Title: Kein Folientitel
1- The Indian Ocean
- Friedrich SchottInstitut für Meereskunde an der
Universität Kiel, Germany - with input from lots of people (much of it on
posters here) - Introduction The monsoon circulation and Indian
Ocean specifics - WOCE plans vs what was accomplished overview
- The shallow cross-equatorial exchange and
upwelling - Some regional results NW Arabian Sea Red Sea
outflow, monsoon response Indonesian Throughflow
and pathways in the Indian Ocean SW Indian Ocean
and Mozambique Channel flow - Deep circulation and overturning
- Climate modes
- Remaining challenges and outlook
2Circulation schematic for Southwest Monsoon
- Great Whirl and Southern Gyre
- Upwelling concentrated in wedges and filaments
- cyclonic domes both sides of Sri Lanka
upwelling? - Indonesian Throughflow max.
- Ekman transport southward in both hemispheres,
but northward winds on equ. - Subduction in southern subtropics
3Circulation schematic for Northeast Monsoon
- Somali Current and East African Coast Current
merge into SECC - Doming NE of Madagascar open-ocean uwelling?
- Indonesian Throughflow min.
- some subduction in northern Arabian Sea
- Ekman transport northward in both hemispheres
In between monsoon seasons eastward wind stress
causesWyrtki Jets along equator, that send out
coastal Kelvin waves
4WOCE sections, arrays(plan do sections north of
10S in each monsoon season)
NL, 2000
November - April
May - October
not deployed
not covered
post WOCE
5Mid-depth (1000m) float vectors mapped
R. Davis objectives of Ind. OceanWOCE float
program accomplished !
- 228 floats/ 1100 float yrs
- southw. flow in Mozambique Channel
- strong flow on equator
- see poster!!
6- Surface drifter currents for both monsoon seasons
- 180 WOCE drifters 1992-95
- 350 TOGA/ENSO drifters since 1995
- shows seasonal reversal of meridional Ekman
SW Monsoon
NE monsoon
Courtesy P. Niiler
7(No Transcript)
8Meridional streamfunction for Indian Ocean north
of 8S(JAMSTEC model MOM-2, 55 levels, 1/4 deg.
- Shallow cross-equatorial cell of about 6 Sv
transport and upwelling at 5-15 N - Equatorial roll (10Sv), northward at surface
southward underneath (Ekman transports)first
discussed by Wacongne Pacanowski (1996)
Miyama et al. (DSR II, in press)
9Schematic diagram of shallow cross-equatorial
- Cross-equ. transport 6.5 Sv by--thermocline
Somali C.--Sverdrup/Ekman tr. - upwelling in models 1/3 in domes around India
Subduction from Karstensen, Quadfasel, 2002
Schott, Schoenefeldt, Dengler, 2002
10- Northern Somali upwelling
- outflow from Great Whirl
- which fraction of the 10 Sv of shallow offshore
flow is transformed into surface water? - which fraction slumps back into thermocline?
11Upwelling comes from up to 400m depth
Miyama et al (2002)
12Where does upwelling come from (Jamstec model)?
- Upwelling sources Southern subduction region
Indonesian Throughflow
- Northern upwelling off Somalia, Arabia,in domes
around India / Sri Lanka
Particles up to 400m deep underway
Miyama et al. (DSR II, 2002)
13Northern Indian Ocean upwellingannual basis (Sv)
14Red Sea outflowMurray Johns, 1997and
2002seas. outflow cycle
Red Sea outflow cycle max. in Feb.
15(No Transcript)
16Oman upwelling wedge observations (A.Fischer,
K.Brink et al., (2002)...and JGOFs
Flux buoy(Weller et al., 2001)
8N MOC/heat/FW transport studiesBeal et al,
2002 1995 SW monsoon developmentStramma et al,
2002 SW vs. NE monsoon
17Seasonal cycle in Arabian Sea by Rossby wave
Remote forcing from Laccadive High or around
India (McCreary et al., 1993)? Amplitude of
annual harmonic of SSH from TOPEX/POSEIDON
altimetry and ship section
Phase of annual harmonic
Brandt et al., 2002Stramma et al.,2002 annual
Rossby wave explains density/geostrophy
difference in seasonal ship sections at 8N
18Seasonality of the meridionaloverturning
circulation of the Arabian Sea
seasonally reversing shallow overturning cell
deep overturning cell
Stramma et al., 2002 Beal et al., 2002
Heat transport -0.6 PW in Aug. 93, 0.2 PW in
19Interannual variability of Great Whirl
Observed ICM 7 large interannual differences of
location and transport of GW.
Model study by Wirth et al. (2002) interannual
GW variability dominantlyinternally generated
(instabilities) rather than externally (i.e.
wind stress variability)
20Depth of seasonal response in northern Somali
Amplitude of annual harmonic in cm s-1
Explained variance in
Dengler et al., 2002
21(No Transcript)
22Indonesian Throughflow studies during WOCE
23Indonesian Throughflow studies during WOCE
2440 Sv -40
25Circulation of SW Ind. Ocean derived by Donohue
and Toole (DSR II, in press) and poster!
18 Sv through Mozambique Channel above 27.96
kg m-3 (about 2000m) 19 Sv East Madagascar
Current 4 Sv northward in DWBC east of
Madagascar 76 Sv Agulhas
26Float studies
Moz. Channel flow and eddies
Chapman, di Marco,Davis, Coward DSR II (in
press) see poster 117
27Is there a route to the Mozambique Channel from
south of Australia (lower thermocline)?
ORCA model study of Speich et al. (2002)
backtracking of particles poster 24!
