Title: Settling Complexity of NASH equilibrium
1- Settling Complexity of NASH equilibrium
- Joint work with CHEN Xi
- and
- Extensions with CHEN Xi and Shanghua TENG
2 Importance of complexity issue of NASH
- Papadimitriou STOC 2001 invited talk
- Fortnow Computational Complexity Column
- We know only a few natural problems in NP that
are not known to be NP-complete or in P. The two
most often named are factoring and graph
isomorphism. Another that has come to forefront
is Nash Equilibrium. - http//weblog.fortnow.com/2005/02/complexity-of-na
3- Outline of Story
- Nash Equilibrium (Mathematicians)
- Algorithmic Solutions (OR and Economists)
- Complexity (Computer Scientists)
4 5Zero Sum Game
- N players
- Each chooses one strategy from a set of
strategies (which is in general different for
different players) - Once each player fixes its strategy, the game has
an outcome for each player (which again is in
general different for different players) which
sums up to zero.
- N players i1,2,,n
- Let Si be the set of strategies of player i
- Let si be the strategy chosen by player i
- Let ui(s1, s2,, sn) be the payoff to player i
- Zero sum game is one such that it always hold
that - Sumui(s1, s2,, sn)i1,2,,n0
7An Example Matching Pennies
- Input
- Two players Evan and Odette
- The protocol
- Each flips a coin
- The winner will be decided by the outcome of the
flipped coins 0 for the number and 1 for the
picture. - If coins sum to odd, Oddete wins
- Otherwise, Evan wins.
- Loser pays winner M coins
8Evans Payoff Matrix
9Odettes Payoff Matrix
10Joint Payoff Matrixnumbers in each cell sum to
11von Neuman min-max Theorem
- Pure strategy game may not always have an
equilibrium - Any two player zero sum game has a mixed strategy
equilibrium. - John von Neumann (1928), zur Theorie der
Gesellshaftsspiele, Mathematische Annalen 100,
12Pure vs Mixed Strategies
- Pure strategy Each player fixes its decision
on its decided strategy such as always choosing
the picture for the outcome of the coin. - Mixed strategy equilibrium Each player chooses
each side of the coin with a certain probability. - Flipping it is usually regard as assign a
probability of ½ for each side of the coin.
13pure strategy equilibirum
When both choose betrayal, none of them can do
better by shifting away from its strategy of
betrayal. Therefore, it is an equilibrium point.
14Non-existence of pure strategy equilibrium
At any pair of strategies of the two Players, one
of them can do better By shifting away from its
15Mixed strategy equilibrium
Each chooses number or picture with probability ½.
16Evans payoff when Both choose ½ and ½.
When Odette chooses half and half, the payoff to
Evan is always zero. Therefore, no matter what
other strategy Evan shifts into, it cannot do
better than the strategy of ½ and ½. The same
argument also hold for Odette.
17Proof of von Neuman min-max Theorem via Linear
- Any two player zero sum game has a mixed strategy
equilibrium. - Let the payoff matrix of row player be A, an m by
n matrix. - The payoff matrix of the column player is A.
- Row player chooses its pure strategies with
probability x1, x2, , xn - Column player chooses its pure strategies with
probability y1, y2, , ym
18Von Neumanns Maximin Approach
- The row player wants to choose a mixed strategy
to guarantee a payoff such that no matter
whatever pure strategy the column player choose - The column player wants to do the same thing.
- Luckily, those two strategies can be achieved
simultaneously, by linear program duality.
19Non-zero-sum Game
20Another Game
- Cournot game
- Between two firms.
- They produce the same good
- The price of good is a decreasing function of the
total quantity of goods they jointly produce - The function is known to both firms.
- Strategy The quantity one firm chooses to
produce. - Example 200 pieces will have price 5, 300 piece
price 3, 400 piece price 1
21Joint Payoff Matrix
22Reduction to zero sum game
- Reduce to three player zero sum game
- Introduce a third person
- With only one strategy
- The payoff is the negation of the sum of the
other two players. - Similar argument holds for games of more players.
- We can still define a maximin solution for every
player. - However, we dont have a minmax theorem as in the
two player case.
24von Neumanns Proposal
- Study co-operative game behavior for multiple
players games. - The von Neumann-Morgenstern solution
25Nashs approach of Equilibrium
- Nash proved that an equilibrium point exists for
any number of players in a non-cooperative
setting. - Nash, J. F. "Non-Cooperative Games." Ann. Math.
