Title: Section 14'1 Voting Methods
1Section 14.1Voting Methods
- Objective
- Understand and use preference tables.
- Use the plurality method to determine an
elections winner. - Use the Borda count method to determine an
elections winner. - Use the plurality-with-elimination method to
determine an elections winner. - Use the pairwise comparison method to determine
an elections winner.
2Preference Tables
- Preference ballots are ballots in which a voter
is asked to rank all the candidates in order of
preference. - Example Four candidates are running for
president of the Student Film Institute Paul
(P), Rita (R), Sarah (S), and Tim (T). Each of
the clubs members submits a secret ballot
indicating his or her first, second, third, and
fourth choice for president.
The 37 ballots are shown to the right.
3Preference Tables
- A preference table shows how often each
particular outcome occurred. - Example
The election ballots are placed into identical
Then the identical stacks are placed into a
preference table.
4Preference TablesUnderstanding a Preference
- Example How many people selected Rita (R) as
their second choice? - Solution We find the number of people who voted
for R as their second choice by reading across
the row that says Second Choice. When you see a R
in this row, write the number above it. Then find
the sum of the numbers - 14 10 24
- Thus, 24 people selected Rita as their second
5The Plurality Method
- The candidates (or candidates, if there is more
than one) with the most first-place votes is the
winner. - Example For the previous preference table, who
is declared the winner using the plurality
method? - Solution The candidate with the most first-place
votes is the winner. When using the preference
table, we only need to look at the row indicating
the number of first-choice votes. - Thus, P (Paul) is the winner and the new
president of the Student Film Institute.
6The Borda Count Method
- Each voter ranks the candidates from the most
favorable to the least favorable. - Each last-place vote is given 1 point, each
next-to-last-place vote is given 2 points, each
third-from-last-place vote is given 3 points, and
so on. - The points are totaled for each candidate
separately. - The candidate with the most points is the winner.
7The Borda Count MethodUsing the Borda Count
- Example In the previous table, who is the winner
using the Borda method? - Solution Because there are four candidates, a
first-place vote is worth 4 points, a second
place vote is worth 3 points, a third-place vote
is worth 2 points, and a fourth-place vote is
worth 1 point.
8The Borda Count MethodUsing the Borda Count
- Now, we read down each column and total the
points for each candidate separately - P 56 10 8 4 1 79 points
- R 42 30 16 16 2 106 points
- S 28 40 24 8 4 104 points
- T 14 20 32 12 3 81 points
- Because Rita (R) has received the most points,
she is the winner and the new president of the
Student Film Institute.
9The Plurality-with-Elimination Method
- The candidate with the majority of first-place
votes is the winner. - If no candidate receives a majority of
first-place votes, eliminate the candidate
(candidates, if there is a tie) with the fewest
first-place votes from the preference table. - Move the candidates in each column below the
eliminated candidate up one place. - The candidate with the majority of first-place
votes in the new preference table is the winner. - If no candidate receives a majority of
first-place votes, repeat this process until a
candidate receives a majority.
10The Plurality-with-Elimination MethodUsing the
Plurality-with-Elimination Method
- Example In the previous table, who is declared
the winner using the plurality-with-elimination
Solution Recall that there are 37 people voting.
In order to receive a majority, a candidate must
receive more than 50 of the first-place votes,
i.e., meaning 19 or more votes.
11The Plurality-with-Elimination MethodUsing the
Plurality-with-Elimination Method
- The number of first-place votes for each
candidate is - P(Paul) 14 S(Sarah) 10 1 11 T(Tim)
8 R(Rita) 4 - We see that no candidate receives a majority
first-place votes. Because Rita received the
fewest first-place votes, she is eliminated in
the first round. The new preference table is
12The Plurality-with-Elimination MethodUsing the
Plurality-with-Elimination Method
- We repeat the process. So, the number of
first-place votes for each candidate is - P(Paul) 14 S(Sarah) 10 1 11 T(Tim)
8 4 12. - Once again, no candidate receives a majority
first-place votes. Because Sarah received the
fewest first-place votes, she is eliminated from
the second round. The new preference table is
13The Plurality-with-Elimination MethodUsing the
Plurality-with-Elimination Method
- The number of first-place votes for each
candidate is now - P(Paul) 14 T(Tim) 10 8 4 1 23.
- Because T(Tim) has received the majority of
first-place votes, i.e., Tim received more than
19 votes, he is the winner and the new president
of the Student Film Institute.
14The Pairwise Comparison Method
- Using the pairwise comparison method, every
candidate is compared one-on-one with every other
candidate. - The number of comparisons made using the pairwise
comparison method is given by - where n is the number of candidates, and C is
the number of comparisons that must be made.
15The Pairwise Comparison Method
- Voters rank all the candidates and the results
are summarized in a preference table. - The table is used to make a series of comparisons
in which each candidate is compared to each of
the other candidates. - For each pair of candidates, X and Y, use the
table to determine how many voters prefer X to Y
and vice versa. - If a majority prefer X to Y, then X receives 1
point. - If a majority prefers Y to X, then Y receives 1
point. - If the candidates tie, then each receives half a
point. - After all comparisons have been made, the
candidate receiving the most points is the winner.
16The Pairwise Comparison MethodUsing the Pairwise
Comparison Method
- Example For the previous table, who is declared
the winner using the pairwise comparison method? - Solution We first find how many comparisons that
must be made. Since there are 4 candidates, then
n4 and
17The Pairwise Comparison MethodUsing the Pairwise
Comparison Method
- With P, R, S, T, the comparisons are P vs. R, P
vs. S, P vs. T, R vs. S, R vs. T, and S vs. T.
18The Pairwise Comparison MethodUsing the Pairwise
Comparison Method
Using the six comparisons and conclusion to add
points we get P no points S 1 1 1 3
points R 1 1 2
points T 1 point After all the
comparisons have been made, the candidate
receiving the most points is S(Sarah). Sarah is
the winner and new president of the Student Film