Chapter 17 Communication and interpersonal skills - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 17 Communication and interpersonal skills


Make sure it is valid. Give it in small doses. Chapter 17. 14. How can communication ... Self-serving bias ... who acts as a judge and issues a binding decision. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 17 Communication and interpersonal skills

Chapter 17Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Study questions
  • What is the communication process?
  • How can communication be improved?
  • How does perception influence communication?
  • How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • How can we negotiate successful agreements?

What is the communication process?
  • Communication is essential for
  • establishing and maintaining interpersonal
  • listening to others
  • gaining the information needed to create an
    inspirational workplace
  • handling conflict
  • negotiating successfully
  • leading successfully.

What is the communication process?
  • Communication
  • An interpersonal process of sending and receiving
    symbols with messages attached to them
  • Key elements of the communication process
  • Sender
  • Message
  • Channel
  • Receiver
  • Interpreted meaning.

What is the communication process?
  • Effective and efficient communication
  • Effective communication
  • Occurs when the intended meaning of the sender is
    identical to the interpreted meaning of the
  • Efficient communication
  • Occurs at a minimum resource cost
  • Potential trade-offs between effectiveness and
    efficiency must be recognised.

What is the communication process?
  • Sources of noise in communication
  • Poor choice of channels
  • Poor written or oral expression
  • Failure to recognise non-verbal signals
  • Physical distractions
  • Status effects.

What is the communication process?
  • Poor choice of channels
  • Choose the channel that works best.
  • Written channels work for messages that
  • are simple and easy to convey
  • require extensive dissemination quickly
  • convey formal policy or authoritative directives.
  • Oral channels work best for messages that
  • are complex or difficult to convey where
    immediate feedback is needed
  • attempt to create a supportive, even
    inspirational, climate.

What is the communication process?
  • Poor written or oral expression
  • Semantic barriers occur as
  • encoding errors
  • decoding errors
  • mixed messages.
  • Managers need to speak and write clearly.

What is the communication process?
  • Guidelines for making presentations
  • Be prepared.
  • Set the right tone.
  • Sequence points.
  • Support your points.
  • Accent the presentation.
  • Add the right amount of polish.
  • Check your technology.
  • Dont bet on the Internet.
  • Be professional.

What is the communication process?
  • Failure to recognise non-verbal signals
  • Mixed messages occur when a persons words
    communicate one message while his/her non-verbal
    signals communicate something else.
  • The growing use of communication technologies
    causes important non-verbal communication to be

What is the communication process?
  • Physical distractions
  • Interruptions from telephone calls and drop-in
  • Can interfere with the effectiveness of a
    communication attempt
  • Can be avoided or at least minimised through
    proper planning.

What is the communication process?
  • Status effects
  • Occur when an organisations hierarchy of
    authority creates a barrier to effective
  • Status effects include
  • Filtering the intentional distortion of
    information to make it appear favourable to the
  • Subordinates acting as yes men.

How can communicationbe improved?
  • Active listening
  • The process of taking action to help the source
    of a message say what he or she really means
  • Rules for active listening
  • Listen for message content.
  • Listen for feelings.
  • Respond to feelings.
  • Note all cues, verbal and non-verbal.
  • Paraphrase and restate.

How can communicationbe improved?
  • Feedback
  • The process of telling others how you feel about
    something they did or said, or about the
    situation in general
  • Constructive feedback guidelines
  • Give it directly.
  • Make it specific.
  • Give it when the receiver is willing/able to
    accept it.
  • Make sure it is valid.
  • Give it in small doses.

How can communicationbe improved?
  • Ways to keep communication channels open
  • Management by wandering around (MBWA)
  • Open office hours
  • Formal employee group meetings
  • Employee advisory councils
  • Suggestion boxes
  • Communication consultants
  • 360 feedback.

How can communicationbe improved?
  • Proxemics and space design
  • Proxemics is the use of interpersonal space.
  • Interpersonal space is an important non-verbal
  • Workspace layout is often overlooked as a form of
    non-verbal communication but is being
    increasingly recognised for its impact on
    communication and behaviour.

How can communicationbe improved?
  • Technology use
  • New information technologies facilitate
    communication and are growing in importance in
  • Managers must be able to use information
    technology while maintaining good interpersonal

How can communicationbe improved?
  • Technology use
  • Computers and computer technology can
  • empower lower-level workers with more and better
  • enable managers to achieve improved control and
  • undermine the personal side of group decision

How can communicationbe improved?
  • Valuing culture and diversity
  • Ethnocentrism is the tendency to consider ones
    culture superior to any and all others.
  • Ethnocentrism can cause people to
  • not listen to others
  • address or speak to others in ways that alienate
  • use inappropriate stereotypes in dealing with
    someone from another culture.

How does perception influence communication?
  • Perception
  • The process through which people receive and
    interpret information from the environment
  • People can perceive the same things or situations
  • People behave on the basis of their perceptions.

