Title: Healthcare Interpretation Network
1Healthcare Interpretation Network
National Standard Guide for Community
Interpreting Services NSGCIS
2- National Standard Guide for Community
Interpreting Services - International Standards/other initiatives
- How HIN help interpreters work?
3Elements of professionalization
- Standard Training
- Orientation Facilities
- Community organizations
- Colleges (new standard training-Ontario Sep 2006)
- Standards NSGCIS (Nov. 2007)
- Professional Accreditation
- No designation for CI yet
4National Standard Guide for Community
Interpreting Services
- NSGCIS created by the HIN Policy Committee
- International Medical Interpreters Association -
IMIA - California Healthcare Interpreting Association
-CHIA - National Council on Interpreting in Healthcare
- National Accreditation Authority for Translators
and Interpreters Australia - NAATI - Austrian Standards Institute. ONORM D 1202
Translation and interpretation services - Standards of practice used in training in Canada
- Healthcare Interpretation Network - HIN
- Association de lindustrie de la langue
- Language Industry Association AILIA
- Critical Link Canada
- Association of Canadian Corporations in
Translation and Interpretation ACCTI
6Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee
- Composition of Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee
- National representation
- Multi-sector representation
- Non-profit
- Academia
- Private sector
- Professional Associations
- Government
- Methodology
- Specifies the requirements for the provision of
quality CI services - Applies to community interpreting only
- Healthcare
- Legal
- Education
- Social services
- Promote the highest quality of interpreting when
adopted for assessment, training, hiring,
performance monitoring and possible future
professional recognition. - Provide clear and consistent definitions of the
characteristics and competencies of a qualified
community interpreter - Educational tool / Common base of understanding
among interpreting parties
9What does the NSGCIS cover?
- Definitions of interpreting terminology
- Human Resources requirements
- Settings
- Responsibilities of interpreting parties
- Clients
- Interpreting Service Providers
- Interpreters
10What does the NSGCIS cover?
- Annexes
- Professional Standards of Practice and Core
Ethical Principles - Language Classification
- Professional Associations
- Healthcare Interpreting
- Legal Interpreting
11HIN recommendations for professionalization
- Wide support of the NSGCIS (clients, ISP,
interpreters) - Enforcement of standard training and testing for
interpreters - Recognition of CI by the professional
associations or a regulatory body
12International Standards/other initiatives
- ISO TC37 SC2 WG6
- International Standardization Organization,
Technical Committee 37, Sub-Committee 2, Working
group 6 - LICS/CEN 15038
- Language Industry Certification System/European
Committee for Standardization - IMIA
- International Medical Interpreters Association
- Language Industry Association
13How HIN help interpreters work
- Unified Code of Ethics
- Unified terminology
- Basic requirements for the provision of the
service - Framework for interaction for the interpreting
parties in terms of rights and responsibilities,
clarity regarding roles. - Higher client confidence / Improved service
performance - Better access to reference and background material
14For the full text of the NSGCIS Healthcare
Interpretation Network