54, 286-295, 1951. - His trick was the use of best-response functions
- a recent theorem that had just emerged -
Kakutani's fixed point-theorem. - Won nobel prize in 1994
26An intuition for a proof
- x is the best response to y
- Payoff1(x,y) maximizes Payoff1(x,y)
- y is the best response to x
- Payoff2(x,y) maximizes Payoff2(x,y)
- Best response function
- BR(x,y) (x', y') (maps unit square to itself)
- Its fixed point
- BR(x,y) (x, y)
- is NASH equilibrium by definition.
27Previous Work of Nash
- As an undergraduate, he had inadvertently (and
independently) proved Brouwer's fixed point
theorem. - Later on, he went on to break one of Riemann's
most perplexing mathematical conundrums. - Source
- http//cepa.newschool.edu/het/profiles/nash.htm
- General equilibrium in Economics proven by
Arrow-Debreu using Kakutanis fixed point
theorem. - Arrow, K.J., and G. Debreu (1954). Existence of
an equilibrium for a competitive economy.
Econometrica 22 (July) 26590. - Both are Nobel prize winners (1972, 1982).
29Algorithmic Solutions
30Relationships between the two models
- Two player zero sum game can be solved by linear
programming - The next easiest problem is two player non-zero
sum game. - N player non-zero sum game can solve n player
zero sum game (2 and more) - N1 player zero-sum game can solve n player
non-zero sum game (3 and more)
31Linear Complementary Problem
- uMvb0
- v0
- ltu,vgt 0
- It is complementary since either u_i0 or v_i0
for each i.
32Mathematical Programming of Players
- Let A and B be the payoff matrices to the two
players. - The players problems are thus
- Max xtAy xte1, x 0, y fixed
- MaxxtBy yte1, y0, x fixed
33Dual LPs
- The dual of Max xtAy xe1, x 0, y fixed
- Min z etz Ay, z 0
- In LCP form xt(ez-Ay)0
- MaxxtBy ety 1, y0, x fixed
- Min w we xtB, w 0
- In LCP form (we-xtB)y0
34Rescale the equations
- Divide by z on each side and set ylt-y/z
- Qy et Ay, y0
- xt(e-Ay)0
- Divide by w on each side and set xlt-x/w
- P x e xtB, x 0
- (e-xtB)y0
35Nash Equilibrium as LCP
- v(xt,yt)t
- uMvb 0
- be
- The matrix M is gt
- The equations are
- vt (Mve)0
- v 0
36LCP formulation of NASH
- Formulation in LCP
- Cottle, RW and Dantzig, GD (1962-3),
Complementary Pivot Theory of MathematicalProgram
ming, Linear Algebra and its Applications 1,
103-125, 1968. - Algorithmic Solution
- C.E. Lemke and J.T. Howson, Jr., Equilibrium
Points in Bimatrix Games, J. SIAM 12, pp.418-423,
1964 - Review Article
- http//www.informs.org/History/dantzig/LinearProgr
37More on Lemke and Howson
- The underlying logic, involving motions on the
edges of an appropriate polyhedron, has been the
starting point of the path-following methodology - More details on significance and relevance, see
- 1978 John von Neumann Theory Prize Winning
Citations for John F. Nash and Carlton E. Lemke - http//www.informs.org/Prizes/vonNeumannDetails.ht
38Main Idea of Lemke and Howson algorithm
- Start with v0
- Choose an index k to be dropped
- That is, vk0 no longer holds
- As the complementary condition
- vt (Mve)0
- Requires we set Mkv10
- vk increases
- until Miv10 for some i
- If ik, we have a non-trivial solution, i.e., a
Nash equilibrium. - Otherwise, vi can be increased afterward.
- Change both vk and vi simultaneously such that
Miv10 - while keep other vs zero.
39Main Idea of Lemke and Howson algorithm
- NOTE move along edges of polytope with (n-1)
constraints. - There is only one choice in the non-degenerate
- Scarf developed a path-following approach to
solve the fixed point problem, approximately and
to solve the general equilibrium problem. - Equivalently an algorithm for n person games.
- von Neumann Award (1983).
41Lower Bound on Lemke and Howson
- An example is constructed such that an
exponential number of steps is necessary no
matter which initial index is chosen - R. Savani and B. von Stengel (2005),
Hard-to-Solve Bimatrix Games. Econometrica, to
appear. - http//www.maths.lse.ac.uk/Personal/stengel/bvs-pu
42 43 Combinatorial Nature of NASH
- Though the problem is defined on continuous
variables, its proof of existence depended on - Fixed point theorem
- Dependent on Sperners lemma
- Path following algorithm
- Relied on Combinatorial structures of polytopes.