How does perception influence communication?
  • Perception and attribution
  • Attribution
  • The process of developing explanations for events
  • Fundamental attribution error
  • Occurs when observers blame anothers performance
    failures or problems on internal factors rather
    than external factors
  • Self-serving bias
  • Occurs because individuals blame their personal
    performance failures or problems on external
    factors and attribute their successes to internal

How does perception influence communication?
  • Perceptual tendencies and distortions
  • Stereotypes
  • Occur when someone is identified with a group or
    category, and then oversimplified attributes
    associated with the group or category are linked
    back to the individual
  • Halo effects
  • Occur when one attribute is used to develop an
    overall impression of a person or situation.

How does perception influence communication?
  • Perceptual tendencies and distortions
  • Selectivity
  • The tendency to single out for attention those
    aspects of a situation or attributes of a person
    that reinforce or appear consistent with ones
    existing beliefs, values or needs
  • Projection
  • The assignment of personal attributes to other

How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • Conflict
  • A disagreement between people on
  • substantive issues regarding goals, allocation of
    resources, distribution of rewards, policies and
    procedures, and job assignments
  • emotional issues arising from feelings of anger,
    distrust, dislike, fear and resentment, as well
    as personality clashes.
  • Conflict that is well managed can help promote
    high performance, creativity and innovation.

How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • Functional conflict
  • Moderately intense conflict
  • Constructive stimulates people towards greater
    work efforts, cooperation and creativity.
  • Dysfunctional conflict
  • Low-intensity and very high-intensity conflict
  • Destructive hurts task performance.

How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • Causes of conflict
  • Role ambiguities
  • Resource scarcities
  • Task interdependencies
  • Competing objectives
  • Structural differentiation
  • Unresolved prior conflicts.

How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • Structural approaches for resolving conflict
  • Appealing to superordinate goals
  • Making more resources available to everyone
  • Replacing or transferring one or more of the
    conflicting parties
  • Altering the physical environment.

How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • Integrative devices for resolving conflicts
  • Using liaison personnel, special task forces,
    cross-functional teams or a matrix organisation
    to change interaction patterns
  • Changing reward systems
  • Using policies and procedures to direct behaviour
  • Training people in interpersonal skills.

How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • Conflict management styles
  • Peoples conflict management styles reflect
    different combinations of assertive and
    cooperative behaviour.
  • Assertiveness is the desire to satisfy your own
    needs and concerns.
  • Cooperativeness is the desire to satisfy the
    other partys needs and concerns.

How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • Conflict management styles
  • Avoidance
  • Uncooperative and unassertive
  • Accommodation (smoothing)
  • Cooperative and assertive
  • Competition (authoritative command)
  • Uncooperative and assertive
  • Compromise
  • Moderately cooperative and assertive
  • Collaboration (problem solving)
  • Cooperative and assertive.

How can we deal positively with conflict?
  • Conflict management outcomes
  • Loselose conflict
  • Management by avoidance or accommodation
  • Winlose conflict
  • Management by competition and compromise
  • Winwin conflict
  • Management by collaboration.

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Negotiation is the process of making joint
    decisions when the parties involved have
    different preferences.
  • All negotiation situations are susceptible to
    conflict and require exceptional communication

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Negotiation goals and approaches
  • Substance goals
  • Concerned with outcomes
  • Tied to the content issues of negotiation
  • Relationship goals
  • Concerned with processes
  • Tied to the way people work together
  • Effective negotiations occur when
  • issues of substance are resolved
  • working relationships are maintained or improved.

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Criteria for effective negotiation
  • Quality
  • Negotiating a wise agreement that is truly
    satisfactory to all sides
  • Cost
  • Negotiating efficiently, using minimum resources
    and time
  • Harmony
  • Negotiating in a way that fosters interpersonal

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Types of negotiation
  • Distributive negotiation
  • Focuses on claims made by each party
  • Leads to winlose outcomes.
  • Principled (or integrative) negotiation
  • Goal is to base the outcome on the merits of
    individual claims
  • Leads to winwin outcomes.

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Gaining integrative agreements
  • Separate the people from the problem.
  • Focus on interests, not on positions.
  • Generate many alternatives before deciding what
    to do.
  • Insist that results are based on some objective

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Common negotiation pitfalls
  • Falling prey to the myth of the fixed pie.
  • Non-relational escalation of conflict.
  • Overconfidence and ignoring others needs.
  • Too much telling and too little hearing.

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Approaches to avoiding negotiation pitfalls
  • Mediation
  • Involves a neutral third party who tries to
    improve communication among negotiating parties
    and keep them focused on relevant issues
  • Arbitration
  • Involves a neutral third party who acts as a
    judge and issues a binding decision.

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Approaches to avoiding negotiation pitfalls
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Uses mediation and/or arbitration but only after
    direct attempts to negotiate agreements among
    conflicting parties have failed
  • Often uses an ombudsperson as a neutral third

How can we negotiate successful agreements?
  • Ethical issues in negotiation
  • High ethical standards should be maintained.
  • Profit motive and the competitive desire to win
    sometimes lead to unethical behaviour.
  • Unethical negotiating behaviour can lead to
    short-term gains but long-term losses.
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