Title: Web Scale Information Discovery
1Web Scale Information Discovery
- CS 431 20040329
- Carl Lagoze Cornell University
Acknowledgements Luis Gravano Andreas
Paepcke Bill Arms
2Search Strategies
- Metadata harvesting
- Automated discovery
- Federated searching
- Meta-searching
3Web Search Strategies Metadata Harvesting
4Web Search Strategies Metadata Harvesting
5Searching via metadata harvesting - examples
- NSDL http//www.nsdl.org
- OAIster - http//oaister.umdl.umich.edu/o/oaister/
6Web Search Strategies Crawling and Automated
central index
7Automated Information Discovery
Creating metadata records manually is
labor-intensive and hence expensive. The aim of
automated information discovery is for users to
discover information without using skilled human
effort to build indexes.
8Resources for Automated Information Discovery
Computer power brute force computing ranking
methods automatic generation of metadata The
intelligence of the user browsing relevance
feedback information visualization
9Similarity Ranking
- Ranking methods using similarity
- Measure the degree of similarity between a query
and a document (or between two documents). - Basic technique is the vector space model with
term weighting.
Similar How similar is document to a request?
10Vector Space Methods Concept
n-dimensional space, where n is the total number
of different terms (words) in a set of
documents. Each document is represented by a
vector, with magnitude in each dimension equal to
the (weighted) number of times that the
corresponding term appears in the
document. Similarity between two documents is the
angle between their vectors. Much of this work
was carried out by Gerald Salton and colleagues
in Cornell's computer science department.
11Example 1 Incidence Array
terms in d1 -gt ant ant bee terms in d2 -gt bee hog
ant dog terms in d3 -gt cat gnu dog eel fox
terms ant bee cat dog eel fox gnu
hog d1 1 1
d2 1 1 1
1 d3
1 1 1 1 1
Weights tij 1 if document i contains term j
and zero otherwise
12Reasons for Term Weighting
- Similarity using an incidence matrix measures the
- occurrences of terms, but no other
characteristics of - the documents.
- Terms are more useful for information retrieval
if - they
- appear several times in one document (weighting
by term frequency) - only appear in some documents (weighting by
document frequency) - appear in short document (weighting by document
13Inverse Document Frequency
Concept A term that occurs in a few documents is
likely to be a better discriminator that a term
that appears in most or all documents.
14Issues in extending traditional IR for the Web
- Traditional TREC benchmarks are relatively small
scale (large is about 20GB) - Web queries are very short
- Quality is an issue in ranking
- Sex, lies, and the hidden web
- Polysemy due to domain overlap
- Web has context and hints
- Structure of pages (e.g. html title might be
rated higher) - Implicit metadata of link context
- Anchor text of citing pages
- Weighting influenced by citation structure
(recall Garfield)
15PageRank Algorithm (Google)
Concept The rank of a web page is higher if many
pages link to it. Links from highly ranked pages
are given greater weight than links from less
highly ranked pages.
16Google Example
17Adjacency Matrix
18Normalize by Number of Links from Page
19Iterate until convergence
20Motivating the Damping Factor
21PageRank with Damping Factor Intuitive Model
A user 1. Starts at a random page on the
web 2a. With probability p, selects any random
page and jumps to it 2b. With probability 1-p,
selects a random hyperlink from the current page
and jumps to the corresponding page 3. Repeats
Step 2a and 2b a very large number of times Pages
are ranked according to the relative frequency
with which they are visited.
22The PageRank Iteration
The basic method iterates using the normalized
link matrix, B. wk Bwk-1 This w is the high
order eigenvector of B Google iterates using a
damping factor. The method iterates using a
matrix B', where B' dN (1 - d)B N is the
matrix with every element equal to 1/n. d is a
constant found by experiment.
23Information Retrieval Using PageRank
Simple Method Consider all hits (i.e., all
document vectors that share at least one term
with the query vector) as equal. Display the hits
ranked by PageRank. The disadvantage of this
method is that it gives no attention to how
closely a document matches a query With dynamic
document sets, references patterns are calculated
for a set of documents that are selected based on
each individual query.
24Web Search Strategies Federated Searching
Search Client
- http//www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/
26Aims of Z39.50
- Permits one computer, the client, to search and
retrieve information on another, the database
server - Important both technically and for its wide use
in library systems - Most development has concentrated on
bibliographic data - Most implementations emphasize searches that use
a bibliographic set of attributes to search
databases of MARC records - Built on notion of common protocol as
interoperability paradigm
27Technical history
- Z39.50
- Developed for X.25 networks (connection
orientation), conversion to run over TCP fitted
later - Original concept in days when repeating a search
was expensive computation (about 1980)
28Z39.50 principles
- Abstract view of database searching.
- Server stores a set of databases with searchable
indexes - Interactions are based on a session
- The client opens a connection with the server,
carries out a sequence of interactions and then
closes the connection. - During the course of the session, both the server
and the client remember the state of their
- Z39.50
- The server carries out the search and builds a
results set - Server saves the results set.
- Subsequent message from the client can reference
the result set. - Thus the client can modify a large set by
increasingly precise requests, or can request a
presentation of any record in the set, without
searching entire database.
