Title: Will Your Home Survive a Wildfire
1Will Your Community
Survive a Wildfire?
Fire history in Cochise County Wildfires are a
natural part of the ecosystems in Arizona.
Lightning fires burned slowly through forests and
woodlands in late spring and early summer,
followed by the monsoon rains.
These relatively cool fires occurred frequently
and burned on the ground until extinguished by a
lack of fuel or change of weather.
Wildfire! When a wildfire is raging through your
community, will your home survive?
Are you prepared?
Current situation Fire suppression over the years
has influenced the natural role that fire played
in all ecosystems. Fuel loads in Arizona forests,
woodlands, and grasslands are at their highest
levels in history, and wildfires have become
larger than ever before. This situation - created
since the early 20th century - will not be
remedied quickly.
Wildland urban interface The wildland urban
interface is where structures and human
development come into contact with vegetation.
This area is expanding in Arizona.
What you can do
- Learn more about fire management techniques such
as prescribed fires and mechanical treatments. - Share your fire knowledge.
- Join a local Firewise Board.
- Identify and implement planning options to reduce
your communitys fire hazards.
Wildfires are not just a rural and wildland
issue. They are also an urban issue, since
wildfires affect air quality, watersheds,
wildlife habitat, forests, grasslands, and
economic well-being.
Do you live in a wildland urban interface?
No community is safe from wildfire. Communities
can reduce the risk of structure loss from
wildfires. Understanding fire behavior and
implementing mitigation practices will help your
community survive wildfires.