Doctrine of Devils Session 17 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Doctrine of Devils Session 17


Most of the witnesses are related by blood. The three witnesses were all of ... the Kingdom again' with the Apostate, William E. McLellin.(The Mormon frontier, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Doctrine of Devils Session 17

Doctrine of DevilsSession 17
Mormonism Part 2


Overview of the three witnesses
  • Most of the witnesses are related by blood.
  • The three witnesses were all of questionable
  • Joseph Smith said Dec 16, 1838, "Such characters
    as McLellin, John Witmer, David Witmer, Oliver
    Cowdry, and Martin Harris are too mean to
    mention and we had liked to have forgotten
    them." History of the Church, Vol 3, p232
  • Brigham Young said, "Some of the Witnesses of the
    Book of Mormon, who handled the plates and
    conversed with the angels of God, were afterwards
    left to doubt and to disbelieve that they had
    ever seen an angel." (Journal of Discourses, Vol
    7, page 164, 1859, Brigham Young.)
  • All three witnesses were eventually
    excommunicated from the Mormon church.
  • Two of the three witnesses who were
    excommunicated from the Mormon church later
    returned to the church after denying their
    testimony. Imagine if any one of the apostles
    denied their witness that Jesus rose from the
    dead, were kicked out of the early church, then
    returned again. Their testimony would be of no
    value. Remember that all three denied the Mormon
    faith at one point, and one never came back to
    the Mormon church going to his grave denying his
    testimony, yet Mormons still use his testimony
    for the book of Mormon. In fact, David Whitmer
    never returned to the LDS church that he was a
    witness for, but joined splinter groups that
    denied the original LDS church he was first a
    member of.

  • Was known for being very unstable religiously.
    Over his whole life he changed his affiliation
    over 13 times.
  • Martin Harris was first a Quaker, then a
    Universalist, next a Restorationist, then a
    Baptist, next a Presbyterian, and then a
    Mormon.(Mormonism Unveiled, E. D. Howe, 1834, pp.
  • After Martin Harris excommunication in 1837, he
    changed his religion eight more times, going from
    the Shakers to one Mormon splinter group to the
    next, and back to the main group in
    1842.(Improvement Era, March 1969, p. 63 and
    Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 164, Brigham
  • The Mormons stated of Martin Harris and a few
    other men within the pages of the church's
    official newspaper at the time, "a lying
    deceptive spirit attend them...they are of their
    father, the devil...The very countenance of
    Harris will show to every spiritual-minded person
    who sees him, that the wrath of God is upon him."
    Latter-Day Saint's, Millennial Star, Vol 8

Martin Harris
  • Martin Harris testified that his testimony for
    Shakerism was greater than it was for Mormonism.
    The Shaker's "Sacred Roll and Book" was also
    delivered by an angel. (Case Against Mormonism,
    Tanner, Vol. 2, pp. 50-58 Martin Harris-Witness
    Benefactor, BYU 1955 Thesis, Wayne C. Gunnell,
  • More than sixty people testified concerning the
    Sacred Roll and Book of Shakerism, which taught
    "Christ has made His second appearance on earth,
    in a chosen female known by the name of Ann Lee."
    Martin Harris could not believe both that and the
    D. C. 4922, which says, "the Son of Man cometh
    not in the form of a woman."
  • In the Elder's Journal for August, 1838, Joseph
    Smith denounces Martin Harris as "so far beneath
    contempt that to notice him would be too great a
    sacrifice for a gentleman to make. The Church
    exerted some restraint on him, but now he has
    given loose to all kinds of aBook of Mormon
    inations, lying, cheating, swindling, and all
    kinds of debauchery."(Gleanings by the Way, J. A.
    Clark, pp. 256-257)
  • Like David Whitmer, Martin Harris later testified
    that he did not see the plates literally with his
    fleshly eyes He said he saw the plates with "the
    eyes of faith and not with the natural eyes".
    This we believe is the truth but it should
    eliminate him automatically as a witness none the
    less. This of course proves Mormonism is a fraud
    and that the Nephi Plates never existed and no
    one actually saw them. (The Braden Kelly
    Debate, p. 173)

Martin Harris
  • David Whitmer said in 1887 "If you believe my
    testimony to the Book of Mormon if you believe
    that God spake to us three witnesses by his own
    voice, then I tell you that in June, 1838, God
    spake to me again by his own voice from the
    heavens, and told me to 'separate myself from
    among the Latter-day Saints...'" Address to all
    believers in Christ, p27, 1887
  • David Whitmer belonged to at least three Mormon
    splinter groups at different times, but he died
    still rejecting the LDS Church and its
  • Like Martin Harris, David Whitmer later testified
    that he did not see the plates literally with his
    fleshly eyes He said he saw the plates "by the
    eye of faith" handled by an angel.(Palmyra
    Reflector, March 19, 1831)
  • David Whitmer changed his story about seeing the
    plates and later told of finding them lying in a
    field and later still, told Orson Pratt that they
    were on a table with all sorts of brass plates,
    gold plates, the Sword of Laban, the Director'
    and the Urim and Thumim. (Millennial Star, vol.
    XL, pp. 771-772)

