Title: AR/GL User Group Meeting, February 2005
Financials User Group MeetingAR / GL / Billing
February 2005
2- GL
- SP-2 Impacts
- Reviewing PO Encumbrances
- GL Reporting
- Year End Preparation
- AR/Billing
- SP-2 Impacts
- Transition from AR to Billing
- Closing Periods Update
- Housekeeping
- Billing FAQ's and Issues
- EPM Impacts - SP-2
- SP2 User Acceptance Testing Participants
- SP2 User Validation
- Billing User Acceptance Testing Participants
- Billing User Validation
4- GL
- SP-2 Impacts
- New Run Controls
- GL Reporting/Inquiry
- Grants Tying Revenues and Expenditures
- Commitment Control vs. General Ledger
- Encumbrance Accounting Entries
- Budget Reference vs. Budget Period
- PO Accounting Entries
- Year End Preparation
5SP2 Impacts
- Budget Transaction Detail Report
- GL Trial Balance Report
- GL Activity Report
- Budgets Overview
6Budget Transaction Detail Report
Do not Select
7Trial Balance Report
Inactive Chartfields Available
8GL Activity Report
Blank From To Values OK
9Budgets Overview
Wildcards OK
10GL Reporting / Inquiry
- Grants Linking Revenue and Appropriation Budgets
- Commitment Control vs. General Ledger
- Revenue Budget Inquiry
- Recognized Revenue
- Collected Revenue
- Appropriation Budget Inquiry
- Budgeted Amount
- Expenditures
12Grant Revenues
13Grant Appropriation
14Commitment Control vs. General Ledger
- Ledger Characteristics
- Reports
- Balances
15Ledger Characteristics
- General Ledger
- Balances by Period (Periods 1-12)
- No Encumbrances
- Posting Journal Entries update Ledgers
- Detail Account and Department Values
- SSJs, ONLs, DCs, PCs
- Accounting Date / Fiscal Year
- Commitment Control
- Balances YTD (Budget Period 2005)
- Encumbrances
- Budget Check updates Ledgers
- Roll-up Account and Department Values
- Budget Journals
- Budget Date / Budget Period
16Reports / Inquiries
- Commitment Controlgt Review Budget Activitiesgt
Budget Reports - Trial Balance of Appropriations
- Budget Status Report
- Commitment Controlgt Review Budget Activitiesgt
Budget Inquiries - Budget Transaction Details
- EPM Reporting Toolsgt PS nVisiongt Define Report
Request - CFSR
17Reports / Inquiries
- General Ledgergt General Reports
- Trial Balance
- Expenditure Detail Report
- Journal Entry Detail
- GL Activity
- General Ledgergt Journalsgt Process Journals
- Detail and Summary Revenue
- Cash Trial Balance Report
- General Ledgergt Review Journal Ledger Data
- Journal
- Ledger
18Commitment Control Balances
19Commitment Control Balances
20Budget Status Report
21General Ledger Balances
22GL Trial Balance Report
23Encumbrance Accounting Entries
- Budget Reference vs. Budget Period
- PO Accounting Entries
24Bud Ref vs. Bud Period
- Budget Reference
- Chartfield Value
- Entered Online
- Determines which pool of funds are being used for
this transaction. - Where is the money coming from?
- Budget Period
- Calculated based on Budget Date
- 7/01/2004-6/30/2005 Budget Period 2005
- Determines which Budget Year the transaction will
be posted to. - When is the transaction recorded?
25PO Accounting Entries
Q Is this PO Encumbering Funds in the Current
Budget Period?
26PO Accounting Entries
Q Is this PO Encumbering Funds in the Current
Budget Period? A Yes. See entry for Budget
Period 2005.
27PO Accounting Entries
Q Is this PO Encumbering Funds in the Current
Budget Period?
28PO Accounting Entries
Q Is this PO Encumbering Funds in the Current
Budget Period? A No. Budget Period for all
transactions is 2004.