28Mean current field at 310m of global ECCO model
Courtesy D. Stammer
29Mozambique Channel eddies (1996-2001) Schouten et
al DSR II, in press
- Eddies propagate through Moz. Channel toward
Agulhas and encourage pinch-off of Agulhas
Rings - are eddies triggered at northern Channel end by
Rossby waves? And these in turn by
equatorial/boundary Kelvin waves? (trans-
Indian teleconection)? De Ruiter et al (2002)
30(No Transcript)
31Deep inflow into the Australian Basin (and across
the 90E Ridge)
2.3Sv 6.7Sv
Warren and Johnson, 2002
32Inverse analysis results for the deep Indian Ocean
Ganachaud et al. (2000) deep flow
belowgn27.09 8 Sv at 32 S 10.5 Sv at 20S11
Sv at 10 S
Sloyan and Rintoul (2001)
23 Sv of deep overturning at 32S, only 4Sv at 18S
33Estimates on meridional overturning at 32S
Toole and Warren (1993) 27 Sv Robbins
and Toole (1998) 12 Sv Sloyan and Rintoul
(2001) 23 Sv Ganachaud et al. (2000) 8 Sv
(obtain similar structure as TW93
i.e. upwelling to shallower layers as
SR01) Difference Ganachaud et al vs.
SloyanRintouldue to different diapycnal flux
assumptions?(sections are partially the
34Is there enough deep mixing to a explain a 10 Sv
deep overturning cell?
Overturning and required eddy coeficients in
Ganachaud et al. (2000) solution
but poster by Talley/Reid/Sprintall
(19)concludes that only 5x10-4 m2s-1 is needed
35Deep overturning in assimilation of WOCE Ind.
Ocean lines
- Basin model with 10 Sv Indonesian Throughflow
- 18 Sv of deep inflow below 3200m
- 8 Sv of deep cell crosses equator
- strength of deep cell independent of Throughflow
- southward outflow at 1000-3200m
- only small heat transport (0.1 PW) by deep cell
- Equatorial roll present, southward near-surface
(Ekman) transports - upwelling at 5-10S
Ferron and Marotzke, DSR II (in press)
36Comparison of regional and global assimialtion
results forIndian Ocean overurning transports
Note different sign convention!
Much weaker deep cell in ECCO model
Ferron and Marotzke (DSR II, in press)
Stammer et al., JGR 2002)
37SOC net heat fluxes (Wm-2) over Indian
Ocan(Josey et al., 1999) (global 30 Wm-2 net
heat gain!!As da Silva et al., 1994)
150 W m-2 -150
38Meridionalheat transport (PW)
SOC fluxes courtesy S. Josey
39Role of intraseasonal variability
27 day fluctuations (near-equatorial)
40-60 days
In early WOCE reproduced in seasonally driven
models i.e they were presumably due to
instabilities(Kindle Thompson, 1989 Woodbury
et al., 1989)
40Role of intraseasonal variability
15 day fluctuations
40-60 days
New observations (ICM-9) shorter periods (15
days) and meridional comp. well correlated with
local equ. winds (Yanai waves) East of
Madagascar 60 day variability resonant Rossby
waves (Warren et al., 2001)
41Difference in variance (cm2 s-2) between the run
driven by diurnal winds and the run driven by
smooth climatology. Intraseasonally forced energy
in equatorial band and in the west
Sengupta et al. (2001)and pers. comm.
42Role of interannual variability
Indian Ocean Dipole mode or Zonal Mode Saji
et al. (1999), Webster et al. (1999)
43Indian Ocean Dipole mode ensemble patternWind
stress and SST
Peak (SON)
Courtesy H. Annamalai
But, is it really a dipole or zonal mode?
After Saji et al. (1999)
44Indian Ocean Zonal Mode parameters
SST (west) and (east) in equ. Indian
Ocean SST-Diff W-Eand zonal windstress anomaly
in central equ. Indian Ocean SOI Index
(inverted)and windstress anomaly
Feng and Meyers (2002)
45T/P altimetry sea level anomalies during dipole
episodes of 1994 and 1997
- Ekman convergence at 5-10 S
46- EOF-1 of SSH-Anomaly (38 of variance)
- SSH (and SST) max northeast of Madagascar
- SSH (and SST) min west of Sumatra
- thermocline deepening in west
- shallowing in the east
Feng and Meyers, DSR II, in press
47Tropical cyclone days for Dec-Apr
Xie et al., 2002)
Climatological mean of number of cyclone days
(contours)difference between deep and shallow
mixed layer (shading)
48And beyond... Remaining WOCE challenges
- What happens to the net deep inflow (by 3
western boundary currents) Is there a deep
meridional overturning cell in the Indian Ocean?
If so, what is the physical mechanism of water
mass transformation and deep upwelling - Where does upwelling occur really so much
in offshore domes as suggested by models? - Connection of Indian Ocean STC with Pacific and
Atlantic and role in decadal variability - Deep response to the monsoon variability (not
studied in WOCE) - Role of remote vs. local forcing in regional
monsoon phenomena - and the flux problem ...
- Indonesian Throughflow not directly measured in
WOCE but our hopes are with the new program
INSTANT (Sprintall et al.)
49INSTANT Indonesian Throughflow measurementsADCP
moorings 2003-2006 in the important
A. Gordon, J. Sprintall,pers. communication
50And beyond...
- Oceans role in climate anomalies the Indian
Ocean Zonal Mode use Rossby waves for
- Intraseasonal variability growing evidence
relating coupled mode in Bay of Bengal to Indian
monsoon breaks is there predictability?
- How to improve physical fields for improved
ecosystem models Can we better quantify
upwelling by combining observations? or more
general benefit from increased WOCE/JGOFs type