44 The complexity issue
- The complexity of Nash Equilibrium is therefore
well defined in the standard computational
complexity theory. - However, it has been an open problem whether
there is a polynomial time algorithm since the
early work of Lemke-Howson, of forty years ago.
- Polynomial Parity Argument, Directed Version
- Characterize the proof technique employed in the
proof of many mathematical problems - Papadimitriou. On the complexity of the parity
argument and other inefficient proofs of
existence. JCSS 48, pp.498-532, 1994.
46 Define PPAD end of line
- A graph of exponential size
- 2n nodes
- Each node has at most one outgoing edge and at
most one incoming edge - A polynomial time Turing machine computing the
successor of every node. - Node 1 has no incoming edge and has one outgoing
edge. - Output Requirement find another node with
exactly one edge (incoming or outgoing).
47 Problems in PPAD
- Sperner Lemma, Fixed Point, NASH
- In addition, Sperner Lemma and Fixed Point are
PPAD-Complete - That means, if they can be solved in polynomial
time, any problem in PPAD can be solved in
polynomial time.
48 NASH remains open
- NASH is in PPAD by Lemke and Howson algorithm
- It is not known to be PPAD complete
49 A Big Breakthrough
- The complexity of computing a Nash equilibrium
- Constantinos Daskalakis, Paul W. Goldberg,
Christos H. Papadimitriou - which proves 4 player NASH is PPAD-Complete.
- October 10, 2005, in ECCC
- http//www.eccc.uni-trier.de/eccc-reports/2005/TR0
5-115/index.html - Conjecture
- 3 player game is hard
- 2 player game is polynomial solvable
50 The Next Step
- 3-NASH is PPAD-Complete
- Xi Chen and Xiaotie Deng
- ECCC, Nov 18, 2005
- Three-Player games are hard
- Constantinos Daskalakis, Christos H.
Papadimitriou - Nov 29, 2005, in ECCC
51Importance of Complexity of 2NASH
- At the frontier of EASY problem Two player zero
sum game is easy (LP), 2NASH is the next easiest
problem. - At the frontier of HARD problem Lemke-Howson
algorithm, started as a solution for 2NASH, has
been the original of many related problems that
employed the path following methodology. Most of
the important ones are PPAD-hard, among them are - Fixed point problem
- Many person NASH Equilibrium
- Sperner problem
52 The result
- Xi Chen and Xiaotie Deng
- Settling the Complexity of Two Player Nash
Equilibrium - Dec 4, 2005 in ECCC
53 The main structure of proof
- Reduce end of line to
- 3D SPERNER, which is reduced to
- 3D BROUWER FIXED POINT, discrete version
- R player NASH Equilibrium
- Degree 3 graphic NASH equilibrium, approximate
version - 4 player NASH, approximate version
54 Our simplified structure of proof
- Reduce end of line to
- 2D SPERNER, which is reduced to
- 2D BROUWER FIXED POINT, discrete version
- 2 player NASH, exact version
55 2D discrete fixed point problem
56 Problems in PPAD
- Sperner Lemma, Fixed Point, NASH
- In addition, 3D Sperner Lemma and 3D Fixed Point
were PPAD-Complete - That means, if they can be solved in polynomial
time, any problem in PPAD can be solved in
polynomial time.
57 SPERNER Lemma
- Given a triangulated triangle,
- Given a proper labeling of its nodes,
- Labels 0,1,2
- A condition on labels on the boundaries.
- There must be a triangle with all three labels
appear in its three nodes.
58 Triangulation of a triangle
Ai is colored with i Any point on the boundary
is labeled with labels on the two
endpoints. Labels on the interior points Are not
restricted. SPERNER LEMMA There is a triangle
with all Three labels.
59 Other reasons why 2NASH could not be hard?
- 2D Sperner was open
- 2D fixed point was open
60 The results
- Xi Chen and Xiaotie Deng
- On Complexity of 2D fixed point
- ICALP 2006
61 Relationship of 2D Sperner with 2NASH
- Affirms the possibility that 2NASH could be
harder - Simplifies the proof structure
62 Differences from NP-hard Proofs
- Problems of exponential size search space
- Local properties of the input/output structure
- Which can be verified by a polynomial time
algorithm also as an input parameter. - Reductions should reduce the polynomial
algorithms for the local properties to each other
63 Define PPAD Another End
- A graph of exponential size
- 2n nodes
- Each node has at most one outgoing edge and at
most one incoming edge - A polynomial time Turing machine computing the
successor of every node. - Node 1 has no incoming edge and has one outgoing
edge. - Output Requirement find another node with
exactly one edge (incoming or outgoing).
