Title: Slajd 1
1YOUTH in Gdynia
2YOUTH step 1 Recruitment (December 2007)
Schools and organizations that take part in YOUTH
in Gdynia
Szkola Podstawowa nr 21 Szkola Podstawowa nr
6 Szkola Podstawowa nr 12 Gimnazjum nr
15 Towarzystwo Profilaktyki Srodowiskowej
Mrowisko 14 Gdynska Druzyna Harcerek im.
Królowej Jadwigi
3YOUTH step 2 patron and ambassador of the
- Patron Wojciech Szczurek -
President of Gdynia - Ambassador Marcin Hakiel
4YOUTH step 3 Competition (January May 2008)
- youngsters were asked to create (in a free form)
project that will promote urban transport,
ecology and effective use of energy in public
transport - subject of competition Ekologiczne
podrózowanie. Jakosc zycia w miescie zalezy od
Ciebie (pl) Travel ecologically. The quality
of life depends on you (en)
5YOUTH step 4 classes with youngsters (January
May 2008)
- slides presentation Travel ecologically. The
quality of life depends on you - presentation about sustainable development,
ecology,transport policy-urban solutions of other
European cities
6YOUTH step 5trips with youngsters (January
May 2008)
7YOUTH step 5trips with youngsters
(January May 2008)
Science Centre EXPERYMENT - exhibition
8YOUTH step 5trips with youngsters
(January May 2008)
Fundation ARMAAG - organization that
provides information of air condition in Gdansk
9YOUTH step 5trips with youngsters
(January May 2008)
Eko Dolina organization that manages waste
10 YOUTH step 6 meeting with politician
Meeting with Michal Guc - president of Gdynia
11YOUTH step 7YOUTH winners (June 2008)
- 18.06.2008 r. the winners were determined
- 12 groups took part in YOUTH competition 74
persons - entries for competition films, street surveys,
pictures, posters, slides presentation, play,
websites, exhibition - jury representative of City Hall in Gdynia ,
sponsors and Gdynia Public Transport Authority
employees - jury took into consideration clearnes of a
massage, form, idea, originality, quality of
educational massage, substantive value,
conformity of competitions subject. On the base
of it jury granted points from 0 to 5.
12YOUTH step 8Award Show
YOUTH Winners
13More information about YOUTH in Gdynia you will
find on www.youth-project.eu