Title: Doctrine of Devils Session 22
1Doctrine of DevilsSession 22
New Age Spiritism Part 3
2New Age Spiritism
3New Age teachings or Bibles?
- The Book of Knowledge The Keys of Enoch
- Authors J. J. Hurtak PH.D.
- The Keys of Enoch is a paraphysical 'codebook'
written in 1973 by Dr. J.J. Hurtak. - It is a text of higher consciousness experience
which explains how the human race is connected
with a more advanced higher evolutionary
structure of universal intelligence. - This book is meant to prepare us for the paradigm
shift that will affect all aspects of the social,
psychological and spiritual dimensions of life. - This work is not a fantasy, nor is it the outcome
of "channeled information" nor the product of
mediumship. Due to the nature of a direct
experience as the basis of receiving the
information recorded in The Keys of Enoch, it is
more properly thought of as a revealed
teaching--similar to those contained in the Bible
and other sacred writings.
4New Age teachings or Bibles?
- A Spiritual Sex Manual
- Authors Jesus Christ channeled by Charlene
Webster. - Did Jesus ever have sex?
- Yes, with Mary Magdalene at least.
5New Age teachings or Bibles?
- The Portable World Bible
- Editor Robert O. Ballou
- Takes eight of the worlds most influential
religions and summarizes them and also compares
and contrasts them. The religions compared are
Hindu, Confucianist, Taoist, Mohammedan,
Buddhist, Judeo-Christian, and Zoroastrian. - Includes representative selections from the
sacred writings of the worlds eight basic source
religions. - Some of the writings include
- Hindu The Rig Veda, The Upanishads, The Bhagavad
Gita, The Vishnu Purana - Buddhist The Dhammapada
- Zoroastrian (Parsi) Zend Avesta,
- The Pahlavi Texts, The Gathas
6New Age teachings or Bibles?
- The Rays and the Initiations
- Author Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul channeled
through Alice A. Bailey - Author of 24 volumes of New Age material said to
be the very foundation of New Age thinking. - The Rays and the Initiations calls 666 a sacred
number and shows how they use occult numerology
to calculate it. In another volume, Treatise on
Cosmic Fire she said that 666 holds the mystery
hid of one of the three heavenly men.
7New Age teachings or Bibles?
- The Secret Doctrine
- Author H. P. Blavatsky
- The New Age Movement is based upon occult
practices and teachings particularly the writings
of H. P. Blavatsky (especially The Secret
Doctrine) and Alice Bailey. - Blavatsky wrote that everything written in the
open within their writings has been veiled with
deliberate blinds and cannot be understood
without a complete glossary of occult terms. - IMPORTANT NOTE There is a great connection
between the writings of Blavatsky and Bailey and
Hitlers occultism and Aryan race.
8New Age teachings or Bibles?
- Isis Unveiled
- Author H. P. Blavatsky
- ISIS UNVEILED is stated on its title-page to be
"a master-key to the mysteries of ancient and
modern science and theology." In the body of the
work there are said to be seven of these keys to
the mysteries of nature and of man, of which one
only is given. - I maintain that Isis Unveiled contains a mass of
original and never hitherto divulged information
on occult subjects. - Prepared to take upon yourself vicariously as I
will show the sins of all the external, purely
literary defects of the work, I defend the ideas
and teachings in it, with no fear of being
charged with conceit, since neither ideas nor
teaching are mine, as I have always declared and
I maintain that both are of the greatest value to
mystics and students of Theosophy. from My
Books, Helena Blavatsky, 1891
9New Age teachings or Bibles?
- The Dawn Horse Testament
- Author Adi Da Samraj
- Avatar Adi Da's paramount "Source-Text", this
Great Divine Testament is unparalleled in its
magnitude and depth. It represents the fruit of
Avatar Adi Da's Immense Work of Teaching and
Revelation over more than three decades. - An extraordinary Scripture, containing Avatar
Adi Da's detailed Revelation of every aspect of
the process culminating in Divine Enlightenment. - Avatar Adi Da Samraj is the unique Revelation of
the Brightand, because this is so, He is the
Ruchira Avatar, or the Shining Divine
Descent, the Appearance of the Divine in bodily
(human) Form.
10New Age teachings or Bibles?
