Title: General Performance Overview of Basic NDDO Models
1General Performance Overview of Basic NDDO Models
2Performance of NDDO Models
- Energetics Primary energetic observable is heat
of formation - NDDO Neglect of diatomic differential overlap
- MNDO Modified neglect of differential overlap
- AM1 and PM3
3Performance of NDDO Models
- Table 5.2 unsigned errors (kcal/mol)
4Performance of NDDO Models
- AM1 and PM3 have grater accuracies
- PM3 appears to be the best model
- Greatest advantage Hypervalent molecules, e.g.
IF7, PBr5.
5Performance of NDDO Models
- Analysis of the errors show, that they are random
- They reflect the noise introduced to the Schr.
Eq. by the NDDO approximations - Problem Comparing energies between isomers
there is no guarantee that the errors will cancel - Problem The extra electron of an anion is
occupying the same STO (valence orbital) as an
uncharged molecule -gt anomalously high energy is
computed - Problem Radicals are calculated too stable -gt
bond dissociation energies are too low
6Performance of NDDO Models
- Another energetic quantity of interest is
ionization potential (IP) - Koopmans Theorem The negative IP is the energy
of the highest occupied molecular orbital - This enables a reasonable prediction of IP for
organic molecules - Errors are in the range of 0.5-0.7 eV
- For inorganic molecules PM3 is still applicable,
while MNDO and AM1 have increased errors
7Performance of NDDO Models
- Energetics associated with conformational changes
and reactions - MNDO have some shortcomings
- Steric crowding is too strongly disfavoured -gt
unrealistically high heats of formation for
sterically packed molecules and reactions with
crowded TS structures - Small ring structures are predicted too stable
- Semiempirical methods are in general unreliable
when calculating weak interactions, like
dispersion forces (London forces) or hydrogen
bonding - Dispersion forces are electron-correlation forces
-gt HF methods are based on neglecting
correlation! - Hydrogen bonding was the primary reason for
expanding MNDO to AM1 and PM3 -gt Interactions in
the water dimer. However, in other systems the
methods still fail! - Energetic barriers to rotate around bonds having
partial double bond character tend to be
significantly too low 15 kcal/mol
8Performance of NDDO Models
- Geometries
- Correct molecular structures are dependent on the
proper location of minima in the energy landscape
-gt energetics of conformation - Details are modeled with a reasonable degree of
accuracy -gt bond lengths and angels can have
9Performance of NDDO Models
- Organic molecules H, C, N, O, F, Cl, Br, I
- Bondlength errors
- AM1 0.027 Ã…
- pM3 0.022 Ã…
- Angle Errors
- AM1 2.3
- PM3 2.8
10Performance of NDDO Models
- Other molecules Al, Si, P, S
- MNDO 0.054 Ã… 4.3 (up to 9)
- AM1 0.050Ã… 3.3
- PM3 0.036Ã… 3.9
- Dihedral angels are particularly difficult
- Errors 21.6, 12.5, 14.9
11Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory
- Semiempirical methods are still used not
because of their accuracy, but because they
compete effectively in terms of computational
time - Is used if you have an enourmously large
molecule, or want to compare a large number of
small molecules - The developments aim at improving the size
horizon, so that larger systems can be simulated
12Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory
- Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
- Used to understand how the features of a
biologically active molecule contribute to the
specific activity - SARs typically take the form of linear equations
that quantify the activity as a function of
variables associated with the molecule - Variables Molecular weight, dipole moment,
hydrophobic surface area, vapor pressure,
13Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory
- Once a SAR is developed it can be used to
prioritize further research by focusing on the
molecules having the highest activity, as
predicted by SAR. - If you have synthesized and characterized a large
amount of molecules you can create a SAR for a
some particular bio-target - Can it be used to predict new molecules with
certain properties?
14Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory
- One effecient method is to create SARs not with
experimental molecular properties, but with
predicted ones - Combined with experimental databases new
compounds can be examined in a purely
computational fashion -gt new targets for synthesis
15Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory
- Implementing d-orbitals
- So far d-orbitals have not been included in NDDO
models - D-orbitals are necessary to accurately model
non-metals from the third row and lower,
especially in hypervalent situations - Increase the flexibility with which the wave
function may be described - -gt Geometry optimization
- -gt MNDO/d
16Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory
- MNDO/d
- For H, He and other first row atoms the original
MNDO parameters are unchanged - For heavier atoms, d orbitals are included as a
part of the basis set - MNDO/d represent an enourmous improvement over
AM1 and PM3 in its ability to handle hypervalent
molecules the error is reduced by more than
half! - However, it still performs poorly with respect to
intermolecular interactions and hydrogen bonds - PM3(tm) tm transition metals
- SAM1D semi-ab inito model 1
17Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory
- Specific Reaction Parameters (SPR) models
- An SPR model is one where the initial parameters
have been manually adjusted to a particular
problem or class of problem
18Ongoing Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory
- Linear Scaling
- The motivation is to permit QM calculations to ba
carried out on biomolecules, e.g. Proteins or
polynucleic acids - -gt Methods that scale linearly with system size
- They permit calculation of charge distribution,
charge-charge interactions, and polarization - -gt Greater sensitivity in group-group
19The HF Limit
- HF Limit definition Solution of the HF equations
with an infinite basis set - Fig. 6.4
20The HF Limit
- This gives rise to an extrapolation equation -gt
Going from one point to the other with reduced
computation - However, there are issues
- If the property is sensitive to geometry should
the geometry be optimized at each point or should
a single geometry be chosen to allow
extrapolation? - What form does the extrapolation curve have? Is
any curve fitting method applicable? - -gt Must be addressed manually in each case
21Effective Core Potentials
- When dealing with atoms with many electrons there
is a problem - A large number of basis functions is needed to
describe them - However, many of these electrons are core
electrons -gt only few valence electrons - Solution Replace electrons with analytical
functions that represent the combined
nuclear-electronic core to the remaining electrons
22Effective Core Potentials
- Essentially the ECP is a point charge with
reduced magnitude by the number of core electrons - In ab initio theory there is however more to the
problem - ECPs must represent both Coulomb repulsion
effects but also Pauli principle...
23Effective Core Potentials
- The core electrons of very heavy elements reach
velocities close to the speed of light - -gt Relativistic effects, which can be significant
for chemical properties - ECPs can be modified to include relativistic
effects in contrast to treating each electron
with a non-relativistic Hamiltonian operator - -gt Removes the need to search for suitable wave
24Effective Core Potentials
- Key issue
- How many electrons should be part of the core?
- Large core All electrons, but valence
- Small core Scale back to the next lower shell -gt
Polarization can be included
- Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Gaussian Basis Set Order Form - Website with many pre-defined basis-sets
26SCF Convergence
- SCF Self consistent field
- There is no guarantee that SCF processes will
converge to a stable solution - -gt SCF oscillation The solution oscillates
between two discrete values - -gt Convergence schemes
- Start with a simple basis set -gt The result is
used in a augmented basis -gt This result is used
again in a larger basis etc.
27SCF Convergence
- Another problem arises when the separation
between the highest and lowest occupied MO is
very low - This can mean that occupation of either orbital
leads to HF eigenfunctions with similar energy - -gt Geometry optimization at a low level of theory
- The presence of symmetry in a molecule can be
used with advantage in electronic structure
calculations -gt computational efficiency - -gt Removes degrees of molecular freedom
- Example Benzene
- Calculating without symmetry 30 dimensions
- With symmetry 2 dimensions (C-C, C-H bond length)
- Pitfall
- The minima in the symmetry energy may not be
minima in the full-dimension energy - Fig. 6.8
- Pitfall
- Unpaired electrons, that can be in to different
orbitals, that are fundamentally different - Fig. 6.9
- The initial guess defines the end result
- -gt The electronic state symmetry can not change
- Problem The two states both exist, but one is
ground state and the other is excited state - It is crucial that calculations are carried out
for the right wavefunction
- Solutions
- Start out with strict symmetry constraints, and
the allowing them to relax later - Consider electron switches from one orbital to
another -gt if the energy drops it was an excited
33Open Shell Systems
- Restricted Open shell HF theory
- Allows wavefunctions to be eigenfunctions to S2
(spin) operator - -gt Spin magnetic moments for unpaired electrons
- -gt But no spin polarization / spin coupling
34Open Shell Systems
- To allow two spins to occupy different regions of
space (coupling) it is necessary to treat the two
electrons individually - -gt Unrestricted HF theory (UHF)
- Fig. 6.10
35Open Shell Systems
- UHF includes spin polarization
- But, the wavefunctions are not eigenfunctions of
S2 - Thus, the UHF and ROHF models require more
attention due to unphysical behaviour