Title: Chapter 1 Communication Overview
1Chapter 1Communication Overview
- Introduction to Communications Applications
2Few things can help an individual more than to
place responsibility on him, and to let him know
that you trust him." -Booker T. Washington
3Building Responsibility
- Build responsible communication skills by using
ethical, clear messages - Both verbal and non-verbal communications have
4What are Ethics?
"Ethics A person's sense of right and wrong."
5The Foundation for Good Communication - Values
Good, ethical person
Communicate constructively
Care about your audience
6Major Parts of Communication Process
- The four major parts of communication are
- Sender
- Message
- Receiver
- Feedback
7The Communication Model
- Sender (transmits message)
- Message (words, body language and symbols that
convey an ideas) - Receiver (interprets message)
- transmits feedback through words, body
language and symbols
8Communication Model
FEEDBACK Facial expressions, eye contact, Body
language, questions
Context Physical environment Climate
Context Physical environment Climate
MESSAGE Word, tone, gestures, Facial Expressions
9What are Responsibilities of the Sender?
- Think before you speak
- Articulate your words
- Watch the receiver
10What are Responsibilities of the Receiver?
- Ask questions
- Learn about issues and people
- Relate to their background
11Barriers to Communication
- A responsible communicator works to eliminate
barriers or road blocks
- Stereotyping
- Labeling people based on their group and a
preconceived idea
13Non-Verbal Communication
- Body Language
- Facial Expressions
- Symbols
14A symbol is anything that stands for an idea.
- Possessions
- Clothing
- Signs
- Gestures
- Common goodbye, hello, no, yes, I dont know,
4 U
15Forms of Communication
- Conversation with yourself Intrapersonal
- One-on-one communication Interpersonal
- Communicating with more than one Group
16Forms of Communication
- Television, Internet, radio mass media
- Art of studying public speaking rhetoric or
oratory - Another name for a speaker orator
17Aristotles Three Types of Appeals
- Logical appeal sequence in organization and
analysis - Emotional appeal strikes a chord
- Ethical appeal natural honesty
- Where might you find each kind?