29PO Accounting Entries
Q Is this PO Encumbering Funds in the Current
Budget Period?
30PO Accounting Entries
Q Is this PO Encumbering Funds in the Current
Budget Period? A No. Encumbrances for Budget
Period 2005 have been fully reversed.
31Year-End Preparation
- Review Agency Budgets
- Budgets Overview Inquiry
32Budgets Overview
33Budgets Overview
Look for potential issues that may require
attention, prior to year-end.
34Budgets Overview
35Budgets Overview
What type of transaction would cause
this? Drill down.
36Budgets Overview
37Year-End Preparation
- Review UnMatched POs
- Review UnSourced Reqs
- Review Transactions in Budget Error
38Year-End Preparation
- Review Trial Balance Reports
- Confirm all General Ledger journal entries have
been edited and posted to the General Ledger. - EPMgt CT_CORE_FIN_GL_JRNL_ERRORS
39- SP-2 Impacts
- Transition from AR to Billing
- Closing Periods Update
- Housekeeping
- Open Items
- OA Payments
- Auto-Matching
- Maintenance Worksheets
- Billing FAQ's and Issues
40Critical Reminders
- Check your open items before direct journaling
deposits - Dont unpost an item if the payment has been
applied - Keep your deposit processing current
SP-2 Impacts
41(No Transcript)
42Agencies can no longer Direct Journal payments
from External Customers GIRO payments Federal
Receivables ONLY miscellaneous cash deposits
can be Direct Journaled Agencies should no
longer issue or accept pre-printed CO-608 State
Transfer Invoice forms, except from DOIT and DAS
Fleet Operations Agencies should issue or
accept only system-generated invoices, with the
exception of DOIT and DAS Fleet Operations own
system-generated invoices
43Users wont have to separate payments according
to type. A portion of a Deposit can be applied
to an open Item The remainder can be Direct
Journaled, if it is miscellaneous cash Agencies
will create Bills for External Customers
Expenditure Transfer Invoices Service Transfer
Invoices Grant Transfers Federal Receivables
Agencies can use Payment Predictor for State
Customers External Customers Federal Customers
44(No Transcript)
45- Collections
- Maintenance
- Payment Predictor (Auto Maintenance)
- Auto Maintenance matches debits and credits under
a Customer ID in AR so users do not have to
manually match them up on a Payment or
Maintenance worksheet - Auto Maintenance will not match items if there is
more than one item for the same amount under one
Customer ID for a Business Unit
46- Before Issuing Customer Statements, Dunning
Letters or Overdue Charges - Research Outstanding Balances
- Online
- Aging Report
47(No Transcript)
48ARgt Collectionsgt Customer Informationgt Credit
Profilegt 121
49ARgt Collectionsgt Customer Informationgt Credit
Profilegt 121
50(No Transcript)
51(No Transcript)
52- Create
- Credit adjustments for items
- Maintenance Worksheets
- Match
- Credits to open items
- On Account payments
- to open items
53ARgt Maintenancegt Maintenance Worksheet gt Create
54ARgt Maintenancegt Maintenance Worksheet gt Create
55ARgt Maintenancegt Maintenance Worksheet gt Create
- Match your credits and On Account payments to
open items - Create accounting entries
- Post the Maintenance Worksheet
- Wait for AR_UPDATE and Receivables Aging
processes to run - Process your Statements, Dunning Letters and
Overdue Charges
56 Month-End Timeline Online Search for
Incomplete Transactions Pending
Items Bills Payments Direct Journal Deposits
57Accounts Payable Impacts
At 3pm on the 10th of the month
You CANNOT Post new bills to period that is
closing Post payments to period that is
closing Direct journal deposits to period that is
You CAN Change the accounting dates for bills
and payments to the new open period Post new
bills to new period Post payments to new period
Direct journal deposits to new period
58New Bills, Payments and Unpost Groups
