Title: Budhendra Bhaduri
1Overview of Geospatial Computing at ORNL
Geographic Information Science
Technology Computational Sciences and Engineering
2ORNL A pioneer in Geospatial Science and
Rich History Spanning 30 years Defining
Geospatial Research Agendas Developing New
Algorithms, Software, and Data Conducting
Verification Validation Studies
3Technology Highlights
- Geospatial Science
- Multi-resolution data analysis
- Advanced spatial modeling
- Data integration and visualization
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Decision Support Systems (DSS)
- Scientific Data Access
- Collection, Distribution, and Management
- Large scale data manipulation
4Ongoing Research Highlights
- Analysis of surface drinking water systems and
source water characterization - I2IA Feature-based characterization of large
image archives - Transportation Routing Analysis GIS (TRAGIS)
- LandScan High resolution population distribution
5Source Water Characterization
- Georeferencing Community Water System (CWS)
intakes to the National Hydrography Data (NHD) - Delineating upstream contributory watersheds from
the intake locations - Characterizing upstream contributory watersheds
with pesticide usage data
6CWS Intakes
- 6945 intake location
- 6361 indexed to NHD
- 30 validated so far
- Characterization and visualization tools developed
7Watershed Characterization
- Land cover/Land use
- Pesticide application
- 1992
- 1997
- Total by compound
- Total by crop type
- By crop-compound combinations
- 32,000 data files as initial output
8Image-to-Intelligence Archive (I2IA)Assisting
Image Analysts in Building and Using Archives
- The amount of data available to an image analysts
today is enormous - We are developing an agent-based system
architecture that - autonomously manages a massive but dynamic image
data archive - transforms that to an intelligence or information
archive to aid national security needs
9Geoconform Images to Create Dynamic Data Archive
Monitor Distributed Data Sources
Create Intelligence or Information Archive
Feature Search, Filtering, Retrieval
Where are the power plants?
Data Search Retrieval Agents
Modeling and Analytical Applications
Visualization for Decision Support Systems
Intelligence Archive Image Analysis, Indexing,
and Characterization
Geospatial Data
Image Data Archive
Data Processing Integration Agents
Index Power plants Airports Hospitals
Spatial Search Filtering of Image Data
Image Analysis
Intelligent Agents
Geospatial Analysis
10Transportation Routing Analysis GISWeb-TRAGIS
- Transportation Routing Analysis GIS (TRAGIS)
model is used to examine highway, rail, and
waterway routes for route campaigns or future
shipments - Transportation routing model used by DOE
community for routing and risk assessment studies
11TRAGIS Rail Network
- 1100K rail network development sponsored by
Dahlgren NSWC Joint Program Office - Uniquely value added and topologically refined
- Used for infrastructure assurance analysis
- Also incorporated into Transportation Routing
Analysis GIS model, funded by DOE/NTP
12TRAGIS Routing Model
- Transportation Routing Analysis GIS (TRAGIS)
model is used to examine highway, rail, and
waterway routes for route campaigns or future
shipments - Output includes population data along routes for
risk assessment models
13LandScan Global Population
Innovative approach using GIS and RS techniques
to produce worlds finest population distribution
model, database, and tool
- Accepted standard for estimating population at
risk by the DoD and DOS - Federal agencies including DoD (DTRA, NGA), DHS
NIH) are current users of the data for research
and development and routine exercises - Over 1200 non-defense registered users worldwide
including WHO and the UN agencies - Used in Rand McNallys World Goodes Atlas and
National Geographic Maps
- Finest spatial resolution (lt1km) global
population distribution ever produced - Global coverage in consistent raster (GIS) format
- Regular (yearly) updates
- First to employ satellite imagery worldwide
- Allows quick and easy assessment, estimation, and
visualization of population at risk - Integrated with transportation, socioeconomic,
and consequence assessment models (HPAC)
14LandScan USA
- Very High Spatial Resolution
- 3 arc second resolution (about 90 m. or 300 ft.)
or finer - Finer Temporal Resolution
- Nighttime (residential) and daytime population
distributions - High Currency
- Modeled from best available Census 2000 block
data - Value Added
- Demographic and socio economic characteristics
for easy integration with risk and impact
assessment models - Compared to Census Data
- Better than census resolution for most city blocks
15Space-Time Visualization
16Intelligent Consequence Management
- Real time consequence analysis
- Compounding effects from disasters
- Dynamic traffic assignment
- GIS-data integration
- Sensitivity of lead time
17(No Transcript)
18Near-Real Time Population Model
- Combining
- Image processing
- GIS modeling
- High-performance computing