Title: The Dynamics of Crowds
1The Dynamics of Crowds
- Dr. G. Keith Still
- Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
International Crowd Safety Engineers
2Who are Crowd Dynamics Ltd?
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
- Pioneers of crowd modelling systems
- 1992 Runner up Innovation of the Year (VEgAS)
- 2000 Millennium Product (Legion)
- Regular visiting speakers UK Resilience/Emergency
Planning College (Govt. Cabinet Office) - Crowd Dynamics Workshops
- Consultants at Govt. Level
- Saudi Arabia, Holland, UK, Singapore, USA
- Third Generation tools
- Myriad - not one tool but many.
International Crowd Safety Engineers
3Doorway Crowd Dynamics - Barriers
- Above left conventional doorway 40 people per
metre per minute - The crowd moves faster at the sides.
- Above right doorway with a barrier dividing the
doorway - The crowd dynamics change due to the inclusion of
the barrier - Barrier in the middle INCREASES the crowd flow
4Monaco Grand Prix - Station Entrance - Crowd
5Concert - progressive crowd collapse
6Saudi Arabia - The stoning the devil Jamarat
7Crowd Density Analysis
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
- The Stoning the devil in Saudi Arabia during
the Haj (annual pilgrimage to Makkah) was one of
the most dangerous crowd environments in the
world - Crowd Dynamics were appointed the safety
consultants following an accident in 2004 where
249 pilgrims were crushed to death - Location of the accident
- Model predicts areas of highest risk
8Infrared images of crowd leaving football stadium
9Safety in the built and complex
environmentNormal and Emergency situations
International Crowd Safety Engineers
10Personal Security
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
- Security isnt just the hard issues
- Buildings
- Systems
- Security is also about people
- Behavioural Based Safety
- Awareness and Strategic Analysis
- Perceptions and Human Behaviour
- Engineering and Education
International Crowd Safety Engineers
11Discovery, understanding, control
- We build computer models and simulations to
DISCOVER what problems may exist. - With DISCOVERY comes UNDERSTANDING
- Our simulation models were used to make safe the
world most dangerous crowd event (2004-2005) - Over 3,000,000 pilgrims during the Haj (Saudi
Arabia) - There was no margin for error
- 2005 there were no major accidents.
- .it was declared the most successful by the
Crown Prince
12Evacuation Strategies
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
Strategic detailedanalysis
Scenario Planning
Training Mgrs
Training Individuals
Data capture
Tools Software
Communication decision support
Note-8 / Evacuation Tool
Spreadsheets Myriad
Spreadsheets Myriad
Canary Wharf the UK Financial District
International Crowd Safety Engineers
13Complex Office Evacuation Analysis
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
- Simple process
- Click on exits
- Click Start
- Area per exit shown in block colour
- Test for Egress
- Congestion Analysis
- Shows where queues form (red)
14Simulation of egress shows problem
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
Heavy use of one route (left) causing delay and
15Evacuation Strategies
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
Analysis of complex spaces. Behavioural based
International Crowd Safety Engineers
16Simulations and models
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
17Using Simulations
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
Using models and simulations to develop safer
evacuation strategies
International Crowd Safety Engineers
18Site Evacuation real-time CC
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
- Visualises incident location and safe stand-off
- Identifies building and routes affected
- Used in secure communications to rapidly inform
multiple organisations - Supports a coherent safer response by tenants
International Crowd Safety Engineers
19Real-time CC Decision Support
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
In seconds assess the best egress strategy
20Evacuation analysis of scenarios
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
By testing groups of buildings evacuating at the
same time we can see the potential problems
BEFORE they hit you.
International Crowd Safety Engineers
21Modelling New Year (London 2006/7)
22Real Time Decision Support
- ELT (Event Liaison Team) required a method to
assess real-time flow rates and project when key
areas would reach capacity - We developed a model of the site using Myriad
- Created a model of arrival profiles
- We developed a method of sampling count (flow
rates), entering that into a real-time system and
projecting several hours advance notification of
capacity - Flow rates Fill Times Failure Times
(FLOW-FILL-FAIL) - This was used as both as decision support
(closing off area BEFORE they fill) and an audit
trail (in the event of an accident we can
demonstrate due diligence for site operation)
23Developed for ELT (2006/7)
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
- New responses for new threats
- Models/simulations/training/real-time control
systems - Walking is an effective mode (resilience/capacity)
for mass evacuation - Understanding the Crowd Dynamics Behaviour
Based Safety - Planning needed to avoid hazards/crowd crushing
- Real-time data collection/projection
- Audit Trails
- Populations must be prepared and informed
- Real-time communication systems
International Crowd Safety Engineers