Title: Dr' Max Lemke
1Grids for Complex Problem Solving - Research in
the IST Programme -
- Dr. Max Lemke
- Deputy Head of Unit
- DG Information Society
- Unit F2 - Grids for Complex Problem solving
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist/grids
- Introduction
- On-going Grid Research in the FP5 IST Programme
- Grids for Complex Problem Solving,a Strategic
Objective in FP6 IST - Conclusions and Workshop Reflections
3ERA a new context for EU supported RTD
- Moving towards a European level Research policy
- Strengthen co-operation between National and EU
Activities - Improve links between National and EU policies
and schemes - Development of a shared vision on European RTD
- Potential for co-funding arrangements
- FP6 is a major instrument to realise ERA
- Realising ERA will require
- New thinking more strategic and goal oriented
- from project-thinking to initiative-thinking
- New approach concentration, critical mass and
flexibility - New scope taking account of the international
dimension of RTD(greater awareness of whos
doing what) - New instruments Integrated Projects (IPs)
Networks of Excellence (NoEs)
FP6 is not business as usual!
4Information Society in 2010Ambient Intelligence
5Knowledge Infrastructure
Grids empowered
6Grid Research and Deployment in FP6
Application-orientedStrategic Objectives e.g.
eBusiness, eGov, eWork, eHealth, risks
- Research Infrastructure
- Deployment of specifichigh performance Grids
- Deployment of high-capacityand high-speed
communi-cations network - GEANT DG IST -
- Grids for Complex Problem Solving
- Architecture, design and development of the next
generation Grid - Enabling application technologies
- DG IST - F2
Research Development
125 M (IST)
200 M RI
Technology-orientedstrategic objectives e.g.
semantic web, software and services
7GÉANT Grids implementation
Structuring ERA
100 M
100 M
Integrating Strengthening ERA
RN testbeds
Grids for complex problem solving
gtgt100 M
125 M
- Introduction
- On-going Grid Research in the FP5 IST Programme
- Grids for Complex Problem Solving,a Strategic
Objective in FP6 IST - Conclusions and Workshop Reflections
9FP5 IST - Grid -related Projects
- Grid Project Portfolio
- Infrastructure
- DataTag
- Computing
- EuroGrid, DataGrid, Damien
- Tools and Middleware
- GridLab, GRIP
- Applications
- EGSO, CrossGrid, FlowGrid, BioGrid, OpenMolGrid,
Moses, COG, GEMSS, Grace, Mammogrid, Selene - P2P / ASP / Webservices
- Clustering
- GridStart
10Focus of IST Grid Projects
11 GRID based Application Service Provision
- Shift to industrial/business use of Grid
- Industrial strength service provision middleware
for Grids - resource management
- security
- Service Level Agreements (SLA), Quality of
Service (QoS) - business models and pricing
- Pilot applications
- biomedicine
- finance
- e-learning
Start 1 April 2002 End 30 September
2004 Partners LogicDIS (GR) CRMPA (I) CCLRC
(UK) Univ. of Stuttgart (D) CSSI
(FR) SchlumbergerSema (E)
12GRID Interoperability Project
- Grid Interoperability enabling applications and
virtual organisations to use simultaneously
different Grid middleware based on common open
standards - German-based development with EUsupport
- open standards
- US-dominated effort with EU contributions
- open source
- Contribute to Standardisation Global Grid Forum
(GGF) - Pilot applications
- meteorology
- molecular biology
- Start 1 January 2002
- End 31 December 2003
- Partners
- FZ Jülich (D)
- Pallas (D)
- Univ. of Manchester (UK)
- Univ. of Warsaw (PL)
- Deutscher Wetterdienst (D)
- Univ. of Southampton (UK)
- Introduction
- On-going Grid Research in the FP5 IST Programme
- Grids for Complex Problem Solving,a Strategic
Objective in FP6 IST - Conclusions and Workshop Reflections
14The Challenge (1)
Next Generation Grids
Web Services
Web Semantic Web
Semantic Grid
Information Retrieval
Authentication Scheduling
15The Challenge (2)Moving Grid from e-Science to
- Promote Grid research to
- Solve complex problems with high economic and
societal impact - Exploit the potential of Grids beyond e-Science
- Ease access and use of Grids
16The Challenge (3)Grids for Complex Problem
ApplicationSector 1
ApplicationSector 3
ApplicationSector 2
ApplicationSector n
ApplicationSector 1
Applications e-business, e-health,
e-gov, e-learning, environment
Grids for CPS focus
Generic enabling application technologies Tools
and environments for simulation, data mining,
knowledge discovery, collaborative working, ...
Next generation Grid Architecture, design and
development addressing security, business
models, open source/standards,interoperability,
17Grids for Complex Problem SolvingResearch Focus
- Architecture, design and development of the next
generation GRID - beyond extensions of existing technologies based
on a meaning-oriented information model leading
to - open standards
- including security built-in at all levels,
programming environments, customisable
middleware, resource management - economic and business models for new services
- interoperability with existing GRID and Web
- Enabling Application technologies
- for solution of complex problems requiring a
grid-based approach - tools environments for
- Modelling, simulation, visualisation, data
mining, - process control, remote operation,
- Collaborative work in dynamic virtual
organisations - exploiting synergies across different application
A multi-disciplinary approach across the relevant
levels of the value chain is required.Co-operatio
n with research activities in the Member States
is necessary for building critical mass.
