Title: FFI Introduction
1FFI Introduction
2What is FFI?
National Interagency Fuels Coordination Group
funded, interagency developed, ecological
monitoring system.
- Plot level monitoring tool for entry, storage,
analysis and reporting of ecological monitoring
3What does FFI stand for?
a FIRe Effects MONitoring system
b Fire Ecology Assessment Tool
4What is FIREMON?
JFSP funded fire effects monitoring system that
- Integrated sampling strategy.
- Field handbook with detailed descriptions of
many sampling methods.
- Access database to store monitoring data.
- Summary reports by plot or any stratification.
- Analysis program to test for treatment effects.
5What was the Fire Ecology Assessment Tool (FEAT)?
NPS funded fire effects monitoring system that
- Fire monitoring handbook with detailed
descriptions of many sampling methods.
- SQL database to store monitoring data.
- Integrated GIS and PDA components.
6FFI Development
Fire Conference 2003 Orlando, FL FIREMON and
FEAT groups listened to each others presentation
- Recognized substantial overlap in systems
- Most sampling methods common to both systems
- Components that did not overlap were
complementary. - GIS, PDA, Analysis
7Three Main FFI Components
Database Administration Create, backup, delete
and restore FFI and Protocol Manager databases.
Assign users and roles.
FFI Project management, species management,
data entry and edit, reports and analysis, query
builder, PDA coordination
Protocol Manager Create and manager user
Note No field guide see FIREMON, Fire
Monitoring Handbook or other field guide for
field data collection techniques.
8General FFI Hierarchy
Managed in Database Administration
Administration unit
Managed in FFI
Sample Event
9System Information
- Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005
- Scalable architecture from desktop to server
- Supports multiple users at one time
- Windows 2000, XP and Vista
- Requires Windows Mobile 5 for PDA/DR
- (is also working with WM 6.0 devices)
10If you have questions when you are working with
User guides are available in Web, HTML and PDF
versions on the FRAMES Website
Post a message to our FFI Google Discussion group.
Send Duncan an email or give him a call
11Delivery and Support
- Websites
- General information, training announcements,
software, manuals, etc. - http//frames.nbii.gov/ffi
- Discussion group
- http//groups.google.com/group/ffiemu
For general technical support contact Duncan
Lutes (406) 329-4761 dlutes_at_fs.fed.us