642D Sperner
- A triangle of exponential size
- 2n nodes in the base and in the height
- 22n triangles
- The nodes are properly labeled
- A polynomial time Turing machine computing the
label of each node - Output Requirement find a small triangle with
all three labels.
65 Outline of Proof
- Planar embedded version of Another End
- Even though Another End is planar, its direct
embedding is in general not planar and an
efficient embedding is not known. - A carefully designed labeling processing to
construct an instance of the Sperners problem.
66 The structure for a planar embedding
- Denote N2n
- Embed a complete graph to a planar grid of size
3NN, 6N with about NN/2 crossings - This can be done by a polynomial time algorithm
locally, i.e., report the edges enters and leaves
any node in the grid. - Use the edges in the planar embedding of the
complete graphs for the embedding of Another
End - Difficulty make sure each node has at most one
incoming and at most one outgoing edge.
67 The complete graph embedding
68 Four types of gadgets at crossing
69 The line graph embedding
- Denote N2n
- Use the edges in the planar embedding of the
complete graphs for the embedding of Another
End - Trick turn left or right on crossings to keep
the property of single incoming edge and single
outgoing edge. - It does not preserve the graph, but preserves all
the ends of lines.
70 Detours at Crossings
71 Properties
- Properties of the reduction
- The new graph is larger than the original by an
exponential factor. - At each node of the grid, it can be calculated in
polynomial time - Whether an embedded line goes through it, and in
which direction. - Whether two embedded lines are at it or close
enough to change its incoming/outgoing edges. - The set of the ends of the lines is exactly the
same as before the reduction
72 Embedding of a complete graph of three nodes
73 Embedding of a Subgraph (02,21)
74 Theorem
- Another End of Lines embedded on 2D is
PPAD-complete - Xi Chen, Xiaotie Deng, On the Complexity of 2D
Discrete Fixed Point Problem, ICALP 2006.
75 Outline of 2D SPERNER
- Start with Another End of Lines embedded on 2D
- Encode it so that
- We can triangulate a triangle and properly label
it. - Do it locally according to the coordinates.
- A completely labeled triangle correspond to an
end except the start. - 0 on path, 1 on left, 2 on right and everywhere
- The end of path will have a triangle of three
76 A direct line/cycle graph
77 Corresponding triangulation
78 2D Brower Fixed Point
- Input Exponential size grid
- A function of three values (0,1), (1,0),
(-1,-1). - Output A unit square on vertices of which the
function values have all three possibilities
79 2D Brower Fixed Point simplex version
- Input Exponential size grid
- A function of three values (0,1), (1,0),
(-1,-1). - Output A triangle on a unit square on vertices
of which the function values have all three
80Reduction to Bimatrix Game
81 Special Features as a Natural Problem
- Input two m by n matrices A and B
- Output two vectors x and y as Nash equilibrium
- The input size is no longer exponential
- The input data are explicitly given
- The solution is exact
82 Reduction from 2D Fixed Point
- Code logic operations (and arithmetic operations)
by Games of Two Players - Use them to encode polynomial algorithms to
calculate the function values from input variable
values - Make the output function value equal to the
unspecified input value (fixed point) - Nash equilibrium obtains the result which derive
the fixed point.
83 A two player game for addition
- Player one
- Input Nodes a, b and
- Output node c
- Player two intermediate node d
- Pure strategies s1lt(a, 1), (d, 1)gt s2lt(b, 1),
(d, 1)gt s3lt(c, 1), (d, 0)gts4lt(c, 1), (d,
1)gts5lt(c, 0), (d, 0)gt - Payoffs
- For Player one one for s4, s5 zero otherwise
- For Player two one for s1, s2, s3 zero
84 Proof addition gate
- Pure strategies s1lt(a, 1), (d, 1)gt s2lt(b, 1),
(d, 1)gt s3lt(c, 1), (d, 0)gts4lt(c, 1), (d,
1)gts5lt(c, 0), (d, 0)gt - Payoffs
- For Player one one for s4, s5 zero otherwise
- For Player two one for s1, s2, s3 zero
otherwise. - Equilibrium probability
- Player one x on a, y on b, z on c
- Player two w on d
- At equilibrium player two has the same utility
choosing zero or one - Player two xyz
- Player one w(1-w)
85 Other operations
- Can be implemented by a two player game in a
similar manner. - Leave them as homework for students.