30Z 39.50 services
init -- client connects to the server and
exchanges initial information, e.g., preferred
message size explain -- client inquires of the
server what databases are available for
searching, the fields that are available, the
syntax and formats supported, and other
options search -- client presents a query to a
database choices of syntax for specifying
searches only Boolean queries widely
implemented one or more records may be
returned to the client
31Z 39.50 services
manipulation of results sets -- e.g., sort or
delete present -- requests the server to send
specified records from the results set to the
client in a specified format options for
controlling content and formats
for managing large records or large results sets
32Problems with Z39.50
- Very difficult to implement
- There are freely available implementations, but
they are complex - Outdated assumptions
- Searching is expensive computationally
- Bandwidth is limited (ASN.1 compression)
- Originally designed for bibliographic record
retrieval, and not full documents or other
objects - Overspecified
- Assumes questionable user model (stateful)
33ZING update of Z39.50 concepts
- http//www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/zing/zing-home.htm
l - SRW (Search and Retrieval for the Web)
- Retain basic Z39.50 concepts (state, explain,
flexible access points or metadata formats) - Simplifications and modernizations (statefulness,
use of XML/SOAP) - CQL (Common Query Language)
- Expressive common query language with XML
34Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol
- http//www-diglib.stanford.edu/testbed/doc2/SDLIP
- Compromise between a full-scale, all encompassing
search middleware design such as Z39.50 and the
anything goes approach typical for ad-hoc
search interface design on web - Support for stateful and stateless operation by
the server - Build on notion of mediators as interoperability
paradigm - Support for thin clients, such as handheld
devices - Developed jointly by Stanford, Berkeley, and UC
Santa Barbara
36SDLIP search middleware
37SDLIP Interfaces
- Search Interface defines simple query language,
protocol can then include other languages - Result Interface parking meter metaphor
supports varying notions of results sets - Source Metadata Interface provides extension
mechanism through discovery server capabilities
38Result Access Interface
- This interface allows client applications to
access the set of result documents, wherever that
set is maintained - Four services
- getSessionInfo
- getDocs
- extendStateTimeout
- cancelRequest
39Source Metadata Interface
- Provides information about the service and server
itself, such as - Collections served
- Collection metadata/content information
- Searchable properties
- Three operations
- getInterface
- getSubcollectionInfo
- getPropertyInfo
40Web Search Strategies - Metasearching
Metasearch Engine
41What is Metasearching?
- Given many document sources and a query, a
metasearcher - Finds the good sources for the query
- Evaluates the query at these sources
- Merges the results from these sources
Existing Web Application
Unindexed Documents
Legacy Database / WAIS / etc.
42Metasearching Issues
- How to query different types of sources?
- How to combine results and rankings from multiple
data sources?
http///getTitle? titlebiomedical
SELECT title FROM articles . . .
grep biomedical .txt
43Metasearching Issues . . . Contd
- How to choose among multiple data sources?
- How to get metadata about multiple data sources?
Best http//.?getMetaData Worst Hi. What do
you have?
cat .txt
- http//sdarts.cs.columbia.edu/default.html
- Stanford Protocol Proposal for Internet Retrieval
and Search - Joint work of Stanford Digital Library Project
and Cornell Digital Library Research Group - SDARTS current work at Columbia to extend
STARTS - Integrate with SDLIP and metadata harvesting
(OAI-PMH) - Include deep web automated content summary
46Different text search engines are largely
- Different query languages (the query-language
problem) - Different ranking algorithms (the rank-merging
problem) - No exported information about sources (the
metadata problem)
47SDLIP search middleware
48Rank Merging
- Return information in query result to allow rank
merging - unnormalized score of the document
- statistics about each query term
49We cannot merge document ranks from different
sources directly
- Search engines use different ranking algorithms
- DB1 (doc1, 0.7), (doc2, 0.3)
- DB2 (doc3, 1000), (doc4, 400)
- Merged rank?
- Some algorithms depend on the source
50Extra information helps merge document ranks
- Sources return query results and statistics
- Query "distributed databases"
- DB1 (doc1, 0.7)
- "distributed" appears 3 times in
doc1"databases" appears 5 times in doc1
51Motivating Source MetadataRouting Problem -
Disjoint Search Sources
Hopcroft I1, I3 Hartmanis I3 Tarjan I1,
I2 Wilensky I2
doc1, doc2
Content Summary
52Source Metadata
- Data to help select the right sources for a query
- source metadata attributes - what the source
engine can do - source content summary - what the source engine
can search - Simplified form of Z39.50 explain service
53Source metadata attributes
- Fields Supported
- Modifiers Supported
- Score Range
- Ranking Algorithm ID
54Source Content Summary
- For each source
- Vocabulary
- Document frequency for each word
- Total number of postings for each word
- Number of documents
- Implementation of GLOSS work
- GlOSS Text-Source Discovery over the Internet,
L. Gravano, H. Garcia-Molina, A. Tomasic, in ACM
Transactions on Database Systems, vol. 24, no. 2,
Jun. 1999
55Deep Web Content Summary Extraction via Focused
Query Probing