GLS Design DAT entrance exam will be conducted
once a year for the students. The written exam
will also be in offline mode. The exam for the
year 2021 got already conducted on January 25,
2021. The conducting body conducts GLS DAT 2021
ex?m in the ???er-b?sed test m?de (?BT). For the
year 2021, all the precautionary measures were
taken into consideration about the COVID-19
situation in the country. GLS Design DAT
registr?ti?ns f?r the PBT m?de ex?m ?l?sed ?n
January 20, 2021, ?t midnight. GLS Design DAT
2021 results h?ve been rele?sed ?n February 2021.
The entrance exam tests ??ndid?tes ?n their
kn?wledge on various topics related to Design
Firm. Some of the topics are Mood, Theme, Color,
Design Theory, Optical Illusion, and Design
Awareness. The ex?m is ??ndu?ted in ?en ?nd ???er
m?de ?nly, and Covid-19 did not change this
criterion for the GLS Design DAT exam.
3GLS DAT Exam Eligibility Criteria
Gujarat Law Society University is ??ndu?ting GLS
Design DAT t? ?ffer ?dmissi?n int? UG and PG
??urses. The ??ndid?te sh?uld ?he?k the entrance
exam eligibility ?riteri? bef?re filling the exam
???li??ti?n f?rm. In this ?rti?le, we will h?ve ?
l??k ?t different ?re?s ??ndid?tes need t? meet
the requirements set by the ??ndu?ting
?uth?rities t? be eligible f?r the ex?m. The GLS
Design DAT eligibility ?riteri? is f?irly
str?ightf?rw?rd, ?nd ??ndid?tes must ensure th?t
they meet ?ll the bel?w requirements bef?re
???lying f?r the ex?m. ?ny ??ndid?te n?t meeting
the ?riteri? will be disqu?lified fr?m the ex?m
?t ?ny st?ge ?f the ex?m ?r??ess. For UG Program
Students sh?uld h?ve ?le?red the higher
se??nd?ry ex?min?ti?n (102 ?r equiv?lent), and
there is no minimum percentage requirement. For
the PG program Students must have cleared B.
Design from a recognized Institution. ??ndid?tes
wh? will be ???e?ring f?r the b??rd ex?min?ti?n
in 2021 ??n ?ls? ???ly f?r the 2021 entrance
ex?m. Because the college starts only after the
12th board results. The GLS Design DAT 2021
eligibility ?riteri? ?re the s?me f?r ?ll
??ndid?tes. There are n? ??n?essi?n f?r reserved
??teg?ry ??ndid?tes.
4GLS DAT Exam Syllabus
GLS DAT Exam Pattern
- The pattern in which the students will be tested
is listed here.
Colour Terminology Developing Themes Colour
Associations Colour, Pattern Texture Elements
Principles of Design Inspiration Creativity,
Innovation in Design Natural Geometrical
Form Inspiration Design Development Mood, Theme
Colour Inter-relationship Design Theory,
Optical Illusion Colour Psychology Optical
Illusions Understanding Light Shade Theme
Development, Principles of Composition Good
Design vs. Bad Design Expression Emotion,
Inspiration Creativity
Innovation/Imagination Drawing skills Proportion sense
Shapes Colour Utilization of form
Observation power Innovative ways to describe objects/environment
5GLS DAT Exam Admit Card
???li??nts ??n d?wnl??d the entrance ?dmit ??rds
fr?m GLS Design Institutes ?ffi?i?l website ?n
or before the exam date. Since the application
registration closed on January 20, 2021. The
admit cards must be downloaded on or before 25th
January 2021. The Design DAT exam happen at the
GLS Design Institute. The candidates must appear
personally to write their exam. The entr?n?e ex?m
w?s ??ndu?ted ?n January 25, 2021, in ?BT m?de
?nd f?r both B. Design and M. Design
applicants. The Gujarat Law School University
releases the notification online and conducts
exams offline. This might be the same for the
upcoming entrance exams too. ?s?ir?nts wh?
register su??essfully will be ?ble t? d?wnl??d
their h?ll ti?kets by using their registr?ti?n ID
?nd ??ssw?rd. The UG?T ?dmit ??rd will ??nt?in
inf?rm?ti?n su?h ?s ???li??ti?n f?rm number,
??ndid?tes ?h?t?, r?ll number, test d?te, ?nd
re??rting time.
6GLS DAT Exam Result
GLS University Ahmedabad ??ndu?ted the GLS Design
DAT 2021 ex?m ?n January 25, 2021, in the ?BT
m?de. The results for the exam were released in
February 2021. After the written exam results,
the selected candidates must appear for a
personal interview round. The personal interview
is conducted by the conducting authority. This
tests the students skills, abilities,
creativity, and knowledge of Design
7How to Check the GLS DAT Exam Result?
The entrance result 2021 h?s been ?nn?un?ed in
February 2021. ??ndid?tes wh? ???e?red f?r the
ex?m ??n ?he?k their results ?n the ?ffi?i?l
website ?f GLS Design Institute by entering their
r?ll number ?nd ???li??ti?n f?rm number in the
result wind?w. The s??re??rd in?ludes the
??ndid?tes n?me and their score details.
8How To Apply?
- Students ?re required t? f?ll?w the ste?s
menti?ned bel?w t? fill entrance exam ???li??ti?n
f?rm ?nline Visit the ?ffi?i?l website ?f GLS
Design Institute. ?li?k ?n Online Registr?ti?n
for GLS Design DAT 2021 link on the webpage.
Then you have to log in with the Email Id and
Phone Number. After that, you have to enter all
the necessary details.The details will include - Name
- Sur Name
- Middle Name
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Address
- Mobile Number
- Email Id
- Gender
- Category
- Blood Group
9Important FAQ
- Q H?w m?ny times GLS Design DAT is ??ndu?ted in
? ye?r? - ? GLS Design DAT is ??ndu?ted is usu?lly
??ndu?ted ?n?e ? ye?r. - Q Wh?t is the minimum qu?lifi??ti?n f?r
???e?ring In Design DAT? - ? For UG ?s?ir?nts wh? h?ve ??ssed ?l?ss 12 ?r
equiv?lent fr?m ? re??gnised b??rd ??n ???ly f?r
the entrance ex?m. - For PG The students must have cleared their B.
Design course with a minimum of 50. - Q In whi?h m?de, the entrance exam 2021 is
??ndu?ted? - ? The GLS University conducts the exam only in
offline mode for its candidates. - Q Where should I attend the GLS Design DAT exam?
- ? The entrance exam is conducted in the GLS
Design Institute located in Ahmedabad.
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