18Generic Enabling Application Technologies
Sector 1applic.
Sector 2applic.
Sector Napplic.
. . .
Scope of future projects
enabling technologieshigh level Grid services -
generic components -
Low level Grid services
Grid-type environment
19IST-FP6 commitment to Grid research
- First actions launched in IST-FP5
- Grid research is a strategic objective
- New Unit dedicated to Grid research
20Grids in Call 2 of IST WP2003-2004
- Call 2 of FP6 - IST (planned)
- opening 17th June 2003 / closure 15th October
2003 - Indicative budget
- Call 2 45 M / total FP6 125 M
- Budget vs. Instruments (tentative)
21Grid FP6 Preparatory Activities 2003
- Workshop focusing on constituency building, EC,
January 2003 - Launch of Next Generation Grid Expert Group,
EC, April 2003 - Establish an inventory of on-going Grid research
in IST,GRIDSTART Project, draft planned for July
2003 - Workshop Grids for Integrated Problem Solving
Environments, organised by Fraunhofer-SCAI, St.
Augustin, April 2003 - Workshop Grid-based Virtual Organisations and
collaborative e-Enterprise Applications,
co-organised by BAe Systems, IT Innovation,
Fraunhofer-IAO, INRIA, SchlumbergerSEMA, Univ. of
Salerno London, 30 May 2003 - First IST Concertation Meeting on Grid Research,
EC,18-19 June 2003 - Info Day FP6 IST Call 2 Grids for CPS, EC, 20
June 2003 - Grid-related Spotlight topic at IST2003, Milano,
October 2-4 2003 - Participation of Grid Unit representatives at
Workshops, etc. e.g.GGF7, ESA - SpaceGRID, W3C
Semantic GRID Workshop, ...
- Introduction
- On-going Grid Research in the FP5 IST Programme
- Grids for Complex Problem Solving,a Strategic
Objective in FP6 IST - Conclusions and Workshop Reflections
23General Conclusions
- Grid technologies have the potential to
revolutionise the Internet of tomorrow as the Web
did for the Internet of today - Grid research represents a key priority in
IST-FP6 and will serve as a means for the
evolution of ERA - Need for stronger co-ordination of existing
Community, Member States and international Grid
research initiatives, e.g. through a Virtual
Grid Middleware Laboratory - The shift of Grids from e-Science to industry
will in future reap the benefits for European
business, industry and society
24Some Reflections from iPSE Workshop
- Computing Grids expected to become available in
short term - Different industrial sectors share synergetical
requirements for future industrial-strength
Knowledge Grids supporting their integrated
PSEs - significant research needed - e.g. - data integration (medium term)
- access to/sharing of knowledge/tools with
suppliers (medium to long term) - semantics-based knowledge discovery (longer term)
- Potential lead sectors with complementary
strengths shape up - bio/pharma, aeronautics/satellite/space,
automotive, ... - to reach a good deployment potential, there is a
need to reach broad coverage of relevant
industrial sectors, however - capacity of industrial sectors in visionary
research is on different levels, e.g. - innovators involved in the actual research and
development - early adopters involved in requirements
specification and demonstration phase
25Some Reflections related to the research focus on
generic enabling application technologies
- Derive a vision by thinking laterally
- exploit opportunities arising through evolving
Grid technologies - seek and identify new working paradigms
- Innovation achieved through proper balance
between application pull and technology push - demands from various applications / industrial
sectors - new perspectives offered by innovative Grid
technologies - Exploit synergies leading to generic developments
- identify synergies between applications / sectors
- judicious balance between generic and specific
26IST Grid Research - Sources of Information
- Grids in IST-FP6 http//www.cordis.lu/ist/grids/
- IST on CORDIS http//www.cordis.lu/ist
- FP6 web main page http//europa.eu.int/comm/resea
rch/fp6/index_en.html - New Instruments http//europa.eu.int/comm/researc
h/fp6/networks-ip.html - Model Contracts http//europa.eu.int/comm/researc
h/fp6/working-groups/model-contract/index_en.html - Frequently asked Questions http//europa.eu.int/c
omm/research/faq.html - The European Research Area http//europa.eu.int/c
omm/research/era/index_en.html - CORDIS RTD beyond 2002 http//www.cordis.lu/rtd20
02/ - FP6 on CORDIS http//www.cordis.lu/fp6
- Expressions of interest http//www.cordis.lu/sear
ch_form.cfm - IST roadmap workshopshttp//www.cordis.lu/fp6/c
alls.cfm - IST in FP6
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist/fp6/fp6.htm
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist/fp6/pcms.htm
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist/fp6/workshops.htm
- Registration for FP6 database of experts
http//www.cordis.lu/experts/fp6_candidature.htm - Re-registration of FP5 experts for FP6