Title: Wilson Elementary School Volunteer Opportunities
1Wilson Elementary School Volunteer
Opportunities 2009 / 2010
Parent _____________________________ Phone
___________________ Email _______________________
__________ Parent _____________________________
Phone ___________________ Email
_________________________________ Childrens
Names Grades __________________________________
__________________________________________ ______
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Dr. Seuss
Now, more than ever, Volunteers will play a vital
part in the success of Wilson Elementary. As you
can see, there are many opportunities to get
involved. Please check all projects that you may
have an interest in. Our expectation is not for
you to organize or help with every one you check,
but we would love to know where you might be able
to help!
___ Library helper ___ Health Screening ___ Fun
Run ___ Lost Found ___ Field Day ___ Sock
Hop ___ Kindergarten Ice Cream Social ___ First
Day Principal Chat ___ Class Greeting Cards ___
Staff Appreciation ___ Volunteer Drawing ___
Wilson Spring Carnival ___ Artist in Residence
Program ___ Book Fair ___ Book Exchange ___
Repair rainy day board games ___ Wellness
Committee ___ Scrip ___ Assemblies ___ Garage
Sale ___ Science Art Fair ___ Family Variety
Night ___ End of Year Slide Show ___ Turn Off
TV Week ___ Donations Coordinator
(Please see other side for brief
descriptions) ___ Call me to see if I can help
with anything
___ I have a
Food Handlers License ___ I have a
talent/hobby/career that I would be glad to share
_ ___ I have a suggestion!!! ____________________
_________ _______________________________________
If you have any questions, concerns or comments
about getting involved at Wilson, please feel
free to contact Wilsons Volunteer Coordinator,
Kimberly Hortsch _at_ 760.2809 or k.hortsch_at_comcast.n
Prior to volunteering on-site during
school hours, a brief orientation training
session is required of each Wilson Volunteer.
(Details regarding time place will be made
available throughout the year.) I
agree to receive Wilson Volunteer Training
Orientation prior to volunteering on-site during
school hours ___________________________________
Volunteer Signature Printed Name please
2Descriptions of Wilson Elementary
Schools Events, Fundraisers Programs Library
Helper helps librarian restock books helps
with book repairs Kindergarten Ice Cream Social
held before school starts, a chance to visit the
classroom, meet the teacher other parents Staff
Appreciation many parents contributing to a
monthly luncheon for our hardworking staff Artist
in Residence a chance for classes to experience
different art forms such as drama or
pottery Assemblies - special all-school
gatherings with an educational component that are
fun interactive Turn Off TV Week a school
wide Spring event promoting activities not
involving screen time Health Screening assist
in testing students hearing sight Lost Found
keeps lost found organized donates
unclaimed items First Day Principle Chat an
opportunity for parents to meet each other our
principle discuss the year to come Volunteer
Drawing a regular drawing of participating
volunteers in appreciation of your efforts
time Book Fair a fundraiser for Wilson library
supported by Scholastic Books Wellness Committee
a committee that works to support healthy
habits for Wilson students and families Garage
Sale a fall fundraiser, involving donations
from Wilson families for a garage sale open to
the community Family Variety Night an
opportunity for students to show off their
talents individually, with their schoolmates or
their families Sock Hop a fun evening of dance
for the whole family! Fun Run our biggest
fundraiser! After gathering pledges, students
run laps in the gym with their class theres
prizes too! Field Day last day of school! All
students participate in outdoor games
activities ending in a game between teachers
students Class Greeting Cards fundraiser of
greeting card packs made from art by Wilson
students only yours or the whole class! Spring
Carnival cotton candy, food, carnival booths,
cake walk, dunk tank the works! Book Exchange
families donate books students get to take
new books home for their own collection Scrip
gift cards offered at a discount to the school
re-sold at face value Science Art Fair every
child has the opportunity to create an art
project or science experiment to display for the
whole school End of Year Slide Show a re-cap of
the entire year this is a Wilson
favorite! Donations Coordinator one individual
keeping track of all donations to Wilson in an
effort to avoid duplicate requests Please Note
These descriptions are brief, subject to change
as needed may not be all-inclusive
Please remember, suggestions ideas are always
welcome _at_ Wilson Elementary lets work together
as a team to make Wilson great!
Thank you, Wilson Volunteer Coordinator, Kimberly
Hortsch / 760.2809 / k.hortsch_at_comcast.net