Title: Introduction to Chemistry
1Introduction to Chemistry Background for
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
2Introduction to Chemistry Principles
3Introduction to measurements
- Introduction to measurements
- Distance/size
- dynamics of the scale from the wavelength of
x-rays to astronomic distances. - focus on the middle scale size from visible
objects person, hand (where did inch come
from?), fingernail thickness, hair diameter,
mite, microbe, virus, finally atom and a
4Wide range of dimensions
Relevant dimensions kilometers (103
m) meters centimeters (2-1/2 1
inch) millimeter nanometers Angstroms (10-10
m) size of an atom
Atom Electrons going around the nucleus
5Units of Measurement
- SI Units
- There are two types of units
- fundamental (or base) units
- derived units.
- There are 7 base units in the SI system.
6Units of Measurement
Base SI Units
7Units of Measurement
SI Units
Selected Prefixes used in SI System
8Units of Measurement
- SI Units
- Note the SI unit for length is the meter (m)
whereas the SI unit for mass is the kilogram
(kg). - 1 kg weighs 2.2046 lb.
- Temperature
- There are three temperature scales
- Kelvin Scale
- Used in science.
- Same temperature increment as Celsius scale.
- Lowest temperature possible (absolute zero) is
zero Kelvin. - Absolute zero 0 K -273.15 oC.
9Measurements - Distance
- Standard units
- length
- Meter (a little more than 3 feet)
- too large for some purpose
- millimeter, centimeter
- (multiples of 10, e.g., 1 meter 1000 cm)
- Inch nonstandard unit, thumb (sp.
thumbpulgar, inchpulgada, greek
10Why dimensions matter? Nanomaterials particles
of nanometer size
Nano-scale materials often have very different
properties from bulk materials e.g. color and
- 3nm iron particle has 50 of atoms on the
surface - 10nm particle has 20 of atoms on the surface
- 30nm particle has 5 of atoms on the surface
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12The scale of things
13Squared and cubed distance
- Area distance squared
- Volume distance cubed
the liter is a basic volume unit in chemistry, is
is one decimeter cubed, of 10x10x101000 cm
cubed. It is somewhat larrer than one quart
14Units of Measurement
- The units for volume are given by (units of
length)3. - SI unit for volume is 1 m3.
- We usually use 1 mL 1 cm3.
- Other volume units
- 1 L 1 dm3 1000 cm3 1000 mL
- Amount per volume
- grams per liter
- moles per liter
16Amount of material
- mass in kilograms or in grams
- count of particles
- 12 dozen
- 500 ream
- 6.022 x 1023 mole
- Vigor of movement of paticles atoms or
molecules. - Scientific units Degrees Celsius (water freezes
at zero and boils at hundred. - Kelvin same spacing as Celsius, starts at
absolute zero and 0 oC is 273.15 K.
18Change of volume with temperature
- Thermal expansion volumetric thermal expansion.
19Mercury thermometer
20Conversion of temperature units
- Some units need to be converted, e.g.,
centimeters to inches, which is simple
multiplication. - Lcm 2.54Lin
- Temperature conversiton Fahrenheit to Celsius is
a bit more involved - Tc (5/9)(Tf-32)
- Tf ((9/5)Tc)32
21Large dynamic range of dimensions
22Forms of materialDIAMOND - GRAPHITE
23Forms of materialCARBON - GRAPHITE
24Form of materialGRAPHITE - FULLERENE
27Acceptance of nanotechnology
28Why Study Chemistry?
- Chemistry is the study of the properties of
materials and the changes that materials undergo. - Chemistry is central to our understanding of
other sciences. - It is substantial part of nanoscience and
29The Study of Chemistry
- The Molecular Perspective of Chemistry
- Matter is the physical material of the universe.
- Matter is made up of relatively few elements.
- On the microscopic level, matter consists of
atoms and molecules. - Atoms combine to form molecules.
- As we see, molecules may consist of the same type
of atoms or different types of atoms.
30Molecular Perspective of Chemistry
31Classification of Matter
- States of Matter
- Matter can be a gas, a liquid, or a solid.
- These are the three states of matter.
- Gases take the shape and volume of their
container. - Gases can be compressed to form liquids.
- Liquids take the shape of their container, but
they do have their own volume. - Solids are rigid and have a definite shape and
32Classification of Matter
- Pure Substances and Mixtures
- Elements consist of a unique type of atom.
- Molecules can consist of more than one type of
element. - Molecules that have only one type of atom (an
element). - Molecules that have more than one type of atom (a
compound). - If more than one atom, element, or compound are
found together, then the substance is a mixture.
33- Pure Substances and Mixtures
34Classification of Matter
- Pure Substances and Mixtures
- If matter is not uniform throughout, then it is a
heterogeneous mixture. - If matter is uniform throughout, it is
homogeneous. - If homogeneous matter can be separated by
physical means, then the matter is a mixture. - If homogeneous matter cannot be separated by
physical means, then the matter is a pure
substance. - If a pure substance can be decomposed into
something else, then the substance is a compound.
35Classification of Matter
- Elements
- If a pure substance cannot be decomposed into
something else, then the substance is an element. - There are 114 elements known.
- Each element is given a unique chemical symbol
(one or two letters). - Elements are building blocks of matter.
- The earths crust consists of 5 main elements.
