Title: Titan: Pole to Pole
1Titan Pole to Pole Earths REAL Sister
Planet 30 Years After Voyager Barrow Polar
Gateway Conference Lou Mayo / NASA/GSFC January
28, 2008
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4Galileo's sketch of 1616 and engraving in The
Assayer of 1623.
5Christiaan Huygens
Saturnian System 1/28/08
7Gerard Kuiper
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Titan Pioneer 11
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14Voyager I Titan
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18CH4 Photochemistry
N2 Photochemistry
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21(A. D. Fortes, 1999)
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CALCULATIONS (with associated stratospheric
aerosol cutoff heights) C2H6 HCN
1m 2 E-6 (100km) 4 E-6 (40km)
5m 5 E-8(160km) 4 E-8 (100km)
30CONCLUSIONS Small particles suggest we are in a
region that is just saturated Seed nuclei have
been largely cleared out It is likely that the
bulk of precipitation has proceeded before the
time of these observations If ethane is
responsible for the condensate, then the model
suggests we are seeing a lower stratosphere
cleared out of aerosol If HCN is responsible, we
can still have an aerosol down to the tropopause
for 1 micron size particles.
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32Titan Surface Map HST 1994
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35Titan HST WFPC2 1994
36Titan IVB/Centaur occured at 443 a.m. EDT,
October 15, 1997
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38Huygens Probe Exploded View
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41Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) vs.
Voyager IRIS
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water ice
CH4 Cloud r gtgt0.1 mm
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47Science Objectives
- Determine Titans atmospheric composition
- Investigate energy sources for atmospheric
chemistry - Study aerosol properties and cloud physics
- Measure winds and global temperatures
- Determine properties of Titan surface and infer
internal structure - Investigate the upper atmosphere and ionosphere
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52The surface is darker than originally expected,
consisting of a mixture of water and hydrocarbon
ice. There is also evidence of erosion at the
base of these objects, indicating possible
fluvial activity.
53Huygens DISR Two new features on the surface of
Titan. A bright linear feature suggests an area
where water ice may have been extruded onto the
surface. Also visible are short, stubby dark
channels that may have been formed by liquid
methane Credits ESA/NASA/JPL/University of
54Cassini SAR Image 76.5 S, 32.5 W Area
620 X 270 km Abundant evidence for flowing
liquids and erosion can be seen
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58Titan South Pole Cassini SAR
59Titan Aero RoverMission Concept
20 Months Around Titan
9 Years to Titan via SEP
Orbiter Science PI
Aerorover Science PI
NASA Provided Orbiter, Launch Vehicle, DSN
Coverage and Operations International Partners
Provided Aerorover and Up to 30 of Cost of
Scientific Instruments
60TITAN Under a Red Giant Sun
R. Lorenz, J Lunine, C. McKay, 1997
61So.In Summary
- Titan Has
- Earth Has
- Poles and polar processes
- Seasons
- Lakes
- Rivers
- Lots of Water
- Clouds and Precipitation
- Smog
- Biotic chemistry