Title: Final Review Lecture
1Final Review Lecture
Sociology 549 Paul von Hippel
2Exam is comprehensive
- Emphasizes second half of course
- Earlier topics do come back
- though I wont review them today
- Todays review
- themes
- nuts and bolts
4Themes Inferential statistics
- Population vs. sample
- Logic of hypothesis tests
- Hypothesis tests and confidence intervals
- Implications of sample size
5Population vs. sampleSampling error
- The sample is not the population
- different means, different proportions, etc.
- E.g.,
- Although the sample (poll) favors Kerry
- the population (electorate) may still favor Bush
6Population vs. sampleSampling variation
- If you take a different sample
- you get a different sample statistic
- even if the population is the same
- E.g.,
- Last weeks sample (poll) favored Kerry
- This weeks sample favors Bush
- But the population may not have changed
7Lecture 9, Example 1 Sampling distribution of a
sample proportion
- Distribution of p across all possible samples
- when p.61 and N100
8Logic of hypothesis tests
- If the null hypothesis (H0) were true
- what would the sampling distribution look like?
- would our sample be extreme?
- would our sample be unlikely?
- If our sample would look extreme/unlikely,
- reject H0.
9Is the sample extreme?
- The sample favors Kerry
- but in a tied population (H0p.50)
- this sample would not be extreme
(Lecture 11)
10Is the sample unlikely?
- The sample favors Kerry
- but in a tied population (H0p.50)
- About 30 of samples would favor one candidate or
the other by at least this much - i.e., p.30
(Lecture 11)
Should we reject H0?
11Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests
- Confidence interval
- a range of plausible parameter values.
- Hypothesis test
- Is a parameter value plausible?
- If a value looks plausible from one perspective
- it will be plausible from the other
12Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests
- Suppose this is the CI
- Will we reject H0p1-p20?
13Sample size
- Larger sample
- ? smaller standard error
- ? narrower confidence interval
- ? fewer plausible parameter values
- ? H0 less likely to seem plausible
14Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests
- Suppose we had a larger sample
- Would the CI be narrower or wider?
- Would we be more or less likely to reject
15Sample size
- Two influences on hypothesis tests
- the population
- Whats really true
- size of the sample
- How much evidence we have
- Suppose we have two samples
- identical p1, p2, ...
- one sample has larger N1, N2, ...
- In which sample would we more likely rejectH0
16Putting several tests together
- In Lecture 15,
- When comparing CS, soc, crim majors
- we rejected the hypothesis of equal starting
salaries - We couldnt reject that hypothesis when comparing
only soc crim - so it seems the difference comes from CS
- Why?
17Nuts and bolts
18Which formula to use?
- Mean or proportion?
- How many groups?
means means proportions proportions
groups test CI test CI
1 t t Z Z
2 t t Z Z
?2 F c2
19Mean or proportion?
- Useful keywords
- mean average, standard deviation
- proportion percentage, likely
- But keywords are fallible
- Bottom line
- a proportions problem involves a dummy variable
- a means problem doesnt
20Mean or proportion? Example 1
- 1993 General Social Survey, student version
- Question Do you like rap music?
- Of 1204 white respondents, 112 said yes.
- Of 161 black respondents, 52 said yes.
- Of 69 other respondents, 17 said yes.
- Mean or proportion?
- How many groups?
- Which formula?
21Mean or proportion? Example 2
- On average, fans of big-band music are 51 years
old, with a standard deviation of 17 years. - On average, fans of heavy-metal music are 34
years old, with a standard deviation of 13 years. - Mean or proportion? How many groups?
- Which formula?
- What information is missing?
22Mean or proportion? Example 3
- Comparison of teaching methods
- In a sample of students using method A, the
average score was 71. - In a sample using method B, the average score
was 76. - Mean or proportion? How many groups?
- Which formula?
- Need further information?
23Study strategies
- Go over assignments, especially problems you
missed. - Do practice final and check answers.
- Find odd-numbered problems and check answers in
back of book. - Dealing with exam stress
- Prepare thoroughly
- Do some studying in a classroom.
25Bonus slides