- The human body consists mostly of 3 main
36Classification of Matter
37Classification of Matter
- Elements
- Chemical symbols with one letter have that letter
capitalized (e.g., H, B, C, N, etc.) - Chemical symbols with two letters have only the
first letter capitalized (e.g., He, Be).
38Classification of Matter
- Compounds
- If water is decomposed, then there will always be
twice as much hydrogen gas formed as oxygen gas. - Pure substances that cannot be decomposed are
elements. - Mixtures
- Heterogeneous mixtures are not uniform
throughout. - Homogeneous mixtures are uniform throughout.
- Homogeneous mixtures are called solutions.
39Properties of Matter
- Physical vs. Chemical Properties
- Physical properties can be measure without
changing the basic identity of the substance
(e.g., color, density, odor, melting point) - Chemical properties describe how substances react
or change to form different substances (e.g.,
hydrogen burns in oxygen) - Intensive physical properties do not depend on
how much of the substance is present. - Examples density, temperature, and melting
point. - Extensive physical properties depend on the
amount of substance present. - Examples mass, volume, pressure.
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41Properties of Matter
Physical and Chemical Changes
2 H2 O2 ? 2 H2O
42Properties of Matter
- Physical and Chemical Changes
- When a substance undergoes a physical change, its
physical appearance changes. - Ice melts a solid is converted into a liquid.
- Physical changes do not result in a change of
composition. - When a substance changes its composition, it
undergoes a chemical change - When pure hydrogen and pure oxygen react
completely, they form pure water. In the flask
containing water, there is no oxygen or hydrogen
left over.
43Review of Chemistry
- States of Matter
- Atoms, Molecules and Ions
- Subatomic particles
- Periodic Table
- Covalent and ionic bonding
- Chemical reactions
- Inter-molecular forces
44States of Matter
Solid Keeps shape Keeps volume Salt, gold, copper
Liquid Takes shape of container Keeps volume Water, alcohol, oil
Gas Takes shape of container Takes volume of container Air, argon, helium, methane
Plasma like a gas of charged particles. Takes shape of container Takes volume of container Stars, nebula, lightning, plasma reactors
- Solution A uniform mixture of two substances
such that molecules are separate from each other
and move around randomly. Usually these are
liquids. Solutions are usually transparent. - Colloids A mixture of much larger particles
ranging from 20 nm to 100 µm. Milk and paint are
colloids. - Grains Some materials are made up of many small
crystals called grains. A grain is an individual
crystal of such a solid. Different grains may
have the crystal lattice oriented in different
46Grain Structure in Steel
47Elements, Atoms and Molecules
- Atoms All matter is made up of tiny particles
called atoms. - Molecules Sometimes two or more atoms are found
bound together to form molecules. - The atoms can be categorized into about 115
different types based on the charge of the
nucleus. - Elements are made up of only one type of atom.
- The element carbon takes the form of graphite,
diamond and buckminsterfullerene as well as
others. - It is only possible to change one type of atom
into another through nuclear processes such as
take place in a nuclear power plant, the sun,
atomic bombs or particle accelerators. - The elements do not change in ordinary chemical
48The Periodic Table
1 H 2 He
3 Li 4 Be 5 B 6 C 7 N 8 O 9 F 10 Ne
11 Na 12 Mg 13 Al 14 Si 15 P 16 S 17 Cl 18 Ar
19 K 20 Ca 21 Sc 22 Ti 23 V 24 Cr 25 Mn 26 Fe 27 Co 28 Ni 29 Cu 30 Zn 31 Ga 32 Ge 33 As 34 Se 35 Br 36 Kr
37 Rb 38 Sr 39 Y 40 Zr 41 Nb 42 Mo 43 Tc 44 Ru 45 Rh 46 Pd 47 Ag 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn 51 Sb 52 Te 53 I 54 Xe
55 Cs 56 Ba 57 La 72 Hf 73 Ta 74 W 75 Re 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt 79 Au 80 Hg 81 Tl 82 Pb 83 Bi 84 Po 85 At 86 Rn
87 Fr 88 Ra 89 Ac 104 Rf 105 Db 106 Sg 107 Bh 108 Hs 109 Mt 110 Ds 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
58 Ce 59 Pr 60 Nd 61 Pm 62 Sm 63 Eu 64 Gd 65 Tb 66 Dy 67 Ho 68 Er 69 Tm 70 Yb 71 Lu
90 Th 91 Pa 92 U 93 Np 94 Pu 95 Am 96 Cm 97 Bk 98 Cf 99 Es 100 Fm 101 Md 102 No 103 Lr
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51Subatomic Particles
- Most of matter is made of three subatomic
Particle Symbol Relative Charge Relative Mass Location
Electron e- -1 1 Electron Cloud
Proton p 1 1836 Nucleus
Neutron n0 0 1839 Nucleus
- Usually atoms have the same number of electrons
as protons so the charges cancel each other out. - Sometimes an atom can have more or fewer
electrons than protons resulting in a net
positive or negative charge. When this happens
it is called an ion. - Example Na loses an electron to form Na
- Chlorine can gain an electron to from Cl-
- We can tell what type of charge an ion is
expected to have by looking at where it is in the
periodic table.
- Atoms with the same number of protons but
different numbers of neutrons - Deuterium, tritium, carbon 12, U235
- Some isotopes are radioactive while others are