86 Main difficulties
- Comparison operator (lt or gt) cannot be
implemented by Nash equilibrium exactly nor
approximately. - Each operation can be done by two players but it
is hard to combine all the operations to a two
player game. - The dependence of an operation on its
input/output must not interference with other
operations - This part is the trickiest part of the Chen/Deng
87Summary Discussion
88 Mile Stones
- Existence
- Von Neuman zero sum game 1928
- Nash non-zero sum game 1951
- Algorithms
- Cottle and Dantzig, LCP Model, 1962-3
- Lemke and Howson, path-following, 1964
- R. Savani and B. von Stengel, Exponential lower
bound of LH algorithm, 2004 - Complexity
- Papadimitriou, NASH is in PPAD,1991
- Daskalakis, Goldberg, Papadimitriou, 4-NASH is
PPAD-complete, Oct 10, 2005 - ChenDeng, DaskalakisPapadimitriou, 3-NASH is
PPAD-complete Nov18, 2005, Nov29 2005 - Chen and Deng, 2 player Nash Equilibrium is
PPAD-complete Dec 04, 2005
89 The end brings us back to the beginning
- Lemkes algorithm solves the two player nash
equilibrium developed a new combinatorial
algorithmic paradigm in computation of a large
body of problems in continuous variables. - In comparison, Dantzigs simplex algorithm.
- Problems include nash, fixed points, general
equilibrium - In the end, the solution structure of Lemke to
bimatrix game that started the history is proven
to be reduced to any solution to the bimatrix
game. - But still Lemke-Howsons algorithm is considered
the most practical one (with a proven convergence
theorem) for Nash.
90 A New Start
- Chen Deng Teng
- No FPTAS for two player nash equilibrium
- No polynomial time smoothed algorithm.
- and provides a first nontrivial lower bound in
smoothed analysis, for a central problem in
91 Past related work
- Michael D. Hirsch, Christos H. Papadimitriou,
Stephen A. Vavasis - Exponential lower bounds for finding Brouwer fix
points. J. Complexity 5(4) 379-416 (1989) - C. Papadimitriou
- The Complexity of the Parity Argument and Other
Inefficient proofs of Existence (1991)
92 Past related work
- Xi Chen, Xiaotie Deng
- On algorithms for discrete and approximate
brouwer fixed points. STOC 2005 323-330 - On the Complexity of 2D Discrete Fixed Point
Problem, ICALP 2006.
93Concepts of Discrete Fixed Point
- IIMura (2002) Fixed point on lattice point for
direction preserving functions. - Chen and Deng (STOC 2005) Fixed point algorithms
on lattice for functions with 2n values in n
coordinates (, -) in each coordinate,
introducing the concept of bad cubes. - Chen and Deng (COCOON 2006) bad simplex.
- Daskalakis, Goldberg, Papadimitriou (STOC 2006)
A new discrete definition of the fixed point set
(on 238 points in 3D, closely related to bad
cubes), and consider functions with n1 values,
one is each coordinate and one diagonal ray, with
no other restrictions. - Chen/Deng/Teng (ECCC 2006) A new definition of
the discrete fixed point set (dependent on
function values on n1 points in an n-dimensional
space, related to bad simplex).
94Related Progress
- IIMura (2002) A fixed point theorem on lattice
points for direction preserving functions. - Chen and Deng (STOC 2005) Fixed point algorithms
with oracle model, closing the gap by improving
both upper and lower bound. - Daskalakis, Goldberg, Papadimitriou (STOC 2006)
4NASH is PPAD complete - Chen and Deng (ECCC2005) PPAD-complete result for
bimatrix NASH - Chen and Deng (ICALP 2006) Hardness of 2D
SPERNER, 2D fixed points. - Chen/Deng/Teng (ECCC2006) A high dimension fixed
point hardness result, for a high dimension cube
with a constant side length, and NFPTS results
for NASH, and no polynomial time smoothed
algorithm for NASH.
95 Open problems
- Could PPAD still in P?
- Or it is NP-hard
- How would we place it with other complexity
96 Open problems
- Several other related problems discussed in PPAD
class by Papadimitriou. Could we improve those
97 Open problems
- Oracle results
- Fixed point problem
- Sperners Lemma
- What about other problems?
- Is there an oracle version of NASH?
98 Open problems
- The negative result for the smoothed analysis
derived later with Chen and Teng is the first
lower bound for a non-trivial problem. Could the
idea be of use for other problems?