /or PA elements. These
    changes normally consist of the rephrasing of
    words or the tightening up the wording (e.g. a
    refinement of an existing SO and/or a PA title or
    description). Minor changes must be submitted to
    the Secretariat and reviewed by the program
    sector analyst and RMS to ensure that the change
    is in fact minor. Minor changes will be approved
    by TB through an aide-mémoire prepared by the
    Secretariat. (note automatically includes lower
    level PAA changes ) or
  • Changes ONLY below the PA level of the PAA A
    change that occurs at the sub-activity or
    sub-sub-activity levels of the PAA (e.g. the
    inclusion of new programs, the deletion,
    splitting or merging of programs, the refinement
    of program titles and or program descriptions).
    These types of changes do not currently require
    TB approval, but must be reviewed by TBS.

Key steps for the approval of amendments
  • Major and minor changes at the SO and PA level
  • Department/agencies inform their TBS program
    sector executive director of their intentions to
    propose amendments to their existing SO and/or
    PAA (must include nature of changes major or
  • TBS program analysts send departments/agencies
    pre-filled templates to identify proposed
  • Departments/agencies submit draft of proposed
    amendments to their TBS program sector analyst
    (including the draft TB submission (if making
    major changes) and all supporting appendices)
  • TBS program analysts, in collaboration with other
    analysts at TBS, provide comments
  • Departments/agencies submit final packages of
    their proposed amendments to their TBS program
    sector analysts - in both official languages,
    with Deputy Head and SFO sign-off
  • PMFs can be provided in either official language
  • If a TB submission is required a signed copy
    of the submission (by Minister) is sent the
    Treasury Board Submission Centre (TBSC)
  • If minor changes only, Results Management
    Strategies Division (RMSD) in TBS will prepare an
    umbrella submission (an aide-mémiore), based on
    input from implicated departments
  • Proposed amendments to SOs and PAAs at the PA
    level are presented to TB for approval
    (individual TB submission and the aide-mémiore)
  • Decision letters post TB
  • Individual TB submissions TBSS program sector
  • Aide-mémiore Results Management Strategies

Key steps for the approval of amendments (contd)
  • Changes only below the PA level
  • Department/agencies inform their TBS program
    sector executive director of their intentions to
    propose amendments to their existing SO and/or
    PAA (must include nature of changes below PA
  • TBS program sector analysts send
    departments/agencies pre-filled templates to
    identify proposed amendments
  • Departments/agencies submit draft of proposed
    amendments to their TBS program sector analysts
    (including all supporting appendices)
  • TBS program sector analysts, in collaboration
    with other analysts at TBS, provide comments
  • Departments/agencies submit final packages of
    their proposed amendments to their TBS program
    sector analyst - in both official languages,
    with Deputy Head and SFO sign-off
  • PMFs can be provided in either official language

Required templates and appendices
  • Department and agencies must provided a complete
    package of their draft proposed amendments to TBS
    for review including

Timelines and key deliverables for major and
minor changes at the SO and PA level of the PAA
Timelines and key deliverables for major and
minor changes at the SO and PA level of the PAA
Timelines and key deliverables for changes below
the PA level only (Sub-activity and
Sub-sub-activity levels )
Resource Information
  • Posting of materials and information on MRRS
  • http//
  • Guide to the Approval of Strategic Outcomes and
    Program Activity Architectures for Departments
    s/mrrsp-psgrr/guide/guide_e.asp )
  • Instructions to Departments on the Development of
    a Management, Resources and Results Structure (
    /mrrsp-psgrr/id-cm/id-cm_e.asp )

Communications with TBS
  • For more information or assistance regarding this
    Approval process for amendments to SO and PAAs in
    preparation to the 2009-10 Main Estimates, do not
    hesitate to contact your
  • Program Sector Analyst,
  • Results Management Strategies Analyst, or
  • By sending an e-mail to


Appendix A List of new SO and/or amended PA
  • Appendix A will be attached with individual TB

Appendix B SO an PAA Current and Amended
  • Diagrams can be provided using any format (e.g.
    Word, Excel, Visio, etc.)

Appendix C Crosswalk Template
Appendix D Performance Measurement Template
  • The following is an example of the PMF template.
    Department are to use the PMF template provided
    to them as part of Step 2 of the MRRS Road Map

Appendix E Alignment of SO and PA elements to
the Whole of Government Framework
  • The 13 broad Government of Canada Outcome areas,
    within four broad spending areas include
  • Economic Affairs
  • income security and employment for Canadians
  • strong economic growth
  • an innovative and knowledge-based economy
  • a clean and healthy environment and
  • a fair and secure marketplace.
  • Social Affairs
  • healthy Canadians
  • safe and secure communities
  • a diverse society that promotes linguistic
    duality and social inclusion and
  • a vibrant Canadian culture and heritage.
  • International Affairs
  • a safe and secure world through international
  • global poverty reduction through sustainable
  • a strong and mutually beneficial North American
    partnership and
  • a prosperous Canada through global commerce.
  • Government Affairs

Appendix F Departmental Attestation
Annex A What is the MRRS? An Approach to
Enhance Decision-Making
More logical and consistent basis for interaction
TBS Informed decisions on investment choices
based on priorities and value for money
Policy Objective Development of a common,
government-wide approach to the collection,
management, and reporting of financial and
non-financial performance information - to
provide an integrated and modern expenditures
management framework
Annex B MRRS Policy - Program Activity
Architecture (PAA)
Program Activity Architecture Financial
and non financial information
Program Activity Architecture
Parliamentary Vote Control Level
Strategic Outcome(s)
  • Planned and Actual Results-all programs
  • Planned Actual Financial information
  • Governance Structure-decision making around
    program results info

Accountable Level to TB Parliament TB Approval
Required for all elements and all levels of
the PAA
Program Activity(ies)
Sub Activity(ies)
Program Information levels TBS Review
Sub - Sub Activity(ies)
IT Support Expenditure Management Information
Annex C MRRS Policy - Program Activity
Architecture (PAA) (contd)
  • Policy requirements for Strategic Outcomes incl
  • Performance Measures

Strategic Outcome
Accountability levels to Parliament (Estimates
Public Accounts) require TB approval, incl.
major minor changes
Policy requirements for each program activity
element include Program title description
Expected results Performance
measures Planned actual spending Target
actual results Governance
Program Activities
Departmental PAA reflect the inventory of all
the programs of a department depicted in their
logical relationship to each other and to the
SO(s) to which they contribute require TBS
Sub-Activity Level
Sub-Sub Activity Level
Lowest Level programs
Annex D Full implementation of MRRS consists of
five steps
  • Departments develop fully articulated structures
    for their Program Activity Architectures (PAA)
  • (December 2006 to May 2007)
  • Departments identify/define the Performance
    Measurement Frameworks Governance Structures
    for their entire PAAs
  • (Fall 2007)
  • Departments create, capture and use MRRS
    information systematically
  • (Jan. 2008 and onwards)
  • TBS develops and rolls out a system to capture
    the standardized departmental data
  • ( Dec 2008 )
  • Embed MRRS information in all expenditure
    management processes
  • ( 2008 and onwards)

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