- Accounting Date and Budget Date default to
Current Date - Posted as of date of Cancellation/Unpost
60Pending Items, Bills, Payments, Deposits
- Look for transactions that havent been posted
to the General Ledger
61(No Transcript)
62 63- ST
- Bill state agencies for goods or service
- Revenues only, or revenue and expenditure coding
on separate bill lines - Account values will not be defaulted
- Valid offset account configured as 11620
- ET
- Bills state agencies to credit current year
expenditures - Expenditures only, no revenue coding
- Account values will not be defaulted
- Valid offset account configured as 11620
- Do I use the statewide Bill Type if I have a Bill
Type set up specific to my agency? Why? - Use ST to bill all State agencies because the AR
Distribution Code is defaulted to 11620 - Use your agency-specific Bill Type for External
Customers is defaulted to 11224 - ET
- GT
64- GT 47100
- Bill state agencies for Federal Restricted grants
being passed through - Valid revenue account configured as 47100
- Valid offset account configured as 11620
- GT 47200
- Bill state agencies for Non-Federal Restricted
grants being passed through - Valid revenue account configured as 47200
- Valid offset account configured as 11620
65(No Transcript)
66(No Transcript)
67- Adding Locations to an Existing Customer
- Finalize and Print Invoices
- Additional choice on Process Scheduler
- Print only Unprinted Invoices
- Effective Dating on Distribution Codes
- New Chartfields
- Deactivated Chartfields
- Valid Account Values to Use
- Revenues
- Expenditures
68- Correcting Accounting Errors on Bills
- Entering Multiple Funding on Bills
- Sales Tax
69- Surcharges
- Sales Tax
- Mass Change Status of Bills
- Status Change in Standard Billing
- Billing Source
- Use MISC
- Business Category
70- Federal Receivables Processing
- Expenditure Accounts used in Billing for Refund
of Expenditures - Debtor Agency creates the Transfer Invoice (TI)
for the Creditor Agency
71(No Transcript)
72(No Transcript)
73The AR to Billing Transition document from the
Daily Mail
74Specific directions for Grants and
Grant Transfers
75Job Aids for creating new values in Billing
76Job Aids for Billing Interface Agencies
77Job Aids for running Billing reports
78- 2-Day Billing Classes End February 16
- Billing Labs are held every Friday
- Core-CT, Room 2024
- 830am, 1000am, and 1130am
- Classes limited to 8 Users
- Sign up in the PSFT Registration Tool
- Refresh your training
- Online Billing classes and exercises
- Sandbox
- Link from the Core-CT website through Training
Home Page - Billing Reporting Classes RP100
- Scheduled February 23 through March 16
- Sign up in the PSFT Registration Tool
- Email address for problems or questions about the
Sandbox environment Training.Questions_at_po.state.
79- EPM Queries
- Fixes
- Enhancements
81- Fixes
- New Window Hyperlink
- Download to Excel Multiple Times
82New Window Hyperlink
83- Download to Excel Multiple Times
84- Enhancements
- Advanced Query Search
- Run to HTML Hyperlink
- Run to Excel Hyperlink
- Create Folders
- Add to Favorites
- Copy Query to Another User
- Reorder Criteria
85Advanced Query Search / Run to HTML Hyperlink /
Run to Excel Hyperlink
86Advanced Query Search
87Advanced Query Search
88Create Folders / Add to Favorites / Copy Query to
Another User
89Copy Query to Another User
90Reorder Criteria
91Reorder Criteria
92EPM Query Labs Core-CT Home Page Course
EPM101 http//www.core-ct.state.ct.us/epm/ Schedul
e of EPM Help labs
93Thank You for your participation today.
We hope this information proved helpful
- Look for this presentation andmeeting Q As
on the Core-CT Website www.core-ct.state.ct.us/ - Next Meeting AR/GL/Billing Date
February 22 1pm 4pm - 101 E. River Drive, Room 4214 A B FUG100,
Session 020 - (dont forget to sign up)