Phrase Structure Grammars and the Chomsky Hierarchy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Phrase Structure Grammars and the Chomsky Hierarchy


VG = N (vocabulary of G) // use 'V' when G is understood. S N, ... string as a member. (The Venn diagram is. in slight error because. of this technicality. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Phrase Structure Grammars and the Chomsky Hierarchy

Phrase Structure Grammarsand theChomsky
  • Dr. David A. Workman
  • School of EE and CS
  • May 22, 2006

Phrase Structure Grammar
  • Definition. A phrase structure grammar (psg) is
    a 4-tuple, G (N,?, P, S),whereN nonterminal
    alphabet? terminal alphabet
    // N ? ? ?VG N ? ? (vocabulary of G)
    // use "V" when G is understoodS ? N, unique
    start symbolP finite set of productions
    (possibly empty)P u ? v u ? VNV and v
    ? V

  • A psg really is a "program" describing an
    algorithm for generating a language over
    theterminal alphabet, ? that is, L(G) ? ?.
    To formalize this statement, we define a
    relation,G?, from V to V defined by G.
  • ? G? ? if and only if ? ?1 u ?2 , ? ?1 v
    ?2 , where u ? v ? G we say that " alpha
    directly rewrites (produces) beta". The strings
    ? and ? are called sentential forms of G.
  • G defines a computation (is a "program") in the
    following way(1) initial state S (start
    symbol)(2) if ? is the "current state" of the
    computation, then any ? is a valid "next state of
    the computation" whenever ? G? ?(3) A
    computation ends whenever there does not exist a
    valid next state for a given current state.

Language defined by G
Definition. Let G (N,?, P, S) be a psg. Then
the language generated by Gis the set L(G)
x ? ? S G? x that is, x ? L(G) if and
only if thereis a computation in G satisfying
S ?0 G? ?1 G? ?n x, for some n?1.
The Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages
Technical NoteType-1 languages
explicitlyexclude the null string.All other
languagefamilies permit the null string as a
member. (The Venn diagram is in slight error
because of this technicality.)
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