Title: INDIA
2Indias Water Futures to 2025/2050 Scenarios
and Issues
- Phase I Workshop of the The Strategic Analysis
of Indias River Linking Project NRLP - Project is part of the Challenge Program for
Water and Food CPWF - IWMI is lead center of the project
- Tushaar Shah - Poject leader
- Upali Amarasinghe Coordinate the activities
from IWMI Delhi office - Project Web site - http//nrlp.iwmi.org
3IWMI-CP project - NRLP analysis
Phase I Indias Water Futures Analysis
April 2005- April 2006
3 Y E A R S
Phase II Analysis of NRLP- How adequate is it?
January 2006- March 2007
Phase III Alternative water sector perspective
April 2007-April 2008
4Why another Water Futures analysis?
- NRLP is based on Water Futures projections of
NCIWRD commission - Hardened positions with inadequate analysis
- Against NRLP- says there is inadequate analysis
of alternative options - For NRLP- says that considering the magnitude of
the water crisis, NRLP is the only option - Key Missing Issues
- What is the magnitude of crisis itself?
- Why interlinking was chosen as the best option?
- What is the scope of the alternatives?
5Phase I Research Activities
- Water Availability, Potentially utilizable water
resources of river basins - Mr. AD Mohile / BK Anand
- Environmental water Demand of Indian River Basin
- Vladimir Smakhtin / M.Anputhas/WWF/
- Regional demographic projections
- Aslam Mahmhood / Amitabh Kundu
- Regional economic growth/Industrial and service
sector water demand - KV Raju / RS Deshapande
6Phase I Research Activities
- 5. Changes in regional consumption patterns
Implications for food and feed demand - OP Singh/Sanjive Phansalkar
- WTO - Increasing world trade Implications for
irrigation water demand - Charlotte de Fraiture/RPS Malik/Shilp Verma
- 7. Future of irrigation/Agriculture
- Anik Bhaduri/Upali Amarasinghe/Tushaar Shah
- 8. Potential of rainfed agriculture in India
- Bharat Sharma/ K.P.R.VIttal/K.J.Rao
7Phase I Research Activities
- Spread of Water saving technologies/ Water
productivity improvements/ Rainwater harvesting - Dinesh Kumar/Madar Samad/OP Singh/K Palanisamy/
- 10. Intensification of groundwater irrigation-
Environmental impacts and implications for water
supply and demand - Sundar Krishnan,
- 11. Water Supply and Demand of India Scenarios
and Issues - Upali Amarasinghe/Tushaar Shah/Shilp Verma/Frank
8Indias water futures scenario analysis
- Grain and non-grain crop demand projections
- Regional demographic patterns
- Regional economic growth
- Food consumption patterns
- Feed demand
- Increasing food trade/National self sufficiency
- Water availability assessments
- Total/Potentially utilizable water resources
- Environmental water demand
- Water Demand projections
- Irrigated water demand
- Water saving technologies
- Water productivity growth
- Rain water harvesting
- Domestic water demand
- Industrial/Service sector water demand
- Grain and non-grain crop production projections
- Future of irrigation/ agriculture
- Rainfed potential
- Water productivity improvements
- Groundwater irrigation
9Second Phase - Analysis of NRLP
- Inception workshop in April
- Advisory committee meeting in May
- Workshop 1, Phase II in December
- Workshop 2, Phase II in March 2007
10Thank you