All you need to know about Dialysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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All you need to know about Dialysis


One of the major diseases in the medical field is chronic kidney diseases (CKD). Every year about 2,00,000 new cases are added to the existing number of CKD patients. A 2018 estimate put the number of patients who needed dialysis in India at about 1,75,000 and its growth rate is at 31% which is very alarming. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: All you need to know about Dialysis

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Siddhant Aggarwal
All you need to know about Dialysis
Siddhant Aggarwal Just now 3 min read
One of the major diseases in the medical ?eld is
chronic kidney diseases (CKD). Every year about
2,00,000 new cases are added to the existing
number of CKD patients. A 2018 estimate put the
number of patients who needed dialysis in India
at about 1,75,000 and its growth rate is at 31
which is very alarming. Many people with
CKD depend on dialysis and this dialysis service
is provided by dialysis centers. But what
is dialysis? and let us also look into some of
the frequent questions one has when they want to
get dialysis. So, let us start this blog with the
question, what is dialysis?
What is Dialysis?
The treatment given to CKD patients to ?lter and
purify the blood using a machine is called
Dialysis. This helps to keep your ?uids and
electrolytes in balance when the kidneys cant do
their job. There are two types of Dialysis
Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis.
Types of Dialysis
1. Hemodialysis
In this method, blood is pumped through a
dialysis machine to remove waste products and
excess ?uids. This method involves blood being
removed from the body, and then circulated
through the dialysis machine for cleansing, and
then returned to the body. This can be done at
home or a dialysis center. When done in center,
it generally takes 3 to 5 hours per session and
done three times a week. When done at home, it
generally takes 3 to 10 hours (mostly while
sleeping) per session and is done 3 to 7 times a
2. Peritoneal Dialysis
It works on the same principle as hemodialysis,
but the blood is cleaned while still inside the
body rather than in a machine like in
hemodialysis. It is typically done at home.
Now, let us see some questions people generally
get about dialysis 1. Does dialysis shorten your
Life expectancy on dialysis can vary depending on
your other medical conditions and the average
life expectancy is about 510 years, however,
many patients have lived well on dialysis for 20
or even 30 years according to the National Kidney
Foundation (NFK).
2. Do dialysis patients still urinate?
Unless your kidneys have completely shut down and
glomerular ?ltration rate (GFR) has gone down to
zero, many patients will continue to produce
urine even after starting dialysis.
3. Can you stop dialysis once you start?
Once a patient starts dialysis, the patient will
not survive without it in most cases. However, in
a few cases, patients have improved and the
disease has gone into remission, allowing them to
stop dialysis.
4. Why does dialysis take a long time for a
single session?
The process of dialysis is often long because the
rapid change in blood chemistry can cause
complications. Also, a longer time improves the
5. Does dialysis ever stop working?
It is not that dialysis stops working, it is that
the patient is no longer able to tolerate
the dialysis treatment. Having other health
problems is one reason for not being able
to tolerate dialysis. Kidney transplantation is
an alternative for dialysis treatment.
Where we, the renal project, stand?
The Renal Project along with its scalable size of
centers ranging from 2 bed to 40 bed centers,
want to collaborate with medical facilities where
there is a void in the availability of dialysis
centers and ?ll the gap.
Dialysis Services we provide? In-center
Hemodialysis Home Hemodialysis
Ad-hoc Emergency Dialysis
With this let us conclude this blog. If you want
to know about our dialysis services or
for any other queries visit our site
Wishing you sound health, The Renal Project
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