Title: Quantum transport with memory effects
1Quantum transport with memory effects
- Björn Schenke and Carsten Greiner
- Institut für Theoretische Physik
- Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt
- EM-Probes of Strongly Interacting Matter - ECT -
Trento - June 22nd 2007
- Do the properties of quantum mechanical particles
adjust to the medium immediately or do they have
some memory of the past? - In particular Is the quasi-stationary
approximation valid when describing vector mesons
in an evolving medium? - Do memory effects affect the dilepton yields in
heavy ion collisions? - What are the important time scales for this
particular scenario?
3Motivation II
Fig.2 Taken from E. Scomparins (NA60) talk
_at_QM2005 Published in PRL96 - 2006
Fig.1 J.P.Wessels et al. Nucl.Phys. A715,
262-271 (2003)
Need medium modifications of the ?-meson to
explain data. These modifications happen
dynamically in a HIC and we use real time quantum
field theory to determine how fast the mesons
adjust to the changing medium
4Motivation III
medium modifications
thermal equilibrium
(quasi-stationary hypothesis)
5Realtime formalism
- Lets first calculate the time dependent
spectral function of a vector meson - from fundamental quantum mechanics without
approximations - For that we apply the realtime formalism (for
non-stationary systems the - Gell-Mann and Low theorem does not apply)
- Expectation values of operators are
calculated along a time contour
Greens function with time arguments on
the contour
6Equations of motion
- Dyson equations for the contour Greens function
with self energy and
- From these we can derive the Kadanoff-Baym
equations using - and fixing the time arguments at opposite sides
of the contour.
7Equations of motion II
and the hermitian conjugates.
nonlocal in time ? include memory
- For the retarded and advanced propagators
they yield the equations of motion
and the hermitian conjugates.
8Interpretation of Greens functions
- if one does a Wigner transformation ? phase
space distribution
? Boltzmann equation, semi-classical transport,
- noninteracting, homogeneous situation
- interacting, homogeneous equilibrium situation
9Can we see the memory?
- Before calculating dilepton yields, first
consider - the vector mesons spectral function
- Its memory is visible in the retarded propagator
Example Perform a mass change over time from
400 MeV to 770 MeV and look at the retarded
propagator after the change is finished.
10Spectral function of the omega
- Time evolution of the spectral function of the
omega meson during a change of the mass and the
width (within 8 fm/c) compared to the
quasi-static case
Red Dynamical quantum case Green quasi static
11Time scales
- Introduce time dependence like
e.g. from these differences we retrieve a
At this point compare
time scale , with
c2-3.5 c depends on initial width and mass
?-meson retardation of about 3 fm/c
- The behavior of the ? becomes adiabatic on
timescales much larger than 3 fm/c - Hence we can expect an effect in HICs since
changes happen on 6 fm/c
12Nonequilibrium dilepton rate
B. Schenke and C. Greiner, Phys.Rev. C73034909,
2006 - hep-ph/0509026
- We start from the Kadanoff-Baym equations
- Do not make a first order gradient expansion
- Project on the lepton number in
13Dilepton rate in two-time rep.
14Dropping mass scenario
B. Schenke and C. Greiner, Phys.Rev.Lett.
98022301 (2007)
- Chiral symmetry restoration ? dropping meson
- ?-meson spectral function during fireball
- Spectral function enters dilepton rate
15Observable Dilepton yield
- Different parameterizations
- Also include additional broadening by about 100
MeV - Calculate for momentum k0-1.5 GeV
- Expanding Firecylinder model for NA60 scenario
- yields V(t), T(t) and n(t)
- Total yield per invariant mass M
B. Schenke and C. Greiner, Phys.Rev.Lett.
98022301 (2007)
- Compare to static calculation without memory
- Compare to static calculation without memory
18Coupling to N-hole states
- Coupling of the ? to N(1520)
- Broadening of the ? to G700 MeV
- Broadening of the resonance to 400 MeV
- Constant ?-mass
- Memory effects are less dramatic
- More distinct structure in dynamic
- calculation
19Coupling to N-hole states
- Coupling of the ? to N(1520)
- Broadening of the ? to G700 MeV
- Broadening of the resonance to 400 MeV
- Memory effects are less dramatic
- More distinct structure in dynamic
- calculation
20Summary and conclusion
- Found memory effects for meson spectral functions
in a dynamically evolving medium as in a HIC - Calculated dilepton yields from fireball within
- equilibrium and nonequilibrium description
- Found increased yield in nonequilibrium case
- by a factor of about 3-4 and differences in
shape for the Brown-Rho scaling scenarios only
about 30 difference for the melted spectral
function - The rho meson has a memory of the medium!
- Quantum transport leads to different results
than the quasi-static approximation this study
allows for quantification of the error made by
using that approximation depends on time
scales! -