Title: 1. Quantum criticality of Fermi points:
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1. Quantum criticality of Fermi points
Dirac fermions in d-wave superconductors
2. Quantum criticality of Fermi surfaces
Onset of spin density wave order in the
1. Quantum criticality of Fermi points
Dirac fermions in d-wave superconductors
2. Quantum criticality of Fermi surfaces
Onset of spin density wave order in the
5The cuprate superconductors
6Square lattice antiferromagnet
Ground state has long-range Néel order
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11d-wave superconductivity in cuprates
4 two-component Dirac fermions
12Nematic order in YBCO
V. Hinkov, D. Haug, B. Fauqué, P. Bourges, Y.
Sidis, A. Ivanov, C. Bernhard, C. T. Lin, and B.
Keimer , Science 319, 597 (2008)
13Broken rotational symmetry in the pseudogap phase
of a high-Tc superconductor
R. Daou, J. Chang, David LeBoeuf, Olivier
Cyr-Choiniere, Francis Laliberte, Nicolas
Doiron-Leyraud, B. J. Ramshaw, Ruixing Liang, D.
A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, and Louis Taillefer arXiv
S. A. Kivelson, E. Fradkin, and V. J. Emery,
Nature 393, 550 (1998).
14d-wave superconductivity in cuprates
15d-wave superconductivity in cuprates
16Lattice rotation symmetry breaking
17Time-reversal symmetry breaking
18M. Vojta, Y. Zhang, and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 85, 4940 (2000) E.-A. Kim, M. J. Lawler, P.
Oreto, S. Sachdev, E. Fradkin, S.A. Kivelson,
Phys. Rev. B 77, 184514 (2008).
19Discrete symmetry breaking in d-wave
4 two-component Dirac fermions
20Discrete symmetry breaking in d-wave
4 two-component Dirac fermions
Ising field theory
21Ising order and Dirac fermions couple via a
Yukawa term.
Nematic ordering
Time reversal symmetry breaking
M. Vojta, Y. Zhang, and S. Sachdev, Physical
Review Letters 85, 4940 (2000)
22Ising order and Dirac fermions couple via a
Yukawa term.
Nematic ordering
Time reversal symmetry breaking
M. Vojta, Y. Zhang, and S. Sachdev, Physical
Review Letters 85, 4940 (2000)
23Expansion in number of fermion spin components Nf
Integrating out the fermions yields an effective
action for the scalar order parameter
Y. Huh and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 78,
064512 (2008).
24Expansion in number of fermion spin components Nf
Integrating out the fermions yields an effective
action for the nematic order parameter
E.-A. Kim, M. J. Lawler, P. Oreto, S. Sachdev, E.
Fradkin, S.A. Kivelson, arXiv0705.4099
25Expansion in number of fermion spin components Nf
Integrating out the fermions yields an effective
action for the T-breaking order parameter
E.-A. Kim, M. J. Lawler, P. Oreto, S. Sachdev, E.
Fradkin, S.A. Kivelson, arXiv0705.4099
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1. Quantum criticality of Fermi points
Dirac fermions in d-wave superconductors
2. Quantum criticality of Fermi surfaces
Onset of spin density wave order in the
1. Quantum criticality of Fermi points
Dirac fermions in d-wave superconductors
2. Quantum criticality of Fermi surfaces
Onset of spin density wave order in the
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30Spin density wave theory
31Spin density wave theory
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37Quantum oscillations
Nature 450, 533 (2007)
38Quantum oscillations
Nature 450, 533 (2007)
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40Evidence for connection between linear
resistivity and stripe-ordering in a cuprate with
a low Tc
Linear temperature dependence of resistivity and
change in the Fermi surface at the pseudogap
critical point of a high-Tc superconductor R.
Daou, Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, David LeBoeuf, S.
Y. Li, Francis Laliberté, Olivier Cyr-Choinière,
Y. J. Jo, L. Balicas, J.-Q. Yan, J.-S. Zhou, J.
B. Goodenough Louis Taillefer, Nature Physics
5, 31 - 34 (2009)
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42Theory of quantum criticality in the cuprates
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53V. Galitski and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B
79, 134512 (2009).
Eun Gook Moon and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B
80, 035117 (2009).
54Similar phase diagram for CeRhIn5
G. Knebel, D. Aoki, and J. Flouquet,
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62Hertz-Moriya-Millis (HMM) theory
63Hertz-Moriya-Millis (HMM) theory
Ar. Abanov and A.V. Chubukov, Phys. Rev. Lett.
93, 255702 (2004).
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68Max Metlitski
M. Metlitski and S. Sachdev, to appear Ar.
Abanov, A.V. Chubukov, and J. Schmalian,
Advances in Physics 52, 119 (2003)
Sung-Sik Lee, arXiv0905.4532.
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74Y. Huh and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. B 78, 064512
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76RG-improved Migdal-Eliashberg theory
77RG-improved Migdal-Eliashberg theory
78RG-improved Migdal-Eliashberg theory
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83RG-improved Migdal-Eliashberg theory
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92Theory for the onset of spin density wave order
in metals is strongly coupled in two dimensions
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94Naturally formulated in route B theory of
fluctuating Fermi pockets
95VBS and/or nematic
Onset of superconductivity induces confinement
R. K. Kaul, M. Metlitksi, S. Sachdev, and Cenke
Xu, Physical Review B 78, 045110 (2008).