David Whitmer
  • During the summer of 1837, while in Kirtland,
    David Whitmer pledged his new loyalty to a
    prophetess (as did Martin and Oliver) who used a
    black seer stone and danced herself into
    trances.'(Biographical Sketches, Lucy Smith, pp.
  • It ended in 1847 in his declaration to Oliver
    that he (Whitmer) was to be the Prophet of the
    New Church of Christ and Oliver a
    counsellor.(Letter to Oliver Cowdery, by David
    Whitmer, Sept. 8, 1847, printed in the "Ensign of
    Liberty," 5/1848, p. 93 also see Ensign of
    Liberty,' 8/1849, pp. 101-104)
  • In the meantime, he was excommunicated and
    roughly put out. His and Oliver's families were,
    in fact, driven into the streets and robbed by
    the Mormons while Whitmer and Cowdery were away
    trying to arrange a place to flee.(John Whitmer's
    History of the Church, Modern Microfilm, SLC, p.
  • Cursed by leaders such as Sidney Rigdon, David
    Whitmer was denounced by the Prophet Joseph Smith
    as a "dumb beast to ride" and "an ass to bray out
    cursings instead of blessings." (History of the
    Church, vol. 3, p 228)

David Whitmer
  • Oliver Cowdery was excommunicated from the Mormon
    church and joined the Methodist church.
  • The Mormon church accused Oliver Cowdery of
    Adultery and claimed he had joined "a gang of
    counterfeiters, thieves, liars, and blacklegs".
  • Oliver Cowdery was the Church's second Elder,
    often called the "Second President." The early
    day companion of Joseph Smith, he was scribe for
    the Book of Mormon, present at the "Restoration
    of the Priesthood,' and as close to the real
    truth as any man.(Pearl of Great Price, JS
  • However, in 1838 in Kirtland, Oliver confronted
    Joseph Smith with the charge of adultery with
    Fanny Alger, and with lying and teaching false
    doctrines.(Private Letter to Brother, Warren
    Cowdery, by Oliver Cowdery, Jan. 21, 1838)
  • Joseph Smith denied this and charged Cowdery with
    being a liar.(History of the Church, vol. 3 pp.
    16-18 and Elder's Journal, Joseph Smith, July
  • Church records now show Miss Alger was Smith's
    first "spiritual wife." Oliver was telling the
    truth!(Historical Record, 1886, vol. 5, p. 233)

Oliver Cowdery
  • Cowdery was excommunicated for this and other
    "crimes."(History of the Church, vol. 3, pp.
    16-18) Later, as a Methodist, he denied the Book
    of Mormon (Times and Seasons, vol. 2, p. 482 and
    Improvement Era, Jan. 1969, p 56 and "Oliver
    Cowdery-The Man Outstanding," Joseph Greehalgh,
    1965, p. 28)
  • Cowdery publicly confessed his sorrow and shame
    for his connection with Mormonism.(The True
    Origin of The Book of Mormon, Charles Shook,
    1914, pp. 58-59)
  • While the Mormon church claims he rejoined them
    in the fall of 1848, (Historical Record, 1886,
    vol. 5, p. 201) they also accused him later that
    year, with trying to "raise up the Kingdom again"
    with the Apostate, William E. McLellin.(The
    Mormon frontier, Diary of Hosea Stout, vol. 2, p.
  • Oliver Cowdery was publicly charged by Joseph
    Smith and leading Mormons with stealing, lying,
    perjury, counterfeiting, adultery, and being the
    leader of a gang of "scoundrels of the deepest
    degree!"(Senate Document 189, Feb. 15, 1841, pp.
    6-9 and Comprehensive History of the Church, B.
    H. Roberts, vol. 1, pp. 438-439)
  • Joseph Smith listed Oliver Cowdery as among
    those, "too mean to mention and we had liked to
    have forgotten them." (History of the Church,
    vol. 3232)
  • Oliver Cowdery died claiming that the book of
    Doctrines Covenants must be discarded.

Oliver Cowdery
Eight additional witnesses
  • Unlike the Three Witnesses, the Eight testified
    that they both saw and handled the plates.
    Another difference is the Eight testified that
    they were shown the plates by Joseph Smith, Jr.
    rather than by an angel as had the Three
  • The call of the Eight probably also illustrates
    the significant Mormon doctrine of continuous
    revelation because in Doctrine and Covenants 5
    11-14 (revealed to Joseph Smith in March 1829)
    the Three Witnesses are told that they will be
    given power to see the golden plates, "and to
    none else will I grant this power, to receive
    this same testimony among this generation."
    Nevertheless, in 2 Nephi 2713, the Three are
    told that "none other...shall view it, save it be
    a few according to the will of God.
  • The Eight Witnesses were all members of the
    Whitmer or Smith families Christian Whitmer,
    Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr., John Whitmer,
    Hiram Page, Joseph Smith, Sr., Hyrum Smith, and
    Samuel Harrison Smith.
  • Joseph Smith Sr. was Joseph's father, and Hyrum
    and Samuel H. Smith were his brothers.
  • Christian, Jacob, Peter Jr. and John were David
    Whitmer's brothers, and Hiram Page was his

Eight additional witnesses
  • In 1838, the Whitmer family became estranged from
    Joseph Smith Jr. during a leadership struggle in
    Far West, Missouri and all were excommunicated,
    along with other dissenters, and fled Caldwell
    County after receiving an ultimatum from the
  • None of the Whitmers ever rejoined the Church of
    Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although none
    of the Eight Witnesses is known to have denied
    his testimony to the authenticity of Book of
    Mormon or the golden plates, in 1838 a former
    Mormon leader, Stephen Burnett, said Martin
    Harris had told him that "the eight witnesses
    never saw the plates hesitated to sign that
    instrument for that reason, but were persuaded to
    do it.
  • In addition to the Three Witnesses and the Eight
    Witnesses, Mary Whitmer, who took care of the
    house where much of the translation took place,
    said that the Angel Moroni showed her the plates
    as well.

  • Palmyra, New York
  • Kirtland, Ohio
  • Independence, Missouri
  • Nauvoo, Illinois
  • Salt Lake Valley, Utah

Branches of Mormonism
  • The Latter Day Saints who followed Sidney Rigdon
  • (Church of Christ - Rigdonites )
  • separated themselves from the followers of
    Brigham Young.
  • While the group led by Brigham Young remained in
    Nauvoo, Illinois and eventually settled in Utah,
    Sidney Rigdon and his followers settled in
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Branches of Mormonism
  • The Church of Jesus Christ seperated from Sidney
  • William Bickerton led the The Church of Jesus
    Christ at Green Oak, Pennsylvania in July 1862

Branches of Mormonism
  • Granville Hedrick led the The Church of Christ
    (Temple Lot)
  • Within one month of his ordination in mid-July,
    1863, Hedrick began to produce revelations
    stating that the pride of Joseph Smith led him to
    produce false revelations. As a result, Smith was
    said to have introduced doctrines to the church
    that were inconsistent with the word of God as
    found in the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
    Hedrick declared Smith to be a "fallen prophet".
  • On April 24, 1864, Hedrick produced a revelation
    directing his followers to return to Independence
    in Jackson County, Missouri in 1867 to initiate a
    re-gathering of Latter Day Saints to the region.

Branches of Mormonism
  • Joseph Smith III led the Community of Christ
  • The Community of Christ, known from 1872 to 2001
    as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
    Latter Day Saints (RLDS)
  • The Community of Christ generally accepts the
    doctrine of the Trinity and other commonly held
    Christian beliefs.
  • The president of Community of Christ is sometimes
    referred to by the title of Prophet or
    Prophet-President. Community of Christ points
    to Jesus Christ as the living Word of God and
    affirms the Bible, along with the Book of Mormon
    and the Doctrine and Covenants as scripture for
    the church

Branches of Mormonism
James Strang led the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints 1844 (Strangite) Strang
taught that Smith's prophetic office embodied an
overtly royal attribute, by which its occupant
was to be not only the spiritual leader of his
people, but their temporal king as well.
  • Strang published translations of two allegedly
    long-lost works the Voree Record, deciphered
    from three metal plates reportedly unearthed in
    response to a vision and the Book of the Law of
    the Lord, supposedly transcribed from the Plates
    of Laban mentioned in The Book of Mormon. These
    are accepted as scripture by his followers, but
    not by any other Latter Day Saint church.
  • Strang believed strongly in the seventh-day
    Sabbath, baptism for the dead, introduced animal
    sacrificenot for sin, but as a part of Strangite
    celebration rituals.
  • Animal sacrifices and baptisms for the dead are
    not currently practiced
  • by the Strangite organization, though belief in
    each is still affirmed.
  • Eternal marriage formed a part of Strang's
  • Polygamy is no longer practiced by Strang's
    followers, though belief
  • in its correctness is still affirmed.
  • Strang allowed women to hold the Priesthood
    offices of Priest and Teacher.

Branches of Mormonism
The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church) is one of the
largest Mormon fundamentalist denominationsand
one of United States' largest practitioners of
plural marriage. The FLDS Church emerged in the
early twentieth century when its founding members
left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints (LDS Church). The split occurred largely
because of the LDS Church's renunciation of
polygamy and its decision to excommunicate
practitioners of plural marriage.
  • The FLDS Church teaches the doctrine of plural
    marriage, which states that a man having multiple
    wives is ordained by God the doctrine requires
    it in order for a man to receive the highest form
    of salvation. It is generally believed in the
    church that a man should have a minimum of three
    wives to fulfill this requirement. Connected with
    this doctrine is patriarchal doctrine, the belief
    that wives are required to be subordinate to
    their husbands.
  • In general, women do not cut their hair short or
    wear makeup, pants, or any skirt above the knees.
    Men wear plain clothing, usually a long-sleeved
    collared shirt and full-length pants. Men and
    women are forbidden to have any tattoos or body
    piercings. Women and girls usually wear
    monochromatic homemade long-sleeved "prairie
    dresses," with hems between ankle and mid-calf,
    along with long stockings or trousers underneath,
    usually keeping their hair coiffed.
  • Warren Jeffs (November 20, 2007) has said, "the
    black race is the people through which the devil
    has always been able to bring evil unto the

Approx. 70 sects of Mormonism
  • The Reformed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
    Saints is a recent split off group from the
    Community of Christ Church (Formerly the
  • The "Reformation Church of Jesus Christ of
    Latter-day Saints" is a "break off" of the
    Reorganized Church of Jesus Chriist of Latter day
    Saints. After the Reorganized Church starting
    giving the women the priesthood, and after they
    had passed the office of President to a person
    who was not of the lineage of Joseph Smith, there
    were several groups who decided they needed to
    "reform" the Reorganization, mainly the Seventies
    of the Reorganzied Church. They mostly are found
    in the Independence, Missouri area. They believe
    they are the "true" church of the Smith heritage,
    not the Reorganized Church.
  • There are now essentially at least 4 churches in
    Independence that hold sacred the original plot
    dedicated for a temple in Independence. They are
  • (1.) The Church of Christ (Hedrickites) that
    actually own the 2.5 acres where the corner stone
    of the temple was placed. Their total membership
    is estimated between 3500 - 7500
  • (2.) The Community of Christ Church (formerly the
    Reorganized Church) They have a Nautilus shaped
    temple in Independence and sued the Church of
    Christ Church in the 1890's to try to get legal
    claim to the temple plot owned by the Church of
    Christ but they lost the suit.
  • (3.) The Reformed Church of Jesus Christ of
    Latter-day Saints. They are a recent split off
    group from the Community of Christ Church.
  • (4.) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
    Saints. This is the group who left Missouri then
    Nauvoo, Ill. and traveled by handcart, wagon,
    foot to Utah beginning in 1846. Their
    headquarters are now in Salt Lake City. They have
    a membership of over 12 million members which by
    far surpasses the membership of any of the other
    splinter groups.

Other interesting doctrines
  • Baptism for the dead
  • Baptism in the name of Jesus preached to the
    Nephites several hundred years BC.
  • A very confused idea of covenants.

The Salt Lake City Temple
Mormon Temple Covenants
  • Receive their endowment 
  • Along their journey, God and angels give Adam and
    Eve "tokens",  each with a special accompanying
    "name", and "sign".  A token is nothing other
    than a special handshake.  A name is a keyword
    associated with the token, and a sign is a
    gesture you make with your arms and hands.  As
    you try to understand the symbolism of all of
    this, it may (or may not) be helpful to notice
    that you feel tokens, hear names, and see
    signs.   When you are given the tokens, names,
    and signs, you make promises that you will never
    reveal them (according to a literal
    interpretation of these promises, you will notice
    that the officiators of the temple are breaking
    the covenants they made when they took out their
    endowments by revealing the tokens to you).

Mormon Temple Covenants
  • Garments  (Garments are the underwear that
    Mormons receive in the Temple.  When you are
    placed in the garments, you are given the
    following commandment and promise, and are
    subsequently asked in interviews by your bishop
    if you wear your church-authorized garments both
    day and night) I place this Garment upon you,
    which you must wear throughout your life. It
    represents the Garment given to Adam when he was
    found naked in the Garden of Eden, and is called
    the Garment of the Holy Priesthood. Inasmuch as
    you do not defile it, but are true and faithful
    to your covenants, it will be a shield and a
    protection to you against the power of the
    destroyer until you have finished your work here
    on earth.
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