Title: Diapositive 1
1Outlines of Work Package 2 Ecosystem resilience
and limits of functioning
2General aims
- Characterize population structure and dynamics of
selected key-stone palm species in lowland and
montane rainforest ecosystems - Compare these parameters under different
exposures to human disturbance and intensity of
use and trade of forest products - Evaluate the responses of the palm populations to
ecosystem changes - Value the resilience of the systems partly by
applying genetic dynamics of palm populations as
a proxy and by using data on growth rates,
abundance, and regenerative capacity to determine
drivers and indicators of regime shift
3Specific objectives
- Obtain ecological data to characterize structure
and dynamics of palm populations - Obtain genetic data to characterize population
dynamics over successive generations - Define indices of impact of human activities on
resilience at the individual and population
levels - Apply palm population parameters as indicators of
the limit of harvesting pressure that allows long
term resilience of palm populations
4Targeted species and state of work
- Ceroxylon echinulatum advanced, PUCE-ECOFUNDO
pilot project (Ecuador) - to be completed M24
PUCE and IRD permanent staff and contracted
technicians, no student - Ceroxylon quindiuense beginning (PhD, Colombia -
MJ Sanín) - to be completed M36 - Astrocaryum perangustatum beginning (Master,
Peru - H. Aponte) - to be completed M24 - Euterpe precatoria planned, regional
coordination to be defined, master in Ecuador (JM
Barreiro) - Mauritia flexuosa and Lepidocaryum tenue
proposed, no precise plans so far
5Towards a standardized protocol of palm
population survey example with Ceroxylon
(Fabien Anthelme, IRD)
Selección de los habitats y caracteristicas de
los cuadrantes
- Importancia de las actividades humanas, tres
tipos de habitat - Pastizales lt20 arboles, strata herbacea
graminoide - Bosque joven gt50 arboles, la strata herbacea
no esta graminoide, ausencia de arboles grandes - Bosque maduro gt50 arboles, la strata herbacea
no esta graminoide, presencia de arboles grandes
(gt20 de la strata arborea?).
20 m
X 20
X 20
X 20
60 plots, randomly selected in each zone
- Distancia minimal entre cuadrantes 40m
- Repeticiones en cada habitat 20 o 25
Mapa de Tukanopy bosque maduro (B1), bosque
joven (B2), pastizales (P)
6Estudio demografico 5 clases de edad
Jovenes Tipo I tamano lt 2m Possible 2 tipos de
Plantulas Max. 2 hojas Hojas enteras
Jovenes Tipo II tamano gt 2m Hojas divididas
Adultos Presencia tronco Presencia flores/frutos
Jovenes Tipo III Presencia tronco Ausencia
Clases muy sensibles a los ganados y todos tipos
de cambios
Clase mas importante para reproduccion
- Frecuencia de cada clase (numero de individuos)
en cada cuadrante - Cuando muchas plantulas diseno especifico
7Datos abioticos
- Nutrientos del suelo (10 cuadrantes de cada
habitat) - Temperatura y humedad relativa del aire y del
suelo (10 cuadrantes de cada habitat)
Datos bioticos
- Analisis demografica (ver hojas anteriores)
- Analisis de razgos de vida specific leaf area
(SLA), nutrientos de las hojas, tamano
Sex ratio
- Numero de machos y hembras en cada cuadrante
- Analisis de trazos de vida specific leaf area
(SLA), nutrientos de las hojas, tamano
Analisis dispersion de la semillas (o plantulas)
- Densidad dentro subcuadrantes a varios distancias
de la hembra - Abajo y arriba de la hembra
8Proposal for ecological studies within WP 2
- Enlarge the current sampling design (Fig. 1)
- Ecuadorian site more precise analyses
- Experimentations in situ (Fig. 2)
- Morphological traits
Fig. 1 . From one Ecuadorian site to 4 sites at
the regional level
Fig. 2 . Exp. In situ disentangling the effects
of grazing and the effects of damaging light
intensity. 210 transplanted seedlings, with help
of PUCE.
9Proposal for ecological studies within
WP 2 Morphological traits
Objective identifying relevant indices of the
impact of human activities on palm resilience
Measurement max. width of leaves as an index of
stressful conditions (lack of humidity)
Measurement width of stem as an index of
stressful conditions in pastures
In pastures, frequently, the higher part of the
stem is anormally thin
10Proposal for ecological studies within
WP 2 Optional research
Enlarge the current PUCE-ECOFUNDO experiment on
the growth and survival of young leaves after
different types of cutting
Objective identify the limit of harvesting
pressure to allow palm resilience on a long term.
11Genetic markers
- Chloroplastic polymorphisms - ongoing sequencing
of all introns and IGS in various species (IRD,
Montpellier) - Nuclear SSR various libraries available
- Introns of nuclear genes involved in flowering
induction and flower structure (IRD, Montpellier) - Transcriptome characterization using next
generation sequencing in Mauritia flexuosa
(planned IRD-UNMSM)
12Interactions WP1-2
- Ceroxylon echinulatum transandean genetic
patterns (WP1) and comparative population
dynamics (WP2) - ECUADOR - Astrocaryum section huicungo W Amazon landscape
genetics (WP1) and comparative population
dynamics (WP2) - PERU - Euterpe precatoria regional landscape genetics
(WP1) and comparative population dynamics (WP2)
- Review article by Anthelme, Montufar and Pintaud
on ecological and genetic determinents of
resilience, with emphasis on harvested key-stone
ecosystem palm species (D2-M18) - Protocols genetic markers (chloroplast and
SSR), ecological protocol for population study
(D3-M18) - Genetic data uploaded (D5-M36)
- Analysis of ecological and genetic variation in
palm populations and its implication for harvest
of palm products (D7-M60)
14WP2 Deliverable 2
Habitat loss and alteration
The functional role of palms in rain forest
The influence of anthropogenic perturbations on
palm populations
Key-stone species
Targeted effect on palm species (harvest)
- Resilience and limit of functioning
- of the whole ecosystem structured by dominant
palm species - of particular palm populations (regeneration)
- of palm individuals (growth and reproduction)
diversity loss gene flow alterations fitness
and/or usefulness reduction by removal of best
Genetic dynamics under human constraint