- The Satanic Bible
- Author Anton Szandor LaVey
- The Satanic bible is divided into four books,
namely - Book of Satan
- Book of Lucifer
- Book of Belial
- Book of Leviathan
- It is generally believed that Lavey obtained this
hierarchy from The Book of the Sacred Magic of
Abramelin the Mage, in which the above four
demons are said to be the chiefs of hell. - Each book addresses a different principle of
Satanism, and serves a unique purpose within the
book as a whole.
11New Age writings or SOURCE OF AUTHORITY
- Generally, New Agers do not speak of a source of
authority. If such is referred to, it is not an
external authority but an internal one. - In the New Age Movement, the individual is
considered to be the standard of truth. - "It's all my dream. I'm making all of it happen
-- good and bad -- and I have the choice of how
I'll relate to it and what I'll do about it." - "Perhaps everyone has his own truth, and truth as
an objective reality simply does not exist."
12The Scriptures are the Christians SOURCE OF
- The Scriptures, on the other hand, present
objective truths. - They are inspired (literally, "God-breathed")
therefore, they can be fully relied on. - The fact of the inspiration of the Scriptures is
seen in 2 Timothy 316 "All Scripture is
inspired by God, and profitable for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, for training in
righteousness." - The method of inspiration is seen in 2 Peter
121 "No prophecy was ever made by an act of
human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit
spoke from God." - The extent of inspiration is seen in Matthew
518 "For truly I say to you," said the Lord
Jesus Christ, "until heaven and earth pass away,
not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away
from the Law, until all is accomplished." - So no individual is left to himself and his inner
feelings as final authority the Bible serves as
this objective standard.
13New Age writings and concepts of God
- God is not a Supreme Being distinct from creation
-- He IS creation. - There is only one essence in the universe, and
everything and everyone is part of that essence. - This is known as "monism," which comes from the
Greek word monos, meaning "one".
14New Age writings and concepts of God
- Monism is a common view of Eastern religions,
especially Hinduism. All creatures, as well as
inanimate objects, are viewed as part of this
divine essence. - The monism of the New Age Movement is really
pantheism, believing that all (pan) is God
(theos). Following this line of reasoning,
whatever exists -- whether it's a person, a
poodle or a pickle -- is part of God.
15New Age writings and concepts of God
- The god of the New Age Movement is an impersonal
presence, not a person with intellect, emotions
and a will, as the Bible presents Him. - The God of the Bible is a personal Father, not an
impersonal force. This reveals why New Agers
cannot accept the teaching of the Bible. They are
not able to get beyond the first five words "In
the beginning God created" (Gen. 11). - Because they confuse God with creation, the New
Agers see God as part of creation -- not separate
from it. - Biblical Christianity clearly distinguishes
between God and creation.
16New Age writings and concepts of God
- While rejecting the Bible's distinction between
God and creation, the New Agers accept and
believe the lie of Satan. - Eve told the Tempter that God had said they would
die if Adam and she ate from the tree in the
middle of the garden. But the Seducer said, "You
surely shall not die! For God knows that in the
day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and
you will be like God, knowing good and evil"
(Gen. 34,5). - Notice that not even Satan indicated they would
"be" God -- only that they would be "like" God.
And even this was in only one aspect "knowing
good and evil." - After the fall of Adam and Eve, God acknowledged
what had occurred "Behold, the man has become
like one of Us, knowing good and evil"
17New Age writings and concepts of God
- Because the New Agers think all is One, this
leads them to thinking they -- and everything
else -- are part of this divine essence. - They believe each person is "intertwined" with
God. - New Agers even use the Bible to support their
erroneous beliefs. They are especially fond of
Jesus' words "the kingdom of God is within you"
(Luke 1721, KJV). - New Agers use these words to claim that each one
has a divine spark within because he or she is
part of the divine essence.
18New Age writings and concepts of JESUS CHRIST
- Many counterfeit religious groups use the same
tactic when explaining who Jesus Christ is - they
deny His deity by distinguishing between "Jesus"
and "Christ". - Those who believe that "all is One" cannot accept
the teaching of the Bible concerning Christ. - The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is God. It
teaches that He took upon Himself human form to
redeem mankind from sin's penalty.
19New Age writings and concepts of JESUS CHRIST
- The human potential movement among the New Agers
is based on the faulty premise that each person
is god and needs only to have his consciousness
enlightened so he will realize that fact. - And the means to this enlightenment is
meditation. But the forms of meditation are many,
some say up to 13 different forms of meditation. - Each of these approaches seeks the same basic
psychological change in the meditator's
20New Age writings and concepts of SIN AND
- In New Age writings, we search in vain to find
references to sin. - Because New Agers believe that each person is
god, they don't believe in sin as the Bible
defines it. - Any lack a person has, they say, is a lack of
enlightenment. - Their solution is to alter that person's
consciousness so he will think properly about his
oneness with the Force, or the impersonal
presence. - Because they explain away sin, they have no need
for salvation in the biblical sense. - In their minds, any salvation would simply be a
more complete unification with the One.
21New Age writings and concepts of GOOD AND EVIL
- The New Age Movement mimics Eastern religions,
which distort the distinction between good and
evil. - Because of the New Age's monastic view that "all
is One," how can it account for both good and
evil? - Is the one "essence," or "force" (the Hindu
equivalent of God), both good and evil?
22New Age writings and concepts of FUTURE LIFE
- They say that the way a person lives in this life
will determine the way he will be reincarnated in
the next. - This is not a new concept- it is as old as the
Eastern religions the New Agers follow. - It also shows the natural bent of man's mind -he
may think he can transcend any moral boundaries,
but somehow he still realizes the need to account
for wrongdoing in this life.
23New Age writings and concepts of Channeling
- New Age thinkers who have borrowed the idea of
reincarnation from ancient Eastern religions also
have gotten into the channeling business. - A step up the occult ladder from mediums,
channels claim their bodies are taken over by
'entities' or spirits from another dimension.
24Equal and opposite errors
- There are two equal and opposite errors into
which our race can fall about the devils. One is
to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to
believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy
interest in them. They the demonic forces
themselves are equally pleased by both errors and
hail a materialist or a magician with the same
delight. - -- C.S. Lewis in the Preface to his Screwtape
25Gods and Demons
- Pagan gods in scripture are demonic agencies,
beings, and satanic forces - "Do not turn away after useless idols. They can
do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because
they are useless." 1 Samuel 1221 - "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the
grace that could be theirs" Jonah 28
26Occult / demonic in OT
- Sorcerers of Pharaoh (Exodus 7)
- Sauls visit to medium (1 Samuel 28)
- How do we interpret phenomenon today in the light
of these two episodes?
27Demon possession in Matthew, Mark and Luke
- The demoniac in the synagogue at Capernaum (Mark
123-26 cf. Luke 433-37) - The Gadarene demoniac (Mark 51-20 cf. Matthew
828-34 Luke 826-39) - The daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman (Mark
724-30 cf. Matthew 1521-28) - The demoniac boy (Mark 914-29 cf. Matthew
1714-20 Luke 937-43) - The dumb man (Matthew 932 cf. Luke 1114-15)
- The blind and dumb man (Matthew 1222-28)
- The crippled woman (Luke 1311-16)
28Demon possession in Acts
- The slave girl at Philippi (Acts 1616-18)
- The strong man at Ephesus (Acts 1913-17).
29Rest of the New Testament
- No other cases of demon possession described.
- Reference made to demons and demonic powers
- Romans 838,
- 1 Timothy 41,
- Ephesians 612,
- James 219,
- and Revelation 920 and 1614.
30Biblical demon possession
- Exchange of personality
- Clairvoyance
- Unusual strength
- Moral impurity
- Seizures and convulsions
- Physical illness
- Socioeconomic factor
- Voluntary versus involuntary
- Deliverance and transference
31More than conquerors
- In all these things we are more than conquerors
through him who loved us. For I am convinced that
neither death nor life, neither angels nor
demons, neither the present nor the future, nor
any powers, neither height nor depth, nor
anything else in all creation, will be able to
separate us from the love of God that is in
Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 837-39
- God
- God is the creation and creator, the All-In-One.
He/She/It is the Divine Intelligence and the
Creative Force.
- God
- God is separate from, greater than, and Master of
His creation. - Acts 1728
- Col 116-17
- 1 Cor 47
- Gen 11
- Isa 4811-12
- God Impersonal
- God and Holy Spirit are impersonal.
- Presence
- Vibration
- Energy Force
- Universal Law
- Universal Mind
- Cosmic Consciousness
- Divine Presence
- Eternal Reality
- Creative Force
- God Personal
- Though a spirit, He is infinite, eternally
transcendent (external to man), and worthy of or
worship - John 1 1613-14
- Rev 411
- Spark of divinity?
- Each human being is endowed with a spark of
divinity. An illumined or enlightened person is
beyond such moral distinctions as good or bad
- Divinity or Fallen?
- Humanity is fallen, born into bondage of sin and
in need of redemption. - Satan is real and evil exists.
- Man can become free of the condemnation of sin
through Jesus Christ.
- List of scriptures
- Rom. 323
- John 316-19
- John 844
- Jer 175-9
- Eph 28-9
- Rev 20
- Jesus Blood irrelevant
- Jesus did not die for the sins of the world.
- His blood irrelevant to mans spiritual need
today - There is NO atonement in Christ
- Christianity is simply a BLOODY religion.
- Jesus Blood necessary
- Death on cross was necessary as a sacrifice for
sin - We are saved through his blood
- We are assured eternal life through his
- List of scriptures
- Heb 922
- Matt 26-28
- John 316
- Rom 323
- Gal 11-5
- 2 Cor 521
- Eph 28-9
- Jesus was a god?
- Jesus was a god, a Christ, a perfect Master
- a man who earned his divinity
- a perfected man
- a messenger of God
- a prophet of God.
- He was as much God as are all of us!
- Jesus is THE only God!
- Jesus is, was, and forever shall be God Almighty.
- The one true God
- No other God besides hm.
- Jesus created all things.
- He, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are eternal
One. - They cannot be separated forever.
- There is only One Godhead!
- Jesus is the Only Christ.
- List of scriptures
- 1 John 220-25
- Heb 18
- Col 114-19
- Col 29-10
- Man forgives himself
- Man must take responsibility for his problems and
forgive himself. - There is no one outside of man to whom he must
plead for forgiveness. - No one outside of himself who can forgive him.
- Only God can forgive
- A loving God is able to forgive our sins and
cleanse us. - God offers to man a free salvation as a gift.
- 1 Pet 1
- 1 John 12-6
- 1 John 316
- James 46-11
- Saved through Reincarnation
- Man must endure many life cycles until
- his karma is cleansed
- Spirit is purified
- Union with god is attained
- Salvation through Christ alone
- Man is not saved by law nor good works
- Man cannot be enlightened through his own
efforts. - Eternal Life and heaven are free gifts given by a
personal loving God only to those who - Accept his grace
- and are Born Again
- List of scriptures
- Gal 31-4
- Gal 216
- Titus 35
- John 33
- Salvation through Christ alone
- Eating meats forbidden
- Eating meat produces negative Karma in a person.
- Meat is forbidden to the enlightened being.
- The superior being does not eat meat but keeps
himself as a vegetarian.
- Meat created for man
- God blesses all things He has created for man to
eat. - This includes MEAT.
- Col 216
- 1 Tim 43
- Spirit Guides
- Spirit beings or entities are able to provide
spiritual insight and guidance to man. - Spirits are sent to be our helpers showing us how
we might become fully conscious and realize
self (become divine).
- Spirit Guides are actually Demons
- There is only one mediator between man and
God-Christ Jesus. - Communication with spirit beings is an occult
practice called necromancy. - It is an abomination to God.
- Spirit guides are in reality unclean and
deceptive spirits sent from Satan to mislead us.
- List of scriptures
- Deut 1810-12
- 1 Tim 41
- Isa 819
- 1 Sam 281-25
- 1 Chr 1013-14
- Spirit Guides are actually Demons
- Gods Word or Bible is insufficient to perfect
us. - Holy Bible is insufficient as a guide for man.
- Other Bibles or Holy Books from other religions
are helpful. - New revelations from the channeled ascended
masters are extremely valuable and necessary.
- Gods Word or Bible is sufficient to perfect us.
- The Bible is the ONLY authoritative Word of God.
- The scriptures are powerful and sufficient in
themselves to completely and totally guide man
and nurture him into becoming a mature child of
- List of scriptures
- Rev 2218-19
- John 539
- Acts 172
- Acts 1711
- Acts 1828
- Rom 154
- Rom 1626
- 2 Pet 121
- Gods Word or Bible is sufficient to perfect us.
- Man and God are One.
- Man is part of and one with the creation.
- The creation is God
- Thus man is also God
- Man is co-creator of the universe with God.
- Through an evolutionary process man is
awakening and returning to godhood.
- God is God alone.
- God is the great I AM
- Man is made to serve God
- Every knee will one day bow down to Jesus Christ
- Every tongue will one day confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, and none other.
- List of scriptures
- Phil 52-13
- Rev 2218-19
- John 539
- Rev 211-8
- Rev 228-9
- Matt 183
- John 33
- John 146