Title: PerformanceBased Financing in Rwanda
1Performance-Based Financing in Rwanda
- Agnes Soucat, Adviser HNP Africa Region
2Background (1)
- Shortage of human resources for health services
- No cash resources in health facilities
- Low levels of productivity and motivation among
medical personnel - Low user satisfaction poor quality of service
lead to low use. - High levels of child and maternal mortality
3Background (3)
- In 2005 , 4/10 births attended by a health
professional. - Infant Mortality 86 per 1,000
- HIV 3.1
Source Rwanda 2005 results from the demographic
and health survey. 2008. Studies in family
planning, 39(2), pp. 147-152.
4Strengthening accountability in the health sector
in Rwanda
Performance CONTRACTS
Umushyikirano, Citizen Report Cards, Ombusdman
Clients / Citizens
5 Rwanda has undertook major reforms to
strengthen accountability of all institutional
and individual actors for MDGs related results...
6..through a shift of paradigm..
- Decentralisation of health services with strong
governance structures based community
participation. - Imihigo Performance contracts between President
of Republic and mayor of Districts - PBF Performance Based Financing
- CBHI Community Health Insurance
- Autonomy of health facilities, including hiring
and firing of health personnel
- Administrative, fiscal and financial
decentralization has provided huge sums of money
to local levels of government and given them much
flexibility by providing them with block grants
8Total health personnel in publicly funded
facilities has almost doubled in 3 years
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10Financing has more than tripled in four years
(going from USD 7.5 to 30.3 millions, of which
the PBF has grown more than tenfold from USD 0.8
to 8.9 millions)
11Rwanda Scaling up of community health insurance
Source MOH Rwanda 2005 EICV 2005
12Results show Rwanda is now back on track towards
the health MDGs
- Health outcomes
- Neonatal, infant and child mortality
- Malaria incidence and mortality
- Improved financial access
- Reduction of catastrophic expenditures
- High Impact Interventions
- ITNs
- Family planning
- Assisted Deliveries
- Quality of care
13 Rwanda is back on track to reach the MDGs
Under five mortality trends with MDG target for
14All income groups benefit but inequities still
Under five mortality trends by income quintile
Source DHS 2005 and 2007.
15At all income levels, those enrolled in mutuelles
are much more likely to use health services.
Rwanda Health Insurance
Source Shimeles et al, 2009
16Rwanda Effect on MDGs High Impact Interventions
17Rwanda Increase in utilization of high impact
Proportion () of children under 5 years of age
who have slept under a mosquito bed-net during
the night preceding the survey
18Increase in utilization of high impact services
Trends in assistance at delivery Years 2000,
2005, 2007 Percentage () of women delivered by a
health professional
19Performance-based Financing (PBF)
- Developed after extensive piloting from 2001-2005
- Objectives
- Focus on maternal and child health as well as
communicable diseases (MDGs 4 5) - Increase quantity and quality of health services
provided - Increase health worker motivation
- Financial incentives to providers to see more
patients and provide higher quality of care - Operates through contracts between
- Government
- Health facilities providing services
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22Quality Conceptual Framework
Production Possibility Frontier
What They Do (Quality)
What They Know (Ability/Technology)
23Goal Use Pay for Performance to
Close Productivity Gap
Production Possibility Frontier
What They Do
Productivity Gap Conditional on Ability
Actual Performance
24Researcher Policy Maker Collaboration
- Research Team
- Paulin Basinga, National University of Rwanda
- Paul Gertler, UC Berkeley
- Jennifer Sturdy, World Bank and UC Berkeley
- Christel Vermeersch, World Bank
- Policy Counterpart Team
- Agnes Binagwaho, Rwanda MOH and CNLS
- Louis Rusa, Rwanda Rwanda MOH
- Claude Sekabaraga, Rwanda MOH
- Agnes Soucat, World Bank
A collaboration between the Rwanda Ministry of
Health, CNLS, and SPH, the INSP in Mexico, UC
Berkeley and the World Bank
25Evaluation Questions Did PBF
- Increase the quantity of contracted
maternal health services delivered? - Improve the quality of contracted
maternal health services provided?
26Evaluation Design
- During decentralization, phased rollout at
district level - Identified districts without PBF in 2005
- Group districts into similar pairs based
on population
density livelihoods - Randomly assign one to treatment and other to
control - MOH reallocated some districts to treatment
- With decentralization, some new districts had PBF
in an area of the new district must be
treatment - Unit of observation is health facility
27Rollout of PBF in health centers in Rwanda, 2006
28Isolating the incentive effect
- Performance incentives
- Additional resources
- Compensate control facilities with equal
resources - Average of what treatments receive
- Not linked to performance
- Money allocated by the health center management
29Sample Panel 165 Facilities 2006-08
- 2145 households in catchment areas
- Random sample of 14 per clinic
30Log Expenditures
- Randomization balanced baseline
- Follow-up balanced, so difference in follow-up
outcomes due to incentives not resources
31Baseline Expenditures Staffing
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33Impact of PBF Statistical methods
- Have balance at baseline on all key outcomes
- Use difference in differences analysis
- Not a pure randomized experiment
- Clustered at district-year level
- Facility Fixed Effects
- Year dummy
- Controls age, parity, education, household size,
health insurance, land, value of assets
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35Delivery at the health facility increased overall
in Rwanda, but 7 more in PBF facilities .
36Prenatal Competency Quality
- Provider knowledge/competency
- Standardized vignette presented to provider
- Compare answers to Rwandan CPG
- Measure of ability/knowledge
- Process quality
- Patient exit interview of clinical services
provided - Clinical content of care
- Provider effort
37In the last years, PBF has increased prenatal
care quality significantly
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40Impact of PBF on Prenatal Care Quality
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43Impact of PBF on Child Health (z-scores)
44Results Summary
- Balanced at baseline
- Expenditures same, so isolate incentives
- Impact on utilization
- Delivery Child prevention, but not prenatal
- Impact on prenatal quality
- Bigger for better doctors
- Reduced child morbidity Taller children
- Effect sizes bigger than
most other interventions
- PBF Effect seen despite many other national level
intervention possible bigger effect in other
countries - Increase in utilization in country with national
campaigns - Mutuelle
- Imihigo
- HIV services
- Safe motherhood and PCIME
- Possible spill over effect to child health
46Discussions/ Policy implications
- You get what you pay for !
- Returns to effort important
- Bigger effects in things more in providers
control - Patient or community health workers for prenatal
care/Immunization - Provide incentives directly to pregnant women?
(conditional cash transfer program). - Financial incentive to community health workers
- Low quality of care additional training coupled
with PBF - Need to get prices right
- Evaluation feedback useful
- The original randomized designed was changed due
to the political decentralization process But
sample well balanced! - Trend analysis with HMIS data ongoing
- No measure of all paid and some non paid
indicators HMIS analysis - Cost effectiveness analysis
- Funding by
- World Bank
- Government of Rwanda (PHRD grant)
- Bank-Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP)