Title: Diapositive 1
1Reducing Administrative Burdens Current situation
in France
Charles-Henri Montin Chef du département Qualité
Réglementaire Ministère des finances,
France charles-henri.montin_at_finances.gouv.fr http
The following slides must not be quoted
litterally without the supporting explanations
2The Better Regulation approach
BETTER REGULATION Increased relevance Options
alternatives Impact assessment Consultation Increa
sed efficiency Measured burdens Monitoring of
implem. No loss of intrinsic quality
- Good process
- Formally clear and legally consistent
- Regulatory mangt
- Codification
- Intrinsic quality
- Legistics
3The components of regulatory quality
- Summary of the Mandelkern report, 2001 (the 3
As) - An appropriate regulation
- Check alternatives to regulation
- Permanent search for simplification
- An accepted regulation
- An early consultation of stakeholders
- A good access to regulation
- An applied regulation
- Assess effects ex ante and ex post
- Monitor implementation closely
4OECD Guidance
- Basic text the 7 recommandations of 1997
- BR is increasingly linked to openness of markets
and competition, hence a new drafting ot the
principles for regulatory performance (March
2005). - Eliminate excess regulation
- Create an environment which is favorable to
competition and growth, promote a culture of
competitivity, suppress obstacles to openness of
markets, manage the regulations (by
simplification, evalutation, implementation)
5Tools of Better Regulation
The Economy
The Administration
6Evolution of Better Regulation (France)
- 3 phases
- 1995 - 1998 adoption de two circulars on
objectives and procedure for impact assessments - 2001-2003 Following OECD review, the search for
an integrated approach - Mandelkern report and 2003 circulars
- réseau des HFQR / ministeriel charts
- 2003-2007 Progress towards comprehensive policy.
- Since 2003 annual simplification laws (stock)
- 2004-2007 administrative burden measurement
reduction - 2006 Impact assessment review, new committees
working rules
7Structures and policies (France)
- Who does what ?
- The Secretary General of the Government
- The ministry of reform of the State
- The network of Senior Officials in charge of BR
- What BR content?
- The Policy document (2003 circulars)
- A BR Charter in each ministry
- Good central monitoring of norm production
- No overall consultation policy document
- Little RIA practice
8The ABM programme in France (overview)
- Programme started in Autumn 2004. Measurement of
112 permit schemes (burden on businesses) - 2005 burdens on citizens (30 permits)
- 2006 SCM focus on IOs with two improvements
- Cost of the procedures for the administrations
- Cost of delays for the businesses
- 2006 Start of re-engineering 20 target (Oct.)
6 burden reduction plans (by ministries) for 30
from the 112 permits - 2007 200 IOs measured 50 re-engineered
9Key features of the 2007 operation
- Scope 216 IOs pertaining to 5 economic sectors
Agriculture, Construction, Distribution of
Pharmaceuticals, Plastics industry and Transport - Involvement of 4 pilot départements for
implementation cost of IOs (inside admins.) - Measurement is immediately followed by
re-engineering to reduce the total cost by 20
(Government objective) - 4. Mapping and new wave (July)
- What data was collected (and how)
- Detailed description of IO,
- Identification of the relevant regulations, their
level - annual volumetry, and segmentation into target
businesses - Origin of data interviews with businesses 3 to
14 companies per obligation/segment, 1 to 4
administrative admin services - Involvement of professionnal organisations at all
stages (identification of obligations, validation
of data collected, suggestions for burden
11Distribution of total cost (2.1bn)
Distribution of costs (216 OI)
Costs on
Costs on businesses
1 812 893 008
12The cost of delays, a source of irritation for
Distribution of the 216 according to delay
How well does the administration respect annouced
- More than half (63) the IOs bring about a
delay, requiring business to wait for a decision - In these cases, according to the companies , the
administration gives an estimate of how long the
wait will be in roughly 2/3 of cases. - On average, for IOs where delays were considered
critical by the companies, the average delay
annouced was 78 days, and the observed delay 102
days. Published delays are respected in 51 of
cases. - gt Announced and observed delays are an important
component of re-engineering, cost reductions can
often be obtained by reducting delays.
13The 5 stages of re-engineering
I Selection of obligations
II Préparationof tools to evaluation options
III Workshops to identify reduction options
and evaluatepotential savings
IV Workshops to identify the reduction measures
and assess implementation costs
VI Restitution
V Workshops to finalise implementation calendars
and validate plans
Project management
14Project management
- Central unit 4 staff at ministère réforme de
lEtat - Consulting company chosen by tender (co-located)
- One correspondent in each ministry networking,
emulation - Official identified for each IO, who must deliver
expertise on the procedure and volumetry
15Further reading on BR in France and Europe
- http//regplus.free.fr
- www.administrative-burdens.com
- OECD reports on France (2003) and Spain (2000)
http//www.oecd.org/dataoecd/42/9/32495607.pdf - Conseil dEtat report sécurité juridique et
complexité du droit (20 March 2006)
00.shtml - Guide de légistique http//www.legifrance.gouv.fr
/html/Guide_legistique/accueil_guide_leg.htm - C. Bergeal Rédiger un texte normatif
(Berger-Levrault 2004) - M. Suel Essais sur la codification à droit
constant (J.O. 1999)