Title: The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
1The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
- The Steam Engine
- James Watt perfected the Steam Engine making it a
reliable source of power for factories and
transportation. - It became more economical to bring people to the
work (factory) rather than taking the work home
(domestic system). - As factories grew, management/leadership became
more important.
2The Steam Engine
- Milling wheat into flour
- A human turning a millstone can covert one-half
bushel of wheat into flour in one hour. - Three bushels can be ground in one hour with a
horse-driven mill. - A steam driven mill can do 10 bushels per hour.
Steam Engine at British Science Museum Jones, D..
3Innovations in Textile production
- Flying shuttle,
- Spinning jenny,
- Arkwright waterframe
4Management The Fourth Factor of Production
- Management joins land, labor and capital as a
recognized factor of production. - Richard Cantillon, currency speculator
- First to use the term entrepreneur
- The work of any to sell to another at an
uncertain price - Jean Baptiste Say also wrote about entrepreneurs
and noted their frequent roles as managers for
others. - Also know that Joseph Schumpeter said that
entrepreneurs break down the old economic order
and rebuild a new one - Say versus SmithDifference in views on returns
to the entrepreneur
5Management Problems in the Early Factories
- Labor
- Recruiting workers
- Training (most were illiterate)
- Discipline/Motivation
- Wage incentives (the carrot)
- Punishment or fines (the stick)
- Use of religious morals and values to create the
proper work attitudes and behaviors (the factory
ethos) - Finding qualified managers
- The Ludite movement
6Management Problems in the Early Factories
- Developing Managers/Leaders was also difficult.
- No body of management knowledge existed.
- The general view of leadership depended on
character of the leader and personal traits. - James Montgomery first management texts of
managerial advice - How to discern quality quantity of work
- How to adjust repair machinery
- How to keep costs down
- How to avoid unnecessary severity in
disciplining subordinates - Early advocate for worker incentivization (See
last paragraph on page 51)
7Management Problems in the Early Factories
- Management Functions in the Early Factory
- Planning operations
- Planning against worker organization and Luddites
- Planning of power sources and connections
- Planning flow of work
- Controlling performance
- Check out pgs. 52-54 for early examples of
organizing, motivating and control
8Cultural Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
- Condition of the Worker
- Economists Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo view
worker condition as dismal and inevitable. - Robert Owen, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels saw
people as powerless in their environment. - However
- Rise of capitalism released people from drudgery.
- Incentive plans, steady employment and regular
hours improved worker well-being. - Workers real wages and conditions improved.
9Cultural Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
- Child and Female Labor
- Primarily found in the textile industry.
- Entrepreneurs ranged from exploiters to good
employers such as Josiah Wedgwood, Matthew
Bolton, James Watt and Robert Owen. - Contradictory evidence, religious and moral
concerns affect understanding of the true
situation. - Over time, legislation and capitalism made it
uneconomical to employ children. - Industrial capitalism created a method to gain
leverage for a better life.
10Cultural Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
- Industrial Revolution inherited worker poverty.
- Industrial efficiency reduced prices of goods and
raised real wages. - Child and female labor existed long before
factories began. - Victorian values of keeping women at home created
the atmosphere for critics of the factory system
like Charles Dickens.
11Industrial Revolution Summary
- Overall
- Wages were rising
- Infant mortality was declining
- Machinery replaced some of the drudgery
- The Industrial Revolution was the beginning of
improving peoples standard of living.
- The Industrial Revolution created a new cultural
environment and new management challenges. - Organizations changed by infusions of capital,
division of labor, and the need for performance. - The role of the entrepreneur-manager and its need
was recognized.
13Chapter Four
- Management Pioneers in the Early Factory
14Management Pioneers in the Early Factory
- Robert Owen problems in human terms
- Charles Babbage systematic management
- Andrew Ure trained managers
- Charles Dupin took Ures ideas to France
This illustration of power loom weaving appeared
in Edward Baines's The History of Cotton
Manufacture in Great Britain (1835)
15Robert Owen,(1771- 1858)Utopian Socialist
- Learned about management by observing and trial
and error on the job. - Contributions
- Reformed the factory system by improving workers
working living conditions. - Employed child labor but worked to get a law
passed to regulate hours of work. - Silent Monitor which relied on peer pressure or
public knowledge of performance vs. corporal
Robert Owen
Wren, History of Management Thought
16Robert Owen, Biographical Notes
- Self-made, successful entrepreneur
- Founded his first factory in Manchester, England
at 18 - Established New Lanark, Scotland partnership with
new vision in 1795 - Applied new ideas about the welfare of society to
the workplace - Established utopian community New Harmony in
Indiana, USA
Robert Owen, Courtesy of Dr. Steven Kreis
17Robert Owens Philosophy
- Entrepreneurs should invest in the vital
machine (people) as a means of increasing
profitability. - He desired a communal society
- All would share equally, regardless of
contribution. - There would be no division of labor.
- There would be no wage system.
- Individuals were creatures of their
environment character developed if the material
and moral environment was proper.
18Charles Babbage (1792-1871)Irascible Genius
- Never a manager, however a keen observer of the
factory and a brilliant inventor and scientist. - The Difference Engine a mechanical calculator
- The Analytical Engine the first computer
19Wrote On the Economy of Machinery and
- Contributions
- Scientific, systematic approach in analyzing
industrial operations - Descriptive cost accounting (not standard costing
that Emerson developed later) - Mutual interests between the workers and
management - Bonus for suggestions
- Profit sharing
20Andrew Ure (1778-1858)Management Education
- First teacher of management
- Well known scientist his courses attracted
those seeking technical knowledge to obtain a
managerial job
Andrew Ure, courtesy of Strathclyde
University Archives OP4/18
21Andrew Ure
- Ure wrote about the operations of the factory
including - Admonishing the workers to accept the
introduction of machinery. - Organizing the factory into an organic system
of the mechanical, the moral and the commercial
(production, personnel, and sales finance
22Andrew Ure
- Had an early notion of the task of the general
manager to integrate the parts to contribute to
the whole (organic system). - Defended the factory claiming it enabled more
benefits to society. - Believed that workers were generally
non-appreciative of managements efforts. - Defended the factory system using comparison data
from the cotton mills of 1833 and 1804. (See
pages 71 and 72)
23Charles Dupin (1784-1873)Industrial Education in
- Taught courses similar to Ures management
classes in France. - Unique Insights
- Technical/manual work was different from managing
others Special Study - This Special Study could be taught rather than
gained by experience alone. - Technological advancement did not lead to
unemployment. - Through education, workers could share in
industrial prosperity.
Charles Dupin
24Charles Dupin
- Was influenced by colleague Jean Baptiste Say,
industrial economist. - Influenced the work of Henri Fayol indirectly.
- His materials on management and his Discours sur
le Sort des Ouvries, published in 1831,
influenced thousands in France.
- Why did management fail to develop in this
period? - Early writings emphasized techniques and not
managing. - The period was dominated by the inventor-pioneer.
- Illiteracy and difficulty in disseminating
knowledge prevented practicing managers from
knowing the works of Owen, Babbage, Ure, and
26Summary continued
- The genesis of modern management can be found in
Great Britain and France after the Industrial
Revolution - Robert Owen searched for harmony between the
human factor and the age of machines. - Charles Babbage applied a scientific approach to
management. - Andrew Ure taught and developed managers in
Glasgow. - Charles